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Forums / The hangaround / xxx VUEU 5 xxx

xxx VUEU 5 xxx
21:00:25 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Augh:

Plans are in the making for a winter/christmas EU2 game. More info will be posted here. Come to #EU2 chan on irc if you want more info.

22:05:15 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

No noobs allowed. Be known, or be gone. Had too many unreliable scrubs in prev editions sign up then never show up.

18:35:40 Nov 23rd 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

lets organise shit ppl. figure out dates, etc

PPL WHO ARE IN (non-scrubs, reliable):

  • AUGH

23:02:39 Nov 26th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

  • PPL WHO ARE IN (non-scrubs, reliable):




00:17:27 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:


No pirates. OK.
No map-trading with AI. At all.
No sending Nimon loans because he sucks and accepts them. LOL.
No sleeping. Spoon.

Also bear in mind lag with cross-transatlantic pings and shit. They sometimes lag the fuck out.

00:21:07 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

Scens? I dunno scens. But lets go with something reliable. I.E, not a mod that has in its patch notes scotland as being an uber explorer, and then when you go to play it and read country notes, find out that 3/4 of them has been wiped and the country is no better than navarre.


00:21:54 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:


Tobler, somebody slap him. He should deffo be in.

00:23:56 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:


Do we limit players? Just with lag in mind. BYE

17:16:23 Nov 27th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Tobler said he was interested last time I spoke with him. Gonna poke him more.

More rule suggestions:
No maptrading before 1650
Provtaking; up untill year/number of provs; 1500/2, 1550/3, 1600/4, 1650/5, 1700/6, 1750/7, 1800/8.
(colonies/outside of europe and anatolia count as 0.5 prov, CoT provs count as 2 prov, manu count as 0.5 prov)

scen: ryokens? watk? I personally think ryokens is dull but I'll go for anythings =)

18:27:57 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Can't we just copy the rules from the last game, basically?

Also, I think I can play. I'm not 100% sure I can play online from home, though it should work with that LAN program.

18:36:08 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

just suck elellons cock until u get ur way nimoink

22:57:53 Nov 28th 09 - Mr. al Moudi:

Im not really sure weather I will play or not yet.

01:26:12 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

u will play

18:43:04 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. al Moudi:

Myabe if Tob plays.

19:44:35 Nov 29th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

he will play

22:06:16 Nov 29th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

I vote for ryokens 1492. It's just the best balanced out there ;)

Anyway, people need to start coming to #eu2 more, or you're not going to be part of the decision making.

22:30:27 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:


get to #eu2 b4 he can. so we can discuss stuff.

23:18:55 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:


Discuss. we need to sort out countries sooner or later so we can practice.

23:23:42 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Let's do Ryokens. Then we can just copy the rules and settings from the last game, and it's all good.

If we're picking countries, I'm Austria (or France or Spain, but I'd rather do Austria for once).

Also, we need to know exactly who is going to play. We can't have a 100% list, because someone might run into problems, or whatever, but as close to as we can.

23:41:12 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Here's what I suggest. Not sure about the boosting of Spain and OE, but it seems like they always become huge anyway, so no point boosting them. Forced decline is already off.

  1. Exposed European COTS: ON
  2. Exposed Asian COTS: OFF
  3. Common Primary Culture: ON
  4. Extra Cultures: OFF
  5. Extra Cores: OFF
  6. Merged North German Minors: ON
  7. Southeast Asian Nations: OFF
  8. Hardcore Pagans: ON
  9. Treaty of Tordesillas: OFF
  10. No Free Lunch: OFF
  11. No Forced Decline: ON
  12. No Dutch: ON
  13. Dutch At Start: OFF
  14. Slow Exploration: OFF
  15. Early Governors: OFF
  16. Equal DP Sliders: ON
  17. Spain & Ottoman Boost: OFF
  18. Religion & Culture Mod: ON
  19. Goods Mod: ON
  20. Weak Persia: ON
  21. Tax Boost Mod: ON
  22. Manpower Boost Mod: ON

23:43:42 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

  1. No use of pirates
  2. No map trading with AI
  3. No force-burning of manufactories
  4. Maximum THREE (3) provinces taken from a human in a war per alliance. Colonies provs count as 1/2, TPs count as 1/5, and CoTs as 2 provinces. After 1650 maximum of FIVE (5) provinces can be taken. After 1700, SEVEN (7) provinces, and after 1800 no peace restrictions.

23:50:44 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:


  1. France
  2. Spain
  3. England
  4. Austria
  5. Ottoman Empire
  6. Muscowy
  7. Sweden
  8. Poland
  9. Venice
Any others? Seems like we can't realistically have more than 9 players, and I'm not sure we want to either (lag and stuff). And then we need someone good to play Venice. Tob, want another go? =P

23:51:07 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Someone get a hold of Lyko so he can play Poland..

