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Sir Fire Nova

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Pesterd) and was a member of Dark Fires

Ruler Name: Mr. Fire Nova
Kingdom Name: Dark Fires
Leader of Dark Fires.
Ranked Number 1-10 throughout the whole era

Ruler: Mr. Fire Nova
Ranked: 45
Production at end of era:20k
Total cities at end of era:1
Race: Troll
Sciences:7 military

About the Era:Lenard the Knight

I decided to make my old kingdom again, The Dark Fires, I had little support at first but being the first kingdom on the world I quickly got many members. Although many of them were not former Dark Fire members, I accepted them anyway. It was tough getting them to be active in the forums, so as a result many of the people were kicked from the kingdom and their cities were taken straight away.
At the start I controlled a little area of the south western section of the map. I had 4 colonies. 3 of which I built myself. I set up way points for myself as a reminder to not go over the core area. I had a very low production of around 10k so i was only able to train 50 hobgoblins an hour. I saved up for almost 48 hours when I decided it is time. I set up an army and it was ranked number one on the High Scores. I expanded to the east. I controlled the southwestern corner and set up walls for protection. I then started scouting around with my 50k production and quickly found where the opposing enemy was. I had no support from my kingdom mates because of their in experience. I decided to go as a loner. I took my High scores army and went into their core. Surprisingly and to my advantage, almost none of the cities had a single troop in it. I took over their blocker and started training troops. After around 14 hours, my troops were trained and I decided to take the rest of the cities. I quickly did so and easily secured the most powerful leader position. After many of the people feared me, they sent applications to join. Me, being over whelmed accepted them into the kingdom. After they got comfortable I sent my armies by their cities and kicked them from the kingdom. I took over their cities and had 17 colonies.
Up To Date:
After taking another city close by, my income jumped by 150k, then one tick later the people revolt against me. Thus, lowering my income by 150k. I am no longer the most powerful ruler. I am currently ranked number 2.
Started role playing with Mr. Kassius the Kookie Bandit, i hopefully will get 3 RP points. I currently have the most cities in the whole world of Talents and a production of 1 million. My army upkeep is 200k and I am ready to win this era. If not the in second place. I go away for the weekends so it is my weakness. There is nothing I can do about it but get ready for some whooping once I get back. I am currently ranked 1 but I am sure after the weekend my rank will drop to 3-5. I will hopefully regenerate and get stronger as soon as I can.
Up To Date:
I just took over a production city of my enemy and got 118k slaves. I put them on the market immediately for 100 gold each. But, the enemy sent an army right towards his city, I quickly started wreaking the building so he will lose his upkeep when he takes it over, I also want to take the peasants with me but they refuse to move. On the other side of the map I am burning cities like crazy just for the fun of it.
I am ranked number 1 on High Scores.
Up To Date:
I am losing many cities out side of my. Which is good because it is lowering my training costs and not harming my production. An army of 300 men destroyed maybe 10 of my cities already with lowering my income by 20k. I currently have a 2 million gold income so it does not bother me. I have 2, 20k armies ready for dispatch on my enemies. I am just waiting one more hour for another 3,000 troops. I will be sending my troops south to burn 12 cities to protect my core.
I am going to the Bahamas tonight so I will be less active until Sunday. I have started training troops and placing all of my income into training Berserker's. I have also leveled up my military science from 6 to 7.
Up To Date:
I returned from the Bahamas and found out that 16 of my members were traitors and left to a different kingdom. I lost close to 1.5 million gold on the upkeep and had no money for a new army. I also lost all of my cities and was left with 100k upkeep.
Up To Date:
I continued to lose and now it is the end of the era. I am trying to recruit more members and I am working on NAP's for Fantasia.
Up To Date:

Sir Pesterd

Lived in Era 31, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Dark Fires

Ruler Name: Sir Pesterd
Kingdom Name: Dark Fires
Leader of Dark Fires.
Ranked Number:

Ruler:Sir Pesterd
Production at end of era:
Total cities at end of era:
Race: Orc

About the Era:Grumpyoldbastards

We started of the era to a good start. Although I only had a 7 man kingdom we were still doing OK. We worked on many NAP's and only received one.

At the beginning I quickly made my first production city as a mine. I then moved towards the watery regions, known as the marsh lands to start my farming. My farmers were very successful that with in the first 12 hours I was producing 5,000 food an hour as well as 2,000 gold. My economy was striving and I am ranked number 4 on the high scores.

The Network was down for 2-3 days. I have come back and found an enemy kingdom in my area. They outnumbered us greatly but with our skill I feel that we will be able to conquer them easily. I have set up an armory right near their core area and I intend on taking them out right out of protection. We have an extended tick of around 20 hours. I cant wait for it to wind down because once it gets to zero I will restart my conquest on taking over the enemy kingdom and making a name for Dark Fires.

I have increased my Military science again so give me an advantage over my enemy. In addition I have been role playing with SIR Kassius The Brownie Bandito, in order to gain a new title of Lord Pesterd.

Up To Date
After role playing a few times I wonder weather or not I will get the new title. I continue my conquest against the enemy kingdom of Myrr and requested assistance from Abydos. I do not think they will give it to me but I am working on an NAP with The Brotherhood of The Wolf, I hope to fight along their side. I have re organized our kingdoms forums and have set up our kingdoms website and iRC channel. It was costly but worth it.

I have trained 35 nazguls in total, 17 which are in my army and ready to fight. I need to wait for the enemy to come out of protection because I am wasting my army upkeep for nothing. Although it may seem like nothing, 17 nazguls will do a lot of damage to the three cities in my core.

My valued viceroy, Mr. Revengicus is having trouble against Myrr but has placed 2 of the enemy cities under siege and will hopefully take them over very shortly.

Mr. Osmosis, my Offensive/Defensive Tactician has made a plan that will most definably be an outcome of a victory. He has taken
over one city already and now has 4. He also placed a siege upon the enemy which will again, most probably be a victory. Our wars are going well and our percentage is rapidly rising. I hope to see many more victories with in the next few hours.

Up To Date:

Spoke to my members about our war with Myrr, Mr. Osmosis has worked countless hours on a diverse plan that will surely destroy them for good. I was going over it with my members and taught them the plan.

The enemy has finally started to defend but it is to late because we have nazguls that will destroy them easily. After they are killed they will regret that they loud mouthed to us and thought that they would be able to beat us. I hope it will serve as a lesson for them because in a few days they will be completely annihilated and all I will be able to do is laugh at their lack of militaristic skills and lack of working together as a team.

I am about to make my first initiative as a ruler and about to take over two income cities from the kingdom of Myrr. Ms. Abitha has finally come out of protection and it is time for her to die!

I quickly wiped her out and now is when she wants to repent.... It is always like that... I have ordered my kingdom to close their gates and to enforce all of the walls. We need to be more strict on the defense!

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