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Ms. Caleil

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Boreil) and was a member of Shinobi Empire

Not long ago, Lady Caleil lived under the rule of her father, Traileil.

Traileil, a just yet unyielding elf lord, had sixteen children, all of whom had their own ambitions and plans for the future of their father's kingdom. Trialeil, growing weary of the fighting between siblings, warned them that if they did not learn to deal with each other peacefully, he would banish them from his kingdom. He told them there was no way his kingdom would survive if there was conflict within as well as outside their stone walls. While three of his children - Boriel, Kardoriel and Shoniel - tried to unite the siblings, the rest were too entrenched in their plans to murder, cheat and swindel each other out of the thrown. When one of their plottings ended in the death of his oldest son, Dresiel, Trialeil became enraged and called all his children to him. After forcing them to witness the torn and bloodied body of their brother, Trialeil demanded to know who was responsible. For the first time the siblings stood together and refused to answer. This enraged the elf lord further and in a flash of momentary madness he threw out his arms, calling on the powers of the earth and the air and used it to send his children tumbling throughout the far reaches of their world. Each was now alone and in an unknown territory, left to fend for themself.

Now Caleil, the second youngest of Trialiel's children, finds herself in a strange new realm. As she's wandered she's picked up a handful of desperate and thieving beings who have pledged their loyalty to her. She now seeks a place where she and her people can start fresh. A place she and hers can grow strong. And though she's never been a leader, never been responsible for anyone other than herself, she has little doubt she'll be able to accomplish this. For if she can stand and gaze upon the battered body of the brother she had killed without flinching, she can survive in this unknown land.

UPDATE: The People of Caleil have many reasons to celebrate this day.

Denko, leader of the Kingdom of Shinobi, has offered his hand in friendship and has allowed Caleil to join his ranks. Lady Caleil bows down before the sword and swears loyalty to the orc's, lead by Duh Omg Duh, the Humans, lead by The Best Ruler and Choaseagle, and of course the dwarves, lead by Denko.

In addition to finding a new kingdom, the People of Caleil have found a place to settle. Snug between to mountains, they've named their settlement Falqua, elven for Mountain Pass. All those loyal to Shinobi are welcome - for we may be shabby and new, but we always have a tankard ready to raise with friends. And while we may also raise our cups occasionally with our enemies, they will find when they lower their drinks that they have been laced with something quite... harmful.

Ms. Boreil

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Boreil) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

For years Boreil heard the stories from her mother. Her head was filled with the almost myth-like exploits of her aunts and uncles before her grandfather tossed them on a whim throughout the world. Her father, Torm, a good man who used both words and lock-pick with excellent skill, often told Boreil that while he was glad her grandfather had tossed Caleil in his direction, he was even happier that he did not have to deal with Trialeil himself. Boreil and Torm watched the very determined Lady Caleil mold their small community into three cities which prosperred within the Shinobi Kingdom. And once the cities began to prosper, Lady Caleil began to mold Boreil. For Lady Caleil knew that though they were living in peaceful times, that would not always be the case - and she wanted her daughter to be ready to defend what she'd spent her life building. With her last breaths Lady Caleil had Boreil promise to do what must be done to survive, to protect those in her care, and to be true to their kingdom. Torm, having no desire to rule but every desire to see his daughter succeed, became Boreil's Counselor, lending the wisdom of his diplomatic nature or the cunning of his rogue nature when needed.

Ms. Boreil

Lived in Era 32, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Boreil reflected back on the first half of her life and saw that though she was an elf, she had been raised without the arcane knowledge she so admired in the tales she remembered of her grandfather, Trialeil - an elf so powerful that he teleported his children across many lands in a fit of anger. Though her mother had taught her to fight with a sword and she'd become more comfort in armor than silk, maybe it was time to trade in the armor for mages' robes. Maybe it was time to see if the power in the words of a finely woven spell was as strong as the steel of her sword. Or better yet, she thought with a grin, maybe she could wield her sword in one hand and her wand in the other. Was she ambidextrous.....? Time to find out.

* * * * * * * * * *

Now well into her 20th century, Boreil contemplates the future. She is secure in the knowledge she has gained over the years and in the kingdom that has become her home. It is time, she believes, to pass the knowledge she's gained of the arcane and militant arts on to her daughter, Kestreil. Boreil watched as Kestreil - a quick witted, precocious child - has escaped many duties or wiggled out of many scrapes by using a clever turn of phrase. It was time to steer that skill in a more diplomatic direction. With her help and the aid of the other extremely talented leaders within her kingdom, Boreil has no doubt that Kestreil will have a very successful future.
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