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Sir Salaracen

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Laracinil).

Salaracen was a half elf his father Salares known by other names as well led a small city hardly a threat to any other peoples. His people lived a quiet life short and pathetic, until the dwarfs came. The dwarfs of unknown service were making a bloody swathe out of the countryside; several colonies had been set up bye a river including Salaren. He or his people didn’t know what had happened and Salaren had not been in his city at the time he was travelling out in his army to settle a new colony further inland nearer the mountains, but as they marched the dwarves descended onto the city killing all the population to the knowledge of their leader, but weeks later the army was attacked an unknown force which killed almost every body the few who lived scattered and fled to the mountains and woods.

Years later Salaracen emerged from the forest brought up by the elves after they found him in the forests but he was not just adopted into the elven society he was born a citizen of elven society. His mother was of elf royalty and so that day when Salaracen was old enough he led many to the plains and they built a city.
This city was Necronea named that way so to honour all of the dead of his old home. The city flourished and the elves rejoiced. Months later another city was built and it soon grew, And within that time of construction many other leaders did he meet, jarhead his first companion was true to him and they were soon great friends after that he met Beetrijay an elf like himself only not as kind and inclined to act rashly as Salaracen would discover later on.
A long time passed and Salaracen made a kingdom called the kingdom of katakana the Dorian empire was at peace with it and another young peoples led by an elf called noir joined the kingdom of katakana and jarhead who was also in the kingdom was doing well, the whole kingdom was happy and it was going to greater things until that fateful day.

The attack was unexpected and fast so fast that the city of Warick was taken over with out a fight almost. Beetrijay had attacked and said that he would be hostile to the people who had been kind and giving of peace, by the time Salaracen could react beetrijay had taken over the city of Warick. Salaracen was immediately stuck on one hand he could help free jarhead from beetrijay but would let beetrijay get more time to make an army again and then on the other he could teach beetrijay a lesson and stop him making more troops. So Salaracen decided that he would do both but in favour of vengeance first, and so the army vengeance was formed a 2500 strong army of ghosts and archers and riders and two archmages. The army marched to the city of revengeshire and took control of it with almost no difficulty, and then they marched to jarheads dwarven hold to break the siege. And once the army had done that it marched on to warick to reclaim it for jarhead.
The day before that a troll called ms little green men joined their kingdom. The people of jarhead were glad that Salaracen had reclaimed the city of warick for jarhead. During the war jarhead had made a town, which was called safehold, it was the only untouched city of the war on jarheads side.
After the freedom of warick two large armies marched towards the final city, with the entire amount of each army slaughtered it looked certain that beetrijay would fight back with large forces salaracen was desperate, he was thinking of the consequences for failing and when he could gather enough force to fight back, it all looked bleak.

But then one morning the armies of noir charge on the city and the people of beetrijay fell, most of the people of beetrijay were enslaved.
But salaracens trouble had only just begun for a new threat had come. While the Beetrijay threat had been going on noir had sent messages about a war, a war that would change the face of mantrax, the Dorian Flame war had already been going on for days and Salaracen hadn't prepared for a full out war and the world was changing all around.

salaracen had offered to assist with the war but the Dorians leader Santa never fully asked for the katakanians to make too much of an effort to assault any of the flames. And the war raged on outside of the site of the people of katakana.

The face of mantrax twisted and turned and city’s fell and city’s burned but most were taken over by other leaders.
salaracen decided to send the closest and eagerest leaders into battle, in this and the only case the leader known as ms little green men of the orcs went and fought to reclaim a small walled off section which contained flame city’s the section was hard to get too for nature had blocked off most was a great river and forest and the places that you could travel through were walled off and so a huge force swept through like a knife claiming butter though once the army had claimed both of the wall sections the army went thru the difficult part of the siege the orc army taken three out of six of the base, the third had been a city which hadn’t been heavily protected so in the battle that ensured next was a vicious battle in comparison…

Orc warrior Naratz marched forward in his regiment like all the other orcs preparing for impact with the enemy forces, as they got closer naratz shouted to his men in the regiment and from marching pace to sprinting along the ground almost on all fours.

