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Mr. Ant

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Anty) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Mr Ant, lived during hard times in the Era 33(commonly called Era of Dark Blood)he took comanded of a tribe of battle hardend worrior ants. The tribe was forced to leave due a devesting drought that destroyed the crops of the tribe. So Ant took controll of the clan from its old chief, the battle over the tribe was feirce and very damaging on Ants health.

Opon arrivial in the land of Zetamania, after a massive trek through dense woodland and barren deserts, he join up with a group of friendly neighbours. Soon he had settled a large city for his tribe, that had grown in size so much that the city was over crowded. So Ant orded some of his trusted men to build a new citiy to the east.

Also Ant sent a small force down south to populate and scout the area, they built a city in a small wooded valley. They soon reliesed that there were other cities nearby.

Ant as a leader of a worrior tride started to train the best youth in his towns and equipted them with the weapons needed for war. Once the troops were trained Ant sent them down to the south. Ant continued to send troops south, his army Ant People took Baraddur. Then the army Ant people down to take the city Mine1. Ant lost this city to Whoops, but Ant has plegded to revenge the loses and free the citezens of the town. The troops regrouped and attack Discord, which they took over.

Ant also sent an army north, it was called Ants Advance. The army crushed the town of Stratratratra, takind 2000 slaves, the city was losed soon after to Mr Neu and Ants Advance lost the battle againt his troops. Ants advance has now taken 2 mineing cities of Neu's and is marching for more glory, they marched on Armor which fell easly. Then after a long siege they took Pirate Lobby, with the help of reiforcements and slade's army.
As neu started to attack Pirate lobby Slades forces were destroyed, but Ants advance bosted by reifocments from Armor deffened the city, while Barbaroz's Osmanli toke Rogue town and finished of Neu, now they march together south east to finish of MAD. the force took over Rennuri.

Ant started to send troops to attack Havoc, they were defeated but ant has got lots if troops trained and training in Ants are here, with a stop in the war with havoc, ant stops his advance.

The bloaker owned by ROC, was in danger to fall, so Ant join ROC and helped to defend to the city. After this ant has sent all his elite knights to help the city againt the 'horde' of havoc.

Ant soon got a trader, in wraith, for all the stone hw was making from the cities he had and had taken.

After a long stalmate at Paris, Havoc sent a force round through the Nrania passage, a move which Ant counted with the army Death.

Slick, of Havoc, tried to att the ROC front at Paris from behind, Ant with help from Retribution, Benny and Tongan, all from ROC, killed off slick's forces. Ant's armies Rsharp and Wibble were hailed as hero's from every town.

However Dark Lighting, of SK, took Snot and Snot 2 which Ant had to fight hard for against slick. Being an allie of ROC lots of debates happened over what would happen untill Dark Lighting was kicked from SK and Ant was allowed to take Snot, Snot 2 and Frantic, one of Dark's cities.

In a battle Ants are broke so he couldn't write be could still fight (i can't be bothered to write this)

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Mr. Anty

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Antzers) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Mr. Antzers

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Ant) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

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