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Mr. Argy

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of THE EVIL SIDE

The History of Argy

Once upon a time in New Mexico a little man called Argy went to se uncle Ben, who told him about the big powers of the Donut. Soon young Mr Argy mastered the donut power and went away on a travel to find his history, his father and his legacy.

The donut power exsit in every living creature, every organism and every inch of space. Young Mr Argy found friends when traveling with uncle Ben, if you counted all his friends they became a group of 8 people, who called themselves the fellowship of the huge donut. They had one mission and one mission only, to find young Mr Argys father, who some say went over to the dark choclate donut side, and there was no going back for him. Other say that Argys father is working as a carpenter on the planet of Nasaret.

Not many years after the fellowship started their journey they found a big man that acted like a crimefighter on the gotham planet, he was always dressed in black cape and throwing around batlooking advices. He told them to look behind the closet. It was a twisted message and Ben said they needed help to understand it. The fellowship went into their Delorian vehicle that not only traveled through space but also the time, however only if the speed of the delorian was above 88mph, and this vehicle had a maximum speed of 16490mph.

After many years of searching and the loss of two members in the fellowship of the huge donut; Uncle Ben and Homer Simpson, they finally arrived to the woman that probably could help them to understand the words of the man in the dark cape from the gotham planet. Her name was Spooky and she was not only a sier, but also a Mighty Queen over the planet of Germany. On this planet many people lived in the faith and science of Alchemy, also the home planet of two in the fellowship of the huge donut; Edward and Alphonse. Spooky was not exactly evul, but a whisperer, she told them that "look behind the closet" ment that they first have to find the closet, and the look behind it. Young Mr Argy snapped and couldn't understand that it was that simple, he took his sword Anduril and attacked Spooky who disapered in the air. The voice of Spooky told them she was just a tool, and that the real ruler of the planet was one of her sons, Edward Elrich. Therefor the two brother also had to leave the group, to rule the planet of Germany.

Four people of 8 is left, no father seen yet. Mr Argy was now known as a Donut Master and he could do pretty much anything he wanted to do with his powers. The flew around in space for several seasons and found no closet to search behind. Once the found a big bookshelf flying around as a steroid in the dark space, but it was just a bookshelf and no closet. The four members of the fellowship of the huge donut fought many wars againts the dark choclate powers of the donut. And during one of the most intesive fights Mr Argy found someone that looked just like him, it was one of the enemies, but what if this was his father? He asked during the heavy sword battle where his enemy lived, and he answered "I live behind the closet". Was this is? Whas this journey for over 50 years over? Had he actually found his father as a servant of the dark choclate force? Well, he didn't really find out since he stabbed his enemy by misstake in the intesive heated battle. But as another story tells, when you have killed in anger (or in misstake) you have already joined the dark choclate donut side!

The End

Mr. Argyle

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy

Argyle was a man of wisdom.

Mr. Argyle

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Sir Argyle

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Sir Argyle

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Sir Argyle

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Sir Argyle

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Lonely Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Sir Lonely Argyle

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy

Sir Lonely Argyle son of Sir Argyle. Lonely Argyle was a man of the Holy Kingdom, trough ages his family has fought on the side of Holy. Lonely Argyle had made up his mind this time, he wanted to be on his own, to proove that he could do great by himself. So he took a piece of land a claimed as his own. He had a pretty big piece of land but the world was big and unsettled then. His friend, the Prince of Heaven had been forced away from his casltes and he came to Lonely Argyle for aid. Argyle then gave him a piece of land. Now they where two people living in the huge unsettled world. Along with Holy whom they had a good relation to for beeing nobodys. A friend of the Prince met the same destiny as the Prince had done and came to Argyle aswell. Argyle with his big heart could not refuse this man to join them. It was an Experiment for Argyle. The three though it would be best if they had a leader, to handle political matters concerning their piece of land. Lonely Argyle who have had Kings in his family ages ago took the job. He now became the King of Heaven. More people came and Argyle was no longer on his own. He had a group of great old soldiers all willing to take orders from him. How could this happen? That question trumbled Argyles mind for a very long time. Argyle had a rich life, he had many gold mines out there in the world and he had hired the dwarfs to work for him. Argyle himself was a mix of Human and Elf. Heaven keept on strong during their lifetime and they grew big, so big that they and the kingdom of Holy where pretty much the only two kingdoms in the world. As they grew bigger both sides wanted moer land to expand on. This led to the evil hearted man of Praetorian to break the Holy non-agression pact. Argyle then brought up the old nap agreement and they decided to start a war four days later. The war was neat, both sides for very strong and anything could happen. Argyle was not the hero he though he was, because he did not know how to give orders during a war. The life ended abrubtly for...

Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy

fuck, I wrote shitload of stuff and accidently pressed backwards, and everything disapered...I'll write it again, later.

Memory notes: Argyle, the name, early history, bow, phi, later history, marriage, armies, colonies. etc.

Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Holy


Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Mirror

As years went by Argyles legacy was past on to yet another youngster, all named from his father. This particular one, that lived in era 26 has a story, a story of adventure and also love.

/Urzas Avenger, Elder Dwarf Magician.

Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Mirror

Son of Argyle was killed brutaly right after he arrived to the power. Very sad story, you wouldn't want to read about it.

Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Corsairs


Lord Argyle

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Argyle) and was a member of Corsairs

The tune about Argyle, works with any melody.

Once a bloody pirate on the seas
now a conqueror of cities
and explorer of the world

He is a man of charity and love
He is a man of politics and blood
and he likes to drink rum!

Hey hå Hey hå Hey hå, Hey hå hey hå, hey hå hey hå hey hå hey hå...

Argyle he is the man, we want to love forever and ever and ever....
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