Minutes later the orcs had crashed into the front of the regiment of humans, the banner represented the cities that had been built in the name of their leader tho that didn’t stop a mass of blood thirsty orcs, naratz being the captain of the regiment was one of the first to make it into the fight, natatz swung his battle axe at the banner bearer cutting both the head and the arm of the startled human.
As the orcs smashed into the first rank of the regiment the soldiers held their ground and made a wall of shield, the axes and savage blades of the orcs hacked away at the wall that stood before them trying to break through and cause confusion in the ranks, until one orc hit home piercing the shield and the bearer, before a soldier could replace the last soldier the orcs pushed through the gap and caught the soldiers inside the bulk of the regiment unaware, this happened in multiple locations of the fighting between the two regiments, from a birds eye view the battle would have looked like liquid running though a sponge.

The battle had been going for hours and already almost every soldier was in combat.
Naratz swung his battle axe at a finely armoured soldier who jumped back as naratz swung the crude object at him, the soldier quickly retaliated by raising his shield to his chest and raised his sword up in a aggressive way and thrusted into the poorly made armour of the orc, the orc then flung himself towards the warrior, pushing his body along the sword and swinging his arms and the axe he was holding at the swordsman.

Moment’s later naratz stood bleeding over the mangled body of the swordsman who’s armour had been ripped open by the weapon of naratz several times in many places. Naratz looked around for another enemy to kill, and charged forwards cutting a isolated soldier down, as he charged past the fallen soldier he heard noise coming from the north, it was a group of mounted knights which were a part of a larger regiment which had broke of into groups of five.
The knights pelted forwards and naratz knew that they would need to group together in order to defeat the knights other wise they would be run down one by one. Naratz called for his orc warriors to come to him, not all of the orcs that heard came because they were busy fighting soldiers the only ones that came when called had been fighting but had finished and heard their leader call them.
The total warriors that had come to naratz aid were thirty-three, the knights were still in the distance but still they were charging at increasing speed.
Naratz looked around and started to notice more and more groups of knights were appearing in the distance.

Naratz gave orders to hold ground and so the soldiers did, as the knights crashed into narat’z little group of warriors archers soon appeared in lines on the battle field,
The leader of the group of knights held his lance firm as it slammed into naratz chest the lance continued to cause damage as it slammed into the shoulder of the orc behind him, the force of the charging horses caused naratz to be ripped in half, the same fate came to many of the other orcs naratz had rallied together.

The group of knights stood resting after the combat resting against their warhorses the had got off, there were only three knights left and only two horses left, one of the knights had been struck in the leg but the other weren’t harmed at all.

This was the defence of the city which ms little green men had attacked. It was a complete failure the reason why is because the attack was rushed.
That was the only attack katakana ever did in the flame & dorian war.
But in the mean time there had been confusions in what was going on diplomatically with legion and katakana, this may have been some time after the attack of little green men for the exact dates have been lost, an army of salaracen was marching in the direction of a legion city owned by Chas Geoff when n emergency broke out in the town and every one thought they would be killed so messengers were sent out to leaders Vealtor (a member of legion) and Tyra Jil (leader of legion).
And the next day messengers arrived back at necronea saying why have thy attacked my kingdom mate, and salaracen had to say I haven’t attacked your friend at all what are you talking about?
Soon enough every body had to have a say in the incident and eventually the great santa asked “who started this dam war between you and legion any way?
Salaracen told Santa what had happen and asked if he could help by telling legion what happened.
A few days later tyra jil sent another message saying that they would forget the incident and if Chas Geoff attacked he would be killed and removed from the kingdom,
And so every one was at peace again in the little katakana land they had, or so they thought.

The war raged on in the middle of the world but for how long? Noir had built several great walls separating katakana from the flames.
Outside the wall of kata armies of flames march across the small packed area of land full of cities and slowly took over every last one but when the time came the wall was destroyed and it was a great open gap straight to necronea.

The war was over flames had one and dorians were holding their ground, many of the dorians had changed sides now to legion or flames what ever they could to stop being killed, noir was one of these but worse he was a traitor, he killed his old kingdom mates unlike most who left their kingdom they would honour there old friends.

