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Sir Pesterd

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Pesterd) and was a member of The Great Duchy of Lithuania

As Pesterd was turning that last corner to reach his masters room, he was panting, hoping that his master would not kill him for being late. As he has done to his other slaves. He was quickly thinking about how he had been captured at war. Being the general of the army of the third legion in spain, how he was taken by the princes of Persia to serve as a slave for them

Sir Pesterd

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Pesterd) and was a member of The Great Duchy of Lithuania

There have been many kiith, wars and heroes that have come and gone throughout history. All of them have left their mark in history and are considered ancient by those which inhabit the derelicts of their culture. This is not one of those kiith.

The Somtaaw came in the 12th age. What were once scattered or nomadic dwarves came together with the late hopes of forging a brotherhood of labor. Previously, those dwarves had been outcasts or 'black sheep' of their lands.

The Somtaaw needed a leader. But before they had one, they had already begun unification. They turned their sights on the Earth. No species can burrow into the land as heartily as the dwarves could. Using this great strength of theirs, the Somtaaw formed as a unique force of economic warriors. Stone would be their weapon. The market would be their battleground. The Somtaaw could face the challenges of battle when engaged, but preferred to explore the world and inhabit the greatest of its resource veins. And so the mining kiith of Somtaaw was born out of the castaways of other warrior or magical kiith.

With the coming of Alexander, many dwarves saw the leadership and tolerance necessary to turn a band of refugees into a coherent Dwarven kiith. From an early age he was weaned on a philosophy of cultural and personal understanding. A warrior spirit was encouraged, but the mind of a fighter was not focused on. Instead, his elders taught him the arts of diplomacy, abstraction and even espionage. His was an eye taught to see the ways that were not evident. Above all, he was taught the foundations of the Somtaaw.

Alexander came of age and took his destined place atop the earthen throne of Somtaaw. Keeping a steady hand and patient eye, he led his men into the wilds. The Somtaaw took their home amidst the foothills of a mountain, pressing their town close to the nearest river. It became their first home, Karak. Many of the dwarves took up residence and immediately the area flourished with crops and mines. What the people did not know, as they set up their stocky homes, was that this would not be their capitol.

Alexander was never an orphan, but simply the product of those cast out by their kiith. His parents knew that their family had no chance of regaining a blood tie to another clan, so they set out in search of those who may aid them in mere survival. What was not revealed to Alexander until just before the establishing of Karak was that he was not an only child. He was indeed the necessary heir to the Somtaaw legacy, but his parents had previously had one other son, a child named Nathaniel Rotskull. His parents chose to disconnect themselves and save their eldest the misery of losing his kiith. In doing so, they allowed him the ability to climb the ranks and emerge as the leader of the Bonerotters, a kiith built around deceptive conquest and lightning tactics. Since their departure, they learned that their eldest had joined the Republic under King Augustus Inhonestus .

So Alexander saw it necessary that he prepare for an early departure to find his elder brother and reunite the family. Although he was certain that the kiith would never fuse, his desires for the search were driven by familial curiosity and the need for allies he could be certain of. So he prepared to send search parties abroad and grow his empire in the hopes of attracting the first born of his late parents. When he finds his brother, Alexander planned to make the trek as far as necessary to plant his kiith beside their predecessors and establish the city of Hiigara, their home.

A party had been sent out to discover lands to the east. This lone explorer was known as Clee-san, a quick and resourceful individual. He did not realize upon his departure that the fate of the kiith may soon rest with him.

The Somtaaw did indeed attract attention, but it was far from the attention they had hoped for. To the north lived a group of humans within a city called Rhineland. The lord there was named Blitz, and his name was justified. One of the first messages sent out was a request for safe passage through the lands of the Rhineland, but it was not to be. Clee-san did reach the far end of the land safely, but behind him grew an army. Soon, Blitz set his eye on the twin city of Karak, Turanic. His forces drove their numbers south upon the city and took advantage of its young nature.

