Family History

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Mr. Isaac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Isaac) and was a member of SiN

It started off rough in my world, the day many people started I was preparing for war, with an kingdom far greater my size, before I knew it I was now ubder attack, as I fought them off, I won a battle, but knew I still didn't win the war. Then as I turned toward the enemy he feared me, but fear is the only thing people fear in playing this game. so I took off on a day break, the enemy took advantage and killed me, but I will never go down, revenge is lovely. LOL
I have many more eras to kill...People watch out I may come for you next :)

Mr. Isaac

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (The Killer).


Mr. The Killer

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Kingdom Killer) and was a member of War Gods

"?Its time to kill those who killed my father, soon this game will look different, its time for a new leader in this game, its time to think new. I will teach people how to play the right way, not the wrong way, I live by a three codes.
1. Never break a treaty or any acts with a person
2. Trust your self and never run from a war, even if they are much stronger, because once they got you they take everyone out make a stand.
3. Have fun and enjoy this great game, and never take 24 hours off the game. hahaha
