Family History

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Mr. Gilthas

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Gilthas) and was a member of Music

-Chronicle of the Ildarions-

This is the story of a honourable family living in eras that have long been forgotten. A story about a family of beings that were accepted by all races, Orcs or Halflings, Trolls and Dwarves, even by Humans and Elves. Though they themselves were more fond of forests and the races living there, being Trolls and to a lesser extend Elves. A story about the Ildarions.

Being accepted by all the races known on Earth in those eras, the Ildarions were in an ideal position to claim an important position in most diplomatical and political institutions used.

Gilthas Ildarion was a member of this family. Descending from a long line of Troll Warchiefs and Diplomats, he was sent to help a dwarf tribe settle themselves in the dangerous regions of Fantasia. As stated earlier, Dwarves weren't the favourite race of the Ildarions, but their superb building skills made would be an advantage to settle a new colony, but shortlegged races weren't fit for battle like longlegged races were. That is why the Dwarves asked for the help of the Ildarions. This may seem strange as the Dwarves mostly are to proud to ask for help, especcialy from a being not from their race. Atleast the Ildarions weren't Elves, that would have been a disgrace for all the Dwarves that ever roamed the mountains.


Mr. Gilthas

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Swofty) and was a member of Music


Mr. Swofty

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Swofty) and was a member of Music

-Chronicles of the Ildarions-

After Swofty's grandfather retreated from the harsh world of Fantasia. Gilthas jr. was trying to restore the influence of the Ildarions. To do so, he intended to create his own empire on one of the less hostile worlds. Though, being a lousy navigator Gilthas jr. never succeeded in leaving Fantasia. His son Swofty, however succesfully teleported with the help of some Musical friends to the lands of Zetamania. It was a world very similar to Fantasia, though the hopes were high it wasn't as hostile. To accompany Swofty on his trip, he selected soldiers from the most warlike of all races, the feared Orcs. Swofty never claimed he wouldn't be hostile to other rulers in the area, though when treated with respect, Swofty would prove to be a thrustworhty ally.

After settling a small city well imbedded between mountains and forrests, Swofty send out the troops he gathered for his journey, to scout the surrounding area. It was immediately clear that there was life in these lands. Lots of other cities were discovered and mapped. It was important to know the terrain and surrounding rulers in case disputes would ever have to be cleared with the sword instead of with the tongue.

After making sure he would be able to get a good view of the area, Swofty made some plans to develop a strong economy. He would need lots of gold, that's for sure. Though wood and stone would be very necessary to build structures in the cities he was planning to settle. The last thing he would need was food. Every living being needs food. Maybe it was possible to acquire this good by trading with other empires.

Mr. Swofty

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Gilth) and was a member of Music

-Chronicles of the Ildarions-

Swoftys father failed to build an empire with a strong economy and together with the Kingdom he was part of, he was forced to leave the lands of Zetamania. After a few years at sea and the death of his father, Swofty Jr. arrived on the huge isle of Starta. Though a storm caused him to be separated from his friends by mountains, forests and rivers, a small army was able to settle a good base. Immideately after the construction of the necessary buildings, scouts were send to find the shortest way to Swoftys compagnions. These scouts arrived after 2 days of travelling without any sleep. They could only hope that their ruler wasn't defeated by native inhabitants.
In the main base, Swofty Ildarion was informed about a tribe of trolls living closeby in 1 of the forests. Swofty was delighted, Trolls were considered to be the strongest race by his family. He immediately left to the troll camp to see if he could arrange a deal. The typical Ildarion strenght with words helped Swofty acquire a good pact. Swofty would gain control over the tribes and in return, he would help them to become one of the greatest powers on the isle. Swofty assured them that with a few of the trolls strongest warriors and help of is compagnions, he would be able to achieve that goal. The trolls left their camp and traveled to Swoftys main base. They immediately started helping the engineers to construct huge lumbermills. Now Swofty was sure he could achieve anything, with the help of the most great race that ever lived on these earthly worlds.
4 days after the first scouts left, he received a mesage. They found the others. Swofty himself would travel back together with the troll leaders. guided by the messenger, they arrived in the newly found area of the Kingdom of Music. Swofty ordered to build 3 more cities. The most important one would be a small but heavily fortified castle defending the only known passage of the western river. In the mean while, his wealth grew. he would soon be able to draft powerful armies. He send the 4 best troll warriors to a city and ordered them to train the draftees in that ways they were once trained. The Berserker way of fighting was a very powerfull one. And because 1 soldier trained as a berserker was able to oppose many enemies, Swoftys armies wouldn't be great in numbers, but their strenght would be incredible.