Katakana was doomed from this day onwards, most of salaracen’s cities had been taken over before these were bacoolia and yakert the original name is forgotten for the records were kept in the city of necronea which was also taken over eventually.
After the dorian empire fell katakanas people died as well

Sir Laracinil

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Ledarxiz Vineraven).

the short rein of laracinil was not well lived, as laracinil took on the role of bringing peace to his area of land.
but the land was full of liers and fakes,
the city was taken over by one of these peoples, they took over the town with ease, six of laracinils sons died onley one lived and because of this happening he has become embittered by other peoples.
he is sir Ledarxiz vine raven the dark elf.

Sir Ledarxiz Vineraven

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Salader Vineraven) and was a member of The Dorian Empire

the time of injustice had started the peoples of the world kill and fight over gold, nobody lives in peace as ledarxiz soon found out.
ledarxiz was killed by murderous group of dwarfes and yet his people never stoped worshoping him.
a week later dark elf arch mages reserected him to perfect living form. but hechanged his name to salader vineraven his people once agian were elf.

Sir Salader Vineraven

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Salaraca) and was a member of The Dorian Empire

saladers time was a time of change when he rebuilt his city it was protected by many members of the dorian empire, the second core of it to be exact.
the v for vendeta was at war with the dorian and the vendeta empire was a large powerfull kingdom of many strong leaders.
the dorian empire made walls to keep the vendetaians out of their lands, but as wars go the walls were pourly defended and the armys poured over the walls.
many times during the era starvation racked the land, but that wasnt the reason the world was destroyed, for it was the vendeta members who cause the armegedon.

Sir Salaraca

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen) and was a member of Dark Fires

the world was a differnt place, salaraca was differnt, and the blood line had as well.
salaraca was one who wished to honour his blood line and bring katakana back.

the land was an untrue pile of muck, kingdoms killed inocents, inocents killed fluffy bunnys and the cycle continued.

salaraca was one who watched his homeland churn as armies marched and citadels crumbeld.

in hope of helping new kingdoms, salaraca joined the dark fires, and so goes on the story, for several generations would remain loyal to the dark fires.

Sir Salaracen

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen The Dark Elf) and was a member of The Zaramothian Empire


Sir Salaracen The Dark Elf

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen The Dancer).


Sir Salaracen The Dancer

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Salar The Stingray) and was a member of Luna Wolfs

the 2 generations that came before salaracen the dancer were generations of a history gap, all that is known is that the vineraven clan helped the zaramothian empire, bitterly dark plans were made within as the end drew near, and these are kept deep within the archives of the clans

Sir Salar The Stingray

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen The Slightly Tired) and was a member of Luna Wolfs


Sir Salaracen The Slightly Tired

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen The Slightly Tiredii) and was a member of Dorian Empire


Sir Salaracen The Slightly Tiredii

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Salareas Vinraven) and was a member of guardians of destiny

"quick men, to the wall!!!" shouted a captian.
"look out sir!" a troll had managed to climb up the wall, first of many to attempt to climb it.
the dwarf captian pulled out his axe as the beast plowed through many other dwarfs, swinging a sharpend rock around.
the rock was devastating against the fine metal helmets of the dwarves, but this would not save the beast when the captian brought his axe agianst the bald head of the troll.

"de's little unz don give up do dey"' a troll said to another as they sat peeling skin of survivours of the battle. "it don help de flavor eter, dey bruise demseves" the other said as he brought a blooded dwarf captain's head closer to his mouth....

this was the battle of the wall of the defence of DE, the recapturing and seige of the wall.

the great legend the battle mage santa claus was betrayed by his people as they changed their name of the kingdom to that of a different name the guardians of destiny and defide and took santas crown.
the vineraven clan was very disapointed in this acction by the old De members and left.

Sir Salareas Vinraven

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Salaracen Maldovick Vineraven).

in the ancient archives a manuscript was uncovered dating back to salaracen the dark elve who lived in the 25 era.
it was more of a story than a proper account, and this is how it goes...