The dwarves of the land did not quake in fear, but did know their chances were slim. Men had prepared for the worse, painting the kiith insignia on their shields and arming as best they could. Alexander could neither win the oncoming battle head to head, nor could he afford to leave Karak a weakened city. He did not enjoy sending out word of withdrawal, but was not willing to be so hard headed as to watch his kiithid die in battle. Turanic was abandoned for the sake of the kiith. His lifeguard forces and primary assault force, the Kuun-lan, both withdrew to the capitol to tighten the defense.

Meanwhile, Clee-san found himself emerging from a valley in the east to find possible refuge with the Elves of Jorgonia and an even greater sight, Chillmore’s Palace. With the discovery of the palace, Clee-san found himself the first ambassador between the Somtaaw and the whole of the Republic.

Turanic never stood a chance. Had the armies forced a march there, they would have arrived just in time to watch it burn. The peasants were lost, the city looted and the buildings crushed or occupied. Alexander could not risk his men on a suicidal matter of pride, but it was eventually necessary to take back Turanic. Not only was he planning on spearheading such a bold move, but then his plans would take him north to the very heart of Rhineland. If he could accomplish this, he would both avenge the dead as well as double his kiith’s holdings. His men began to amass in Karak for what would have been the first engagement of their history.

Clee-san had a much greater success in winning the attention of the Republic. They were open to the prospect of new cities, especially those which offered economic resources. Clee-san won admittance to the organization within a week’s time. Before he could call for support, an interesting development occurred. The Republic had previously signed a non-aggression pact with the Saiyan Empire, of which Lord Blitz belonged. While this ensured the safety of Karak, it meant Turanic was lost. He hesitantly sent word back to Karak and found a corner of the Republican grounds upon which he began the city of Taiidan.

Karak was armed for war when they received the message from Clee-san. Their attention was immediately shifted from the coming liberation of Turanic to the fate of its few, stranded citizens. Alexander had no choice but to parlay with Lord Blitz and attempt the most peaceful solution. Turanic was lost to him, but the Rhineland had discontinued their offensive. Yet this event laid a great worry in his mind. Considering the possibility of future scenarios such as this, he rallied his men to the cause expansionism and fortification. Faal-corum, a general who aided the fall back to Karak, was given the charge of settling the next city, which was to be located at a mountain pass rich in lumber. From there, he would be able to enrich the economy and control the flow of possible threats. Faal-corum set out immediately for the pass.

While all this took place, the Republic was fighting a dire war in the northlands. Another lord, Mirror, came into contact with the Republic and a war soon erupted between the two. Soon a massive army moved for the heart of the Republic. They did all they could to distract and eventually wear it down. With that battle burning on, Alexander realized that, even with his numerous allies, Somtaaw was more on their own than ever.

The next few weeks were far more prosperous than Alexander expected them to be. Faal-corum had arrives and established the holding of Kadesh. Clee-san moved farther south and established a second town, Kushan. The honorable Lord Chillmore, now part of the Republican Senate, lost a northern city to a Terran king, Illan. The Kuun-lan formed and set off for the lands of King Illan, to return the land he took from Senator Chillmore. Much to Alexander’s surprise, another lord, Lord Laban, began to besiege King Illan. Kuun-lan took advantage of the situation and redirected its forces south to take the Terran holdings of Lord Resloth. The town of Hilltops surrendered to the Kuun-lan. Then with the taking of Flatlands, the Somtaaw were safe from the aggression of the Terran Empire in the south.

Lord Laban did not manage to take a hold of King Illan’s possessions, but he did keep their troops busy. King Illan dispatched a group of men south that, to the surprise of all, attacked the Elven lord, Jorgan. Before he had arrived, Alexander anticipated the possibility that the Elven land may be a target. Although dwarves had little compassion for the elves, Alexander would not leave them to fend for themselves. Not only was his kiith in the need of allies, but Somtaaw was no ordinary group. Formerly outcasts of their original kiith, the Somtaaw had no sense of unity to the stereotype of the Dwarven race. The elves were in danger, and there was nothing to gain by holding to old prejudices.