Mr. Gilth

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Gilth) and was a member of Music

-Chronicles of the Ildarions-

Back to the roots. Even though Swofty Ildarion was able to become one of the most powerful rulers, this was only on one of the lesser worlds. Swofty's son was baptized as Swofty Jr., but because he wanted to achieve greater things, he decided to reclaim the name his ancestors once carried. Gilthas. Gilthas would later be known as Gilth because all his Allies called him that way.

The start of the new Era was a very good one for The Kingdom of Music. Together with some of his Kingdom mates, Gilth defeated the only Kingdom north of them. The Honourable Freedom Fighter(s) were taken out after a nice tactical move by Viceroy Kobuskan, placing a blocker armoury on the bridge linking the 2 river banks. Freedom Fighter(s) fought hard, but while they were without allies, Music could count on The Brotherhood of the Wolf to make sure their core wouldn't get attacked from the other side. And although Freedom Fighter(s) were defeated in that war, they were able to regroup and rebuild their Kingdom to face Music once again later in the Era.

After securing the Northern part of their core, the Musicians rallied their armies to fight against a new enemy. The Freelance Alliance was the new target. The war was short but fierce. Freedom Alliance never had a chance. They were attacked simultaneously by Music, Brotherhood of the Wolf and ZEON.
The war was over, but most of the troops were not satisfied by the loot they got, so a new enemy was needed. That new enemy was found under the name of Guardians of Destiny. This time, Music opened the offensive. Kobuskan and Gilth, both viceroys, immediately pushed through the opened blockers to enter GoD territory. After taking some small mines, they started to prepare an assault on the biggest mine they had seen until now. The siege lasted for days. New armies with fresh reinforcements were send to help. In the mean while, Brotherhood of the Wolf also started their offensive moves, totally crushing the Guardians of Destiny who were focusing on defending their huge mine. Both Music and GoD lost thousands of troops during the siege, though the Nazguls trained by Viceroy Kobuskan were so frightening, the city fell in the end. The war was over.