The wind suddenly stopped. After some time, the ground trembled and out from the sand... The army of anubis rised. Large dark humanoid houndlike creatures with crimson burning eyes and fuming nostrills each wielding huge glaives glistening from the scorching sun. Thousands and thousands emerged from the sand. The wasteland seems to darken with the inumerable dark figures. She then looks around for anyone that might prove to be a challenge.

salaracen the mighty dark elf rose to the new challenge, he stood on the barrenest of hills and spoke.
"I salar shall prove to my kin that i am the true lord, and over all should rule the elven people, thowe shall not defeat me!, to death!"

over the hill poured an army of imense size, but tho the soliders were dark elfs they were just as vicious as some other of the people that had fought and died on this field.

She cackled at this statement, and grinned. She raises her hand and casts some lightning in the air.

The sky grew dark and her army was in a frenzy shouting and stsomping waving their gigantic glaives. Then they started for the opposing army, rushing. Then they stopped but thundering sound of a rushing army did not stop.

salaracens men crashed upon the mighty army. the black shine of the dark elves armour reflected as the sun shon upon it but it did not remain shiny for long.
captian lozarix of the fifth battalion shouted and ancient lore to his men.
lozarix swung his halberd at an anubis warrior (the mummy?) cutting its torso from its waist, then without any time to spare lozarix was attacked relentlessly
until he could fight no more and was torn from bit to bit by the large canine beasts.

salaracen swung his blade across the face of erica, he looked down on the hopeless queen "the battle feild is no place for a lady" he said quiet politicaly incorrectly
"take her away boys"
the sorcerous queen was dragged off thru the sand not resisting for her soul was brocken.

But then as the elves drew near the sorceress, the towering figures of her beasts surrounds her. Some of the beast lunges forth to repell their queens attackers. She stood up still wearing that grin... as if intoxicated by the pain from wound on her cheek. The blood flows relentlessly from her cheek and soaking her cloak. The wind swirls madly around her as she raises her hand drawing runes in the air and uttering a powerfull spell.

~Then... the wind stops.~

salaracen lay on the ground, his bones and spirit broken.
he lay there staring at this mistress of chaos.

but all of a sudden salaracen jumped up and was ready to once agian battle the "lady"
"I by the blood of my fathers fathers shall call upon the steed of the vinraven clan to defeat you...."
salaracen called the beast his fathers, fathers had rode upon in times of war.

soon an all mighty beast, a black dragon had come to his masters aid.

salaracen sat atop this dragon and shout to his men, this day they would do battle, once more.

salaraes was intreged by his ansestors, all walking that path of leading those faithfull to them.
salaraes died of battle but of course with a heir to his throne.

salaracen maldovick vineraven

Sir Salaracen Maldovick Vineraven

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Salaras Lentorix Vineraven) and was a member of Music


Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn

his clan had never forgotten. The wars had never hiddin it.

Salaras arrived in this land on a fine winter morning, a morning when the air was as crisp as somthing crisp.

|Well enough of that kind of writing lets have some propper writing|

Salaras Lentorix Vineraven, and the Elf Lords

it had been many a year since salaras had joined the ELTR and he had firmly made himself a place in the kingdom, as second in command. Salaras had made a firm iron grip on the kingdom and manipulated it to his every wish, well not every, he still was onley second in command. he had much to do with the success of the kingdom, the recrutement, the organisation and the city placements and not to forget the colonisation of the entire right hand side of the continent.

The members of the this kingdom were not the best warriors, some were but then some were just lazy fat leaders of their people who sat there wealthy and rich as there people died.
Salaras made sure that he eventualy routed out these leaders and kick them from the kingdom.

salaras was determined to do his fore fathers proud.
he soon made personal alliances with members of the kingdom, pledging freindship to them.
the leader Elvine was a wise man. elvine was one day stricken with a fever a fever which left him bitter and twisted and ill. this ment that salaras was left by elvine to lead the kingdom by himself.