A runner took to the Elven land and, by all accounts, made it there just in time to warn the elves. The Kuun-lan was dispatched to defend the Elven land, despite a few utterances of old ideas. The dwarves knew the most likely of events would be that they arrive too late and then must siege the very city they hoped to save. Morale was not in great supply. Days before the dwarves arrived, Jorgan’s men fought back the tyrant with amazing strength. The victory was a boost of confidence and amazement. This victory, being the powerful surprise it was, allowed a counter-strike on a battered enemy.

Although King Illan took the northern passes, Kuun-lan met up with Faal-corum and Clee-san. Clee-san left his men with the Kuun-lan, so that they may go north and free the pass. Faal-corum did the same, but then returned to Kadesh where he planned to amass a secondary force. Kuun-lan moved north, establishing Bentusi and planned to use it as a staging post for the invasion of King Illan’s territory.

Alexander was proud to hear that the men he entrusted these duties to react with such bravery and speed. He then set the task upon Clee-san to move to the center of the kiith lands and establish amidst the field Hiigara. With the labor that was so devoted to protecting this realm and the lives that were laid down for every blade of grass that grew, he felt it necessary that the grounds be dedicated to their final home. So Clee-san established Hiigara and then made further efforts to accompany it with a lumber camp to the south.

Faal-Corum had arrived in Kadesh and was preparing forces. His goal was to secure the second mountain pass and ensure that none pass. To do this, he organized a band of men dubbed the Bentus, a powerful defensive force.

The Kuun-lan had quickly taken the Terran shire of Mountain Pass. From there they strengthened their numbers and set north against King Illan. At the same time, King Illan struck at Lord Laban’s city. Lord Laban lost his foothold in the region while Kuun-lan made an attempt to liberate the city of Chillmore’s Pad. It turned out that the peasantry of Chillmore’s Pad was not so inclined to undergo another change in rulership. Despite the technological superiority of Kuun-lan, the situation made it impossible for them to root out the forced of King Illan. The streets were marched down, but resistance popped out from behind every corner. Sometimes there was an army holding out in a nearby building and other times peasants would bombard the dwarves with sticks and stones set from the rooftops. They took only very few losses, but could not return the city to Senator Chillmore.

The Kuun-lan moved back to Mountain Pass to establish a solid defense and Faal-corum had formed the Bentus in Kadesh. Forces in route from Karak were still awaiting passage through the Saiyan gates to join up with their brethren. It was during this reorganization that Alexander wa*beep* with the untimely news.

It appeared that, in a sense, Senator Chillmore had betrayed the Somtaaw. His reason for not committing troops was that he was making negotiations for peace with King Illan while the war waged on. From the start, Chillmore was hoping to have his city returned to him and that King Illan would become a neutral power, but did not alert Alexander to save his soldier’s lives. Chillmore had bet on both sides, waiting for a pact while also hoping that, if peace failed, the Kuun-lan could liberate his city. This news, combined with the ragged state of the Republic, led Alexander to conclude that he could only put faith in his personal allies.

Jorgas was alerted immediately that his men should not incur on King Illan’s territory. The Somtaaw took a defensive stance and chose to bide their time. The return to an economic focus would be good for the kiith and allow them to reengage much later with greater success. Alexander denounced his loyalty to the Senator and loosened his ties to the Republic.

Withdrawing from his formal allegiances, Alexander sought true strength with Lord Jorgas and his newly acquired Troll ally, Lord Trippy. Elves and Dwarves stood at one another’s back, a sight rarely seen. Through their adversity, they had formed a bond of brotherhood. It almost seemed poetic that the outcast clan of Somtaaw finding its greatest friend in the race that Dwarves hated most. And there were the Trolls of Rastamage Trippy, which held no particular allegiances and would not succumb to a kingdom or hierarchy. Still, they saw great loyalty and honor in these ragtag Dwarves and found a true ally in them.

