Unban Prince Sprout |
"O so now u speak up .. the pretender newby ?? I know u been around a long time elit and know dam well what goes on!"
Its my second era. I did half Era ~3-5Yeras ago. Its was when Won "Rambo". I'm not pretend to be Newby any strategy game...after i try so many. VU is basicaly so easy game ...just lack info and vets act rude/offensive to new ppl.
I don't want to argue with you...and don't know if other ppl used same tactic before but what i know its lame tactic and considered cheat in ALL on line games what i try. I hear you are good so cant understand why you need to use this for beat other. I'm move on, all this story is not fun.
elit if we wanted your opinion i would take my dick out of your mouth and ask you for it. and so you guys cant suck it up that it's a legal tactic and you bitch and whine and complain to zeta and kiss his ass because you cant take the fact that your gonna lose because we used a completely legitimate tactic that you guys didn't like. and now that I've vented slightly were taking your high and mighty seat out from under you guys cause well frankly i just don't like you
Elit I am honorable player and these guys are the big mouths of the game, I am not a rude player and always try to help if able to any asking my help.
I know these guys u play with have multied and sat accs and sure they still do,, thats why zeta dont run mutli sweep to often cause it to much work unbanning all the so called legal accs and dealing with things like this here.Plus u still have the ones that proxie u cant catch
Ever since they took merging out blockers are like plugs that wont go, so ofc a strat would come up to feed players for the push into the blockers .. even more so now thats why I did it this era in the OPEN not hidding like the very players that get me banned. So we had a few players play human buy all the stone and forum a kd so the orcs to plunder stone and elfs could stg the lvl10 armor orc creating the one army all the players put in for to go break the blocker. So yeah it makes a big army but its just one and can only be in one spot so it had its downs the strat.. I saw it as a fair thing we wernt making huge as dwarfin mines to take over or nothing like that was about placing the humans role as sci mining ten and buy stone for orcs to take with going lvl ten mili sci why the elfs stged it at lvl 9-10 mage sci. all we did was place role for every member instead of saying everyone train we said you and you train why we do the banking why they do the magic, was a good solid way of strat and teamwork.
Jack, go and get screwed if you're gonna be talking like that.
I personally disagree with the strat, but if Zeta said its legal then screw my opinion, its legal :) What I don't understand is why you got such a huge ban if you were doing nothing wrong :S
I would of never been banned at all if lew and rev didnt go cring. as zeta said acc sitting is looked on lightly in the Vu community. Just like having more than one acc is wrong but yet its ok for lew and many other to have them . its also ok if people use proxies to multi and cheat for real FACT .
I didnt use any proxie and never have and never been banned for helping a mate out why he was gone in my yrs here never,, but just cause these two cry I get it .. :P No these players that scream I cheat are the very ones that cheat themselfs
we used a completely legitimate tactic that you guys didn't like.
I have to say this but you didnt use any strategy it was Nibiru not RoC and I am with what Wraith said keep the abusing language out of the forums mate.
If the strategy is legal then it shouldnt be, well not if it includes multies, if a kingdom does it with another then fine but not using multies to feed thats what we were getting at. If they werent one of Sprout's or one of his kingdom's members multies then it is a legal and fine strategy if they were then he got what he deserved.
Domination, no more talking about this issue please. I feel we have made our point clear and we stand victorious over Sprout and his supporters. We don't need to keep fighting an already defeated player.
O I think I know y revenge and lew are so pissed now. They made multies and they were going to feed from them but sprout comes along and kills lews and revenges multi I'm so smart :P
haha Lew gets called out for what it is and now doesn't want anyone talking about it
Just my opinion but i dont remember account sitting ever being acceptable. (no ive never account sat or had mine sat and no ive never multied). Feeding has been looked down upon ever since i started so i dont see why people find it ok all of a sudden. to be frank Zeta says its looked on lightly because he cannot be botherd to stop it.
imo zeta should delete all accounts that get babysat and every multi he comes across. untill then only a few will be made examples of in a crappy attempt to scare others. its happend before when penguin was caught and deleted but when i also reported stewie which was a worse case as he was using his mutli to backstabe fate he only got a ban. its double standards and it will never change.
This reminds me of the time that pengu/water was deleted when osi couldn't beat him ;)
who says i couldnt beat him? we didnt even get close to meeting on the field. i would advise anyone who wants to remain hidden as a multi tho not to go on irc and shout about it to a mod.. :)
does anyone no if the kd 'Raging Demons' has been banned 4eva then???
i played in that kd last era and omg guess what the leader had over 3 multi's
he had 1 for ie, opera, mozilla and sum other browsers( he mite have had 2 multi's, i cant remember how many he had it was either 2 or 3)
So since you wont be talking Lew... I will do the talking then
Main Entry: |
double standard |
Part of Speech: |
noun |
Definition: |
contrasting principles |
Synonyms: |
contradictory standard, two sets of rules
You can cry as much as you want. Hes not going to unban any time soon.