The biggest challenge. Armies of Music pushed further south, taking cities from both the Guardians of Destiny and Kingdom Hearts until they were halted by a fierce group of warchiefs. The group was called Carnage. The armies of Music were more powerful 1 on 1, but the generals of the Carnagian armies were hardened in battle and trained by their ancestors. By the use of better tactics and merging of their armies, the Carnagian warchiefs were able to push us Musicians back to a city called Heart Breakers. There we would prepare for a final battle. Kobuskan had studied the tactics of the enemy and convinced our warcouncil to fight fire with fire. We would merge our forces together and fight as one great force. The merge was a success. A huge army was formed and we defeated several smaller Carnage armies, though the real challenge was delayed. Lord Yerean, the Warchief controlling the biggest Carnage Force decided not to haunt us down, but to stay hidden in one of the cities they captured from our glorious Kingdom. And so time past, neither Music nor Carnage moved their main force, though they both kept reinforcing their positions.
After a few months, Lord Yerean made the first move. He ordered his army to prepare an assault on Heart Breakers. Scouts of both Gilth and Kobuskan reported that the army consisted of millions of troops. This wasn't just an army; this was a country attacking us. It was clear that the Carnagian Warchiefs had send army after army to reinforce their major offensive force. The Musician defenses were outnumbered, but they used the startegical positions to their advantage. They were able to prevent the loss of Heart Breakers, but they couldn't stop Carnage from sieging the city.
In the mean while, a famous Elf Warlord known as Tak Daken had breached the defenses of our wallcities. His armies were small and apparently not very strong. But he used all his magical might as an elf to slow our armies while his would still move, making it very difficult for us to destroy them. Music was successful in repelling this first small wave; Tak Daken was driven back behind blockers. Those blockers were still controlled by Carnage though. And while Music was planning an invasion, Carnage sent new armies to distract the generals of Music's armies. One of them was a powerful army filled with the most feared soldiers that roamed Fantasia: Nazguls. Commander Architect controlled this army and it was only thanks to the help of a Dwarven Master Smith called Penguin that Music was able to defeat this incredibly powerful force.
This was the last time the Leaders of Music got a positive message from the front. Only a few days later, when the skies turned red and every soldier taking up his arms was enraged by a mysterious force, Heart Breakers fell. The Carnagian Warlords created an army powerful enough to break every defense currently known to the people inhabiting Fantasia. At the same time, another powerful army controlled by Carnage took over a fortress a few days to the east. The Fortress, known as Carb had been under control of The Brotherhood of the Wolf and protected the passage. Now that Carnage defeated both Music’s and The Brotherhoods strongest force at the front, they were free to march through our lands, either destroying or claiming the cities they passed. The only possibility left for the Musical generals was to retreat their remaining forces to a gate city known as Musica. This was the city guarding the actual border of the lands of Music.
During the retreat, a disaster occurred, Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin, once a proud member of The Brotherhood, was struck by madness and ordered his forces to rampage through the lands of Music. The generals of Music never expected an assault from that side because the defense there was under control of Wolves. The raid of Rumpnissen's armies through the economical centre of Music's lands was devastating. Big cities were taken over and sacked, training camps were destroyed. Small patrolling armies tried to liberate as many cities as possible, but the forces of the madman were too big for these small amounts of soldiers. After 2 months of battling, Kimms, a new recruit strengthening the ranks of Music, was able to push most of the enemies armies back and he returned every city to his the rightful owner. Rumpnissen had one last trick up his sleeve though. 2 huge walls were constructed in such a way that they were impassable. Luckily, the Great God of Fantasia was finally with Music and its members, and the walls were destroyed by lightning during the biggest storm witnessed in eras.

At the same time, across the world, our allies of ZEON were enlightened by this act of greatness done by the one God. They created the biggest merge on Fantasia and send it towards the borders of the Carnagian Empire. The tacticians in the Council of ZEON's leader Messiah were unanimous about the path that would be taken to get there. They would march straight through the lands of the most powerful Kingdom known as Nemesis. ZEON was known as the most religious Kingdom and they were aided by God on their quest. Gates of Nemesis cities opened as soon as the army passed, giving them the possibility to reach the borders of Carnage lands. Carnage had however been informed by their scouts about this army and they send the merge that was used to break Music at the ZEON's force to make a stand. When they caught up with the strongest merge on Fantasia, they had their magicians, warlocks and shamans cast an incredibly strong spell. And then they prayed and offered to their half gods. Those gods didn't have the same power as the one true god, but they were able to grant their worshippers incredible speed. The Carnagian troops were able to travel the distance, normally covered in 5 days, in a few seconds and immediately charged at ZEON. The fight was fierce and many soldiers died, even more got injured, but in the end, Carnage was victorious. Out of the million troops ZEON gathered, barely 100 000 were able to leave the fight unharmed. This fight will probably go in history as the biggest battle fought during the era of Dark Orion.

While Music was busy ridding the world of the evil Rumpnissen, Carnage, together with their allies: Peacekeepers and the Freedom Fighter(s), who were once beaten by Music, marched towards the borders of Music. With 100 days left before our God would destroy the world, because he grew tired of the constant wars and arguments. The generals of Music await their grim destiny.