Now the stage was set. To their south, Lord Trippy expanded his influence alongside an orc, Xeqter, which was new to the Republic. To the west, Jorgas established towns to help provide a buffer against any offenders. Where lords had abandoned their cities, the elves and dwarves came to establish a ruling power. The east was still secured by the Republic. Alexander saw the opportunity and economy to do what the dwarves of Somtaaw were itching for: the elimination of King Illan.

The Trolls of Terra Incognita had been a thorn in Somtaaw’s side and sparked a great deal of internal argument. Now came the time when Somtaaw could destroy the possibility of that spark returning. Chillmore’s Pad was to be the catalyst, and it would not be turned over to its previous owner. It was seen by many of the dwarves as the ultimate trophy for their efforts. Faal-corum left the Bentus to protect Kadesh in the northwest. He rode south to the Flatlands and began to grow a military, twenty thousand strong. The Kuun-lan grew in the Mountain Pass and would soon enough be reinforced by Faal-corum. Once set in motion, Faal-corum was to lead the largest Somtaaw army ever created towards King Illan’s territory.

Faal-corum had done it. A group of tens of thousands set for the north, armed with magical blades provided by their gracious, Elven allies. It was decided that, as preferable as diplomacy may be, it was good time that the kiith take a lesson from their troll comrades. As the force moved, it swept up remains of abandoned military and township. Clee-san, the governorship of Hiigara and operator of the southern defense, organized the economic machine that followed behind the force. The Bentus had kept a careful watch over the north as reinforcements approached. It was then that Lord Mablogh, of the Kingdom of Heaven, appeared over the horizon and made his way to Chillmore’s Pad. Alexander was alerted immediately. In the quest for King Illan’s downfall, Mablogh showed a great deal of promise. A messenger was sent to parlay with the force and propose a distribution of the spoils.

And so with one great swing of the hammer, King Illan was vanquished and the area was at peace. The wars to the south were settling as the Orcish Hordes drove off their enemies and the Trolls of Rastamage Trippy secured the southern borders. To the north, the very defenses King Illan so relied upon now served the Somtaaw. Their land was secure against any whom may aggress.

Yet there came the ultimate threat. The end of the Second Era of Sezymon was close at hand. With the end of the era comes the limit of Alexander’s mortality. He never saw to the making of an heir. His priorities were so focused upon the good he could produce among his men that he never considered that he would have to leave someone behind to take care of his legacy.

Alexander called upon his two closest companions within the kiith, Faal-corum and Clee-san. Immediately, the two broke from their current tasks and came to their lord’s aid. Alexander did not want either to feel inferior, but realized the necessity in choosing a central power. Faal-corum, his title meaning ‘wayfarer’, was a brilliant tactician and could muster a group of young dwarves into a stable fighting force in the blink of an eye. Clee-san, his title meaning ‘seeker’, was a master diplomat and pathfinder. He could be dissuaded by neither terrain nor politics. The two stayed many days within the walls of Karak to confer with Alexander.

After much deliberation, Alexander chose Clee-san to inherit the kingdom and lead it towards future greatness. Not only did Clee-san embody the more ideal aspects of the Somtaaw, but he was younger than Alexander. Faal-corum’s capabilities on the battlefield were largely due to his greater experience in life than Alexander. If the Somtaaw were to last, they would need a leader of skill and young age to endure the test of time.

So Clee-san prepared to lay his title to rest and take up the name of Somtaaw upon Alexander’s death. Faal-corum took no malice to the decision and agreed to stay on as leader of the Kuun-lan, the Purifying Flame.

And so Alexander took his place upon his earthen throne where he held steadfast until the last lingering of light faded from his steady eyes.
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