/end disscussion
But I can cry foul until he applies the same standard to all players then who "multi" when its convenient/// Like Piwate Lewawa
Main Entry: |
double-dealing |
Part of Speech: |
adjective |
Definition: |
cheating, deceitful |
Synonyms: |
ambidextrous, crooked, dishonest,
double, duplicitous, fraudulent, hypocritical,
left- handed, lying, perfidious, sneaky, swindling, treacherous,
tricky, two-faced, two-timing, underhanded, untrustworthy, wily
Antonyms: |
forthright, honest, truthful
... and shhhhh Rev... Lewawa said no talking <3
People telling me to stop talking in the past really has never stopped me :P
/start discussion
Revenge learn to know when not to cry :P
but she's a Piwate and she'll "Argh Argh" and "Up the gangplank me harty's"
Lord Pure
12:37:22 Nov 7th 09 |
/start discussion
Revenge learn to know when not to cry :P |
Who are you? LOL.
He's mah semi active permitted multi because he in a different KD and on a different map... which by Lewawawa's reckoning is permitted <3
Don't lie horny Honey bear. I'm your multi revenge ppl these days can't even remember they have multi's
♪♪ Dontcha wish your multi was HOT like me ♪♪
*Horny boogies while rubbing his nipples
♪♪Dontcha ♪♪
Let me ask is their a way for any normal person to check someones IP address? Im curious on how people know their are multis etc? Im newer to the game so i have no knowledge of this etc. I appreciate any formal and collected responses.
Pirate Suqah
02:55:17 Nov 7th 09 Domination, no more talking about this issue please. I feel we have made our point clear and we stand victorious over Sprout and his supporters. We don't need to keep fighting an already defeated player.
Nor defeated ... cheated.
I would also like to point out that alot of msgs have been removed almost instantly after people post them.... hmmm could this be a mod or admin abusing ther power .. I wonder ........ Am the only that see these post being removed ??
Its like I read them then go back to comment on them and they are gone. I know they abuse power as they see fit. Prolly delete ther multies post cause they made a mystake and didnt want to get caught on it.
Its ok tho cause they are mods rite?
Everyone out to get you Sprout? :o
no just two weak players that call this defeat.
Your a Mod Charley correct?
I didnt know I asked u Wraith, Sure charley can speak for himself.
So by saying "Yep" charley what does that mean really?
I just wanted to cut on the delay.. Charley has a way of making posts "vanish" if they bug him :)
He means mods are right.
Ok, so much bs flying around here I won't even try to comment on it. I'll just answer a couple of things brought up by Sprout:
"I have have helped alot of players over my yrs here and very few of them have spoken in here on my behalf... this saddins me a bit to say the least. I was told the VU community (rev+ lew) wanted me banned." Or maybe, the "VU community" who "wants you banned" consists of people who you helped as well? Becouse they like me has lost their respect for someone who openly boasts about cheating?
"yes it is sad when two or three players all in one kd can (domination) can change the game so much... kinda looks unfair... Maybe zeta just has a thingy for them idk. Domination lies when they say they dont cheat cause they just did by gettin me and loads of other legit players banned." This might be the funnies and most contradictory lines I've read. Its unfair and cheating that we get legit players banned. OR YOU SHOULD JUST LEARN NOT TO BREAK THE RULES? If you really is legit that is.
"But am allowed to have another acc why that one is banned???? Am I the only one that sees this or what?? Why bann a player when allowed to make another acc and goes agianst rules ? why allow so many to have more than one acc so long as they dont play both the same era ?? why ??" I think you just fessed up badly. You're claiming Zeta is doing Domi favours? Yet you're the one supposedly being banned, posting here on the forum anyway becouse Zeta is such a decent guy and let it slide! "cause some people are favored more than others by zeta is all I can figure." Dude, you just shoot yourself in the foot! And if you can't see the difference between having a dormant account and babysitting your friends you're just plain stupid.
The reason I was picked out is over the strat we were using witch zeta told me was legal, but being rev and lew cry so much he had to bann my acc. If you where picked out becouse of this strat wich Zeta told you where legal..... Wait, why where you picked out? And why would Zeta care wtf Rev and lew says? Obviously you wheren't the only one caught so why are you being such a drama queen? STFU
well if all the other post I made about people use proxies to cheat wasnt removed u would understand that cheating is way larger then ur gonna admit here in the forums. I am saying yes I logged acc that wasnt mine. I throw the drama up cause its double standard to allow so many to get away with it by using proxies, Long eras of play and many convo over irc and msn.
What really bugs me the people that post like u... sit here and act like u dont or havnt had guilt urself:P I will admit mywrong will any of you?
Dude, apart from you actually advocating cheating - you're saying Domi is cheating for getting people who DO CHEAT banned(something we didnt do btw, YOU did by breaking the rules).
And no. I dont have any guilt. So either appologize for trying to make other people look bad when you're he one caught with your hand in the cookiejar or simply STFU. Saying this is unfair is like robbing a bank and then claiming someone else robbed another bank and got away with it and therefor you should too.
So you admit you have had more than a few accounts.
Are you high? Why don't you take some english lessons and come back when you learn to read / have something to say.
ive got a feeling you look nothing like natalie portman.......
Congrats pump on joining bow :)
Every body but the elite few is what ur saying rite?
I dont wish to keep this topic going any longer.
Mods Being this thread is about me may I ask that it be removed please ? Thank you
yes i agree with sprout lets all stop posting in this thread
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