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Mr. Denko

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Denko Raikiri) and was a member of Shinobi Empire

After concealing himself in the shadows of the most remote places of the world, Denko emerges into the twilight. Recruiting members into his group, Shinobi Empire, he plans to lead them to show the world the power of the shinobi.

Mr. Denko Raikiri

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Denko) and was a member of The Alliance

Emerging from the twilight of the last era, the leader of Shinobi Empire is closely followed by his trusted members. Walking into the dawn of the Era of Grumpyoldbastard the group plans for success and trains to accomplish their goals.

After a long war with Blind Sense, Shinobi Empire emerged victorious with their allies.

Shortly after the war with Blind Sense, Knights of the White Wolf attacked but with further help from allies they were beat back. Unfortunately during the war Denko Raikiri lost all his cities and was nearly assassinated. Fortunately he was on a mission and escaped the attempt during which his viceroy, Burninglegion, freed his only remaining city and provided a safe place to return to.

In short order he reestablished his cities that were destroyed and began making a comeback. Shinobi Empire merged into Border Patrol to create The Alliance.

Now Denko grew more powerful than any in his family had ever been. Already twice as strong as his ancestors and still growing, he is to be related to the legendary phoenix, the bird of fire reborn from the flames despite his command of lightning.

Mr. Denko

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Denko) and was a member of The Alliance

Remaining in the world of Zetamania Denko was able to get an early start in the era and set to work rebuilding his ancesters great kingdom, Shinobi Empire. Unfortunaely due to some unforseen events Denko joins Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame where he finds some old friends and offers his families experience to help the kingdom. Unfortunately a tragic incident caused POFF to collapse so Denko joined his friends in ROC but an internal betrayal from the leaders caused Denko to be thrown from the kingdom. As if that wasn't a bad enough series of events, Denko was attacked by several members of the old TA kingdom. Now on the run from his enemies Denko takes to the forest with his few loyal men, saddened that such betrayals ever happened and so quickly.

Mr. Denko

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Rairyu) and was a member of The Alliance

Finding some of his fathers friends decendants, Denko was able to make true his fathers dream, to bring back Shinobi Empire, his families legecy. Going beyond simply bringing the kingdom back from the shadows he brought the power of the nine elements to add to the kingdoms power and thus named the new kingdom Elemental Shinobi Empire.

Suffering from a massive attack from PHI, the kingdom was forced to change locals and granted refuge near the borders of those they could trust. Now Denko builds new cities with ramen stands on every street so he could enjoy his favorite food no matter where he was and spread the joy of ramen to travelers and merchants.

Mr. Rairyu

Lived in Era 32, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Elemental Shinobi Empire

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