Mr. Gilth

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Gilth) and was a member of Music

~Chronicles of the Ildarions~

A small step back to gain power.
The end of the previous Era wasn't very good for Music. Carnage broke through the blockers with 24 days to go and the Era basically ended with Music members digging graves for their fallen comrades. They all had to pay their respects to the loved ones they lost and the brave soldiers who died on the battlefield trying to defend their homelands. It was one of the darkest periods ever known, untill it all ended with a short phenomena knwon as Armageddon.
After all the pain they suffered in the previous Era, the Musicians decided to have spend some time recovering on the less harsh world of Mantrax. The start fo the Era was promising, the Knights of Music moved swiftly and easily took out a small neighboring Kingdom to the south. When trying to secure the newly conquered area with some walls, they had some trouble with Ritz resistance. The Ritz' warchiefs were pushed back and the walls were put in place. In the mean while, A small division of Music's elite was dealing with a group of leaders known as Army of Anubis. The start of the war was very promising, though there would be problems with rebels using guerilla tactics for a long while.
Suddenly things turned. Due to our arrogance and the underestimation of a Warlock fighting for Safety in Neighbours [SiN], Music suddenly lost their grip on the southern area. Armies of Music were able to slow the progress of Inactive's Archmages, but in the end, Inactive rampaged through our core slaying army after army, taking city after city. The glorious Kingdom of Music fell.
Music fell, but they wouldn't give up. Thousands and thousands of troops died, but they still had a small area they could call theirs. The cities in that area all belonged to AoA members originally, but now they were a save place for Music to regroup.

Then all of a sudden, a peace threaty was signed between SiN and Music. SiNs borders became to big to effectively defend if they had to fight a war on all sides. Only a few days after the threaty was signed, corrution of a highly ranked SiN knight caused the Kingdom to fall appart. Mr. Inactive, once the biggest threat for Music and its citizens was now part of our Kingdom. His power alone made a powerfull Kingdom of Music once again. Music had already rebuild most of the power they had before the were defeated, though their enemies had grewn stronger in the meanwhile too. While the pact with SiN was broken, a new one with Ritz was signed. And Angels was the victim. Bit by bit, they would shrink untill a disaster made an end to the world as it was known in that Era.

Mr. Gilth

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Gilth) and was a member of Zeon

~Chronicles of the Ildarions~

Discovering new lands.
Once again, a generation had been wiped out by a phenomena that has become known as Armageddon. Only the firstborn son or daughter of a family was allowed to live on. This was the way God had decided it would be. Gilth was this firstborn son and his father had prepared him well for his mission. He would have to become a powerfull and glorious leader. And the best way to do that was to be good for his tribe.
A few days before Armageddon would end the world as it was known, Gilth jr. set out on a journey to find a a tribe willing to be lead by one of the Ildarions. He had found one. And not just a regular tribe, it was a trolltribe known as the Ilarii. They had already served under the Ildarions before and they were just the kind Gilth needed. He stayed with them untill the end of the Era and when he woke up the next morning, everyone except for the chosen ones had left for a better place. Gilth thought of his father and what he told him. 'Travel to the world of Fantasia and prove yourself to be worthy to carry to banner of Music.'
He left his tent and looked at his surroundings. Things had changed, the forest were he went to bed had dissappeared and instead, there was a large mountainchain at the horizon.
He tried to make contact with the new leaders of the Kingdom of Music. They were able to tell him that the one God changed more then just the people inhabiting the world, He changed the world itself. They decided unanimously that the world would be called Zetea.
After a short conversation with his fellow Musicians, Gilth ordered his small army to set out and settle a base camp. There was a lot of work and it had to be done before they encountered a possible enemy.

Lady luck didn't seem to like the Musicians, as she decided to place a group of Egyptian gods close to them. Abydos would be the possible enemy. Music was no real match for the bigger Kingdom of Abydos, and soon the first cities fell into the hands of the ancients. Music used their good relations with the servants of Zeta in the Kingdom of Zeon to remain on the world of Zetea. There was still so much to be discovered. Music dissapeared and the Musicians joined the ranks of Zeon, reinforcing them for the upcoming battle against the Carnagian battlemasters. Once again, these 2 Kingdoms would be fighting a war that had been goin on for Era's.
The Musicians quickly settled and rebuild all that was lost against Abydos. Now they were ready to help cleanse the world of the Orange Evil known as Carnage. Huge castles and walls were build and filled with troops, and to be honest, that was all that happened. There were a few incidents with Olympic swimmers crossing huge rivers to settle cities in enemy lands, but most of the time, the war was more quiet then a time of peace.
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