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Mr. Atlas Flame 48
Mr. Blazeofflame27
Mr. Blue Flamemercenaries47
Mr. Blue Flame48
Mr. Carolus Rex The FlamerPhi Factor30
Mr. Don FlamencoArmy of Anubis47
Mr. Don FlamencoArmy of Anubis48
Mr. Don FlamencoArmy of Anubis48
Mr. FlameNoble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flame28
Mr. FlameKnights of the White Wolf28
Mr. Flame47
Mr. Flame48
Mr. Flame48
Ms. Flame 48
Mr. FlameInsane Killers48
Mr. Flame PowersHoly Flame22
Ms. Flamebeareralose 48
Mr. Flameing FuryIncognito48
Mr. FlamemanLegion Of Burning Eye27
Mr. Flameman27
Mr. Flameman II27
Mr. Flamemaniii27
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamer48
Mr. Flamertje 48
Mr. FlamertjexThe order48
Mr. FlamertjexlThe order48
Mr. FlamesNoble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flames27
Mr. Flames of XtcEternity32
Mr. FlamesinfireRowdy 48
Mr. FlamesinfireRowdy 48
Mr. Flamesonfire47
Mr. FlamestormGuardian Dragons48
Mr. FlamezAllied Independents40
Mr. Flamez 48
Mr. Frozen Flame48
Mr. Frozen FlameBlack Flag48
Mr. FrozenflameThe Black Chain38
Mr. Frozenflame38
Mr. FrozenflameThe Black Chain39
Ms. Jasmin The FlameMisfits47
Mr. KingofflamePaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame27
Mr. Knightenwood FlameFlame Lords Legion45
Sir Nolfe Flamehorn VineravenJumpers30
Ms. Orianna Flames48
Mr. Paladin Honorguard FlameKnights of the White Wolf28
Mr. PaladinofflamePaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame27
Mr. Phoenix FlameFlame Lords Legion47
Mr. Phoenix Flame47
Mr. Phoenix FlameFlame Lords Legion47
Mr. Phoenix FlamesBetelgeuse47
Mr. Phoenix FlamesSol Invictus48
Sir Salaracen Vineraven FlamebornHoly Cows31
Mr. T Flame24
Mr. Waka Flaka Flame 48
Mr. Wakaflakaflames47
Fire Lord Yarlin The Malicious FlameFate47