07:23:56 Dec 1st 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

nimic as france =)

ok guys, lets create a second thread where we plan the gbg =)

07:24:58 Dec 1st 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

also, arzun is deemed unreliable, no? so give him Poland and put someone who can match nimic on aus.

16:16:40 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

I'm flattered =P

Well, Swifty really, really wanted Austria?

16:45:26 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

I wanted a central power, yeah, because I always seem to end up on the outskirts of europe/a coloniser. But we sorta were also learning towards seperating me and Nimic this session, right? As we always seem to land to next to each other.

17:26:45 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Okay, we decided that it would be best if me and Love switched countries.


1.       Swifty - Muscowy

2.       Nimic - Ottoman Empire

3.       Osiris - Spain

4.       Augh - England

5.       Ghouma - Sweden

6.       Love – France

7.       Tobler – Venice

8.       Arzun - Austria

9.       Lyko or Ben – Poland

18:02:12 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

You must have a really lousy computer.

18:06:44 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

well biggest problem is that its linux and its made up of garbage parts really...

18:33:54 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

is lyko playing augh?

20:58:10 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. al Moudi:

Id rather not be Sweden again, anyone want to switch? (IF I PLAY)))

21:13:41 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Bernie Gunther:

I dont mind joining in if youre lacking a player, not sure if i can play every time. I think this applies to many people, hence why im suggesting to be a replacement player if necessary.

22:28:28 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

If you want to be a replacement player, then you need to start hanging out at #eu2 around gametime.

22:55:52 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

uhm. he is hanging around in #eu2.

and ghouma. ur playing. no ifs. just do a swapsie with somebody.

01:34:35 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

arzun (austria) has offered to swap for sweden

22:52:39 Dec 2nd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

1.       Swifty - Muscowy

2.       Nimic - Ottoman Empire

3.       Osiris - Spain

4.       Augh - England

5.       Arzun - Sweden

6.       Love – France

7.       Tobler – Venice

8.       Arzun - Austria

9.      Pettson – Poland

Still not given countries: BENJI, ELITE

Dates: 16th and 22nd. We want 2 playdates during the holidays, possibly 27th and 29th. But those dates can be earlier in the day. possibly.

22:54:41 Dec 2nd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Oh! and I will be hosting. so everyone has to confirm they can join me before the 16th. catch me on IRC and we'll see if it worksies =)

13:48:33 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Benji:

OMGZ !!! gimme a country !!!! ='(

17:40:46 Dec 3rd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

16th and 22nd

We're looking at starting about 8pm CET.

18:16:30 Dec 3rd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

1. Swiff - Muscowy
2. Nim - OE
3. Osi - Spain
4. Augh - England
5. Arzun - Sweden
6. Love - France
7. Tobler - Venice
8. Ghouma - Austria
9. Pettson - Poland
10. Ben - Hannover :P

Sorry Ben but atm you're sub =(
We got one and a half week before we start though so things might change!

18:33:51 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

chances are ben, there will be sessions which people cant make. so there's a good chance you'll play. sometime. in the next 10 years. perhaps.

20:00:14 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Benji:

well as long as ill have a chance to play once or twice im fine with it ^_^

WOOOOTZ lets start this thing !!!! =D

20:51:55 Dec 3rd 09 - Toaster Struddle:

Benji is taking his hard earned time to teach mehz how to play yay ^_^

21:30:58 Dec 3rd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

EVERYONE needs to update their hamachi and then join the network eump2
Ask nimic to get the password.

21:32:57 Dec 3rd 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Also, note that you might run into problems loging in if you reinstall Hamachi and try to keep the old settings. I had to uninstall it (not just install over), and then choose not to keep old settings.

21:04:03 Dec 8th 09 - Mr. al Moudi:

Sooo, next tuesday? Whos confirmed?

23:09:47 Dec 8th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

CONFIRMED for wednesday

23:55:40 Dec 8th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Everyone better be confirmed. We'll hear from Osiris tomorrow or the day after whether he can play early or he has work on the 16th. If he has work, everyone should be in the chat at ~8.30 PM (CET). If he isn't, then we should start quite a bit earlier. If anyone can't start before a certain time, they should say so here.

17:03:48 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

Guys. It's really not difficult. Next tuesday is the 15th. NOT 16th. The date of the first MP was specified to be the 16th last week. That means wednesday.

Don't fuck it up and come on the wrong day. I don't know why people keep asking if it's tuesday. 16th is a wednesday.

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