Elvine soon grew better from these illnesses, but still he could not lead as fully as he could in the old days.
Dark Fists
Hammer Ford
Quetzal Retuine
lich Guard
Steel Raven
Shreiking Knives

a war soon came, not a silent war but a war that had been enroaching its way slowly and slowly until it was as plain as day.

The war consisted of two opposing sides. The so called Rightchous fighters(Elf lords the Reborn,templar crusaders and dragon lair), who fought for freedom agianst their enemys. And the CDRS (corsiars, destiny, russians and Shen Al Calhar) otherwise known as Reich Squad.

The war was unfairly matched, the Reich squad with the strongest kingdom in the realm at the time shen al calhar followed by destiny and corsairs as the top kingdoms in the realm.

The Rightchous fighters were a less advanced group of kingdoms, but still they were the next most powerfull group in the realm.

the war went on for 4 years.

The Reich Squad(referd to now as RS) soon pushed through the defending Rightchous Fighters(referd to now as RF) city which closed a gap which the RS could get through.
Once RS broke through there was little RF could do to stop the continual tide of armies pouring through into their open undefended cities.

In a metaforical sence this process was as if a barrier protecting a sponge from the sea had broken in the middle allowing the sponge to soak itself in the liquid.
an easier way to represent this is if a boat got a hole in it while out at sea, it would sink and become one with the depths.

But the RF had not given up that easily and had sent a mass of assistance from the elf lords region of citys. Soon a bitter struggle emerged.

salaras had veiws on how the struggle was going and they were recorded into the archives.

"I do not see this as a good thing that our freinds are being over run, but i am glad that they have not seen our presteen shores and cities so that they can plot to sack and pillage them."

But then treachory struck the kingdom of dragon lair, and it was sent into chaos and no one but the leader stood with their kingdoms banner.

RS soon cut through the unorganised Dragon Lair and crusaders, and all of the elf lords in the way as well.

the RF was no more after these events.

The Elven Defence

after the RF RS war the Elf lords quickly formed their regions into defences, to hold of the oncomming hoardes of orcs and Trolls.
there was 5 lines of defence.
the last line of defence was were the great fortress of salide resided.

glimmering in the sun its walls touched the sky while its defences were equal in height.

the people of the elf lords were not at all positive to the invasion.

a guard of caloim once said; " we may be getting the Steel Ravens to come and help defend us, but what good will 800 experianced knights do agianst thousands upon thousands of orcs."

after months of holding of the orcs they got through.

a number of journal logs of a archer called Eioen Hathen at the great seige of Alodraince were found by the Dark Fist an number of weeks after the seige.

and this is what they said:
log |

DAte 16 circle of the sun, of sao' ui
today jio, hre and floi got back from their scouting mission, they had seen a large force coming this way. i wonder what Sayuico will do about that.

DAte 17 circle of the sun, of sao' ui
hre is dead! how can this be! jio was the onley one to make it back from his scouting mission and floi is missing!

DAte 18 circle of the sun, of sao' ui
we were attacked this morning, the orcs it was.
they gave floi back, but he is not in a good way. he is dead. the catapulted his head over the wall.

DAte 19 circle of the sun, of sao' ui
theres no end, theres no begining, may the elder gods be with us.

DAte 4 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
drums beat, red meat, cow die, men fry, the orcs come, the end is nigh

DAte 6 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
Sayuico killed a orc chieftain today, he wont stop boasting.

DAte 7 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
the death of the cheiftain has caused them to fight us more and more.
they are angry.

DAte 9 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
they are at the door. they do not stop. they dont sleep.

DAte 10 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
we cannot hold them off for long, they are coming, there is too many of them. they are coming.

DAte 12 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
we have brocken out and there is hope for our escape! oh how i wishto see the sun.

DAte 14 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
it was a trap, they got Sayuico and now he is dead, we have been pushed deeper into our own city in the mountian.

DAte 23 circle of the sun, of mlio'an ui
they have attacked agian, there is no end to this madness. they are coming.

they have brocken the door, they will not spare us, we are s-------

end log------|

the Elf lords the reborn had been defeated with the last city standing being salide. salaras was sent off with his family to live and not die.

Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn


Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn


Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn

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