Forums / The hangaround / Just popping in to say 2
Just popping in to say 2 | ||||||||
I ban Samual for making Binh read our useless posts that waste precious forum space... | ||||||||
i ban charley for banning me cause binh didnt have to read our bans | ||||||||
so what? I don't get banned for posting something completly random and unrelated? | ||||||||
lol i actually watched it all xD to bad i dont know what all the stuff means :P is it from WoW? | ||||||||
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i ban who ever made the 253 post
(thats a random number so who ever it is no hard feelings :P) | ||||||||
I think it was Valentine O_o and idk if he is still around... | ||||||||
i ban charley cause i can ban him cause i am the king banner
i ban slade cause altogether we have made that many posts pretty gd and he cant ban us when he just posted | ||||||||
i ban u all cause no one has been on to ban me :) | ||||||||
someone ban someone cause its borin with no one to ban | ||||||||
i ban u all for no apparent reason and coz im in the forum for the last time... | ||||||||
I ban Samual for reviving this and thinking he is the king banner when he is only a Mr. :p | ||||||||
i ban roots cause i aint seen im 4 ages | ||||||||
i am a mr.king banner | ||||||||
so i ban charley for making asumptions | ||||||||
I ban Samual for thinking that I am making assumptions. I also ban Samual for making double posts all the time instead of combining them. | ||||||||
I ban Samual for bring a bitch. I ban myself for avoiding the censor thingy. I ban myself for banning my- *Arvious gets shot by a machine gun. | ||||||||
i ban charley chause i didnt think of that im only 13 | ||||||||
I ban arnivous cause he cant wright a sentance properly | ||||||||
I ban Samual because he cannot spell the word "write" properly. | ||||||||
I ban Basch for doing that slideshow that I've seen a million times...but it's still funny! :D | ||||||||
i ban charley cause its not my fault
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I ban you for telling me I can't spell when you misspelled... noob. I ban Septim for thinking the slideshow was funny... even though it was. | ||||||||
I ban arnivous because charley allready banned me 4 at I ban arnivous Cause only i can ban septim | ||||||||
i ban everyone cause i am still waiting for someone to ban someone so i can ban them | ||||||||
Congrats, you've killed the thread. Give the guy a medal. | ||||||||
*Binh gave Samual a pretty medal. | ||||||||
i ban inactive for telling me that i am going to get a medal
i van binh for givin me a medal | ||||||||
this is rather boring we need to jazz this thread back up any idea's?? | ||||||||
I ban everyone who writes in this thread because none of you have lives. | ||||||||
Binh, do you have another medal for this tard reviver? | ||||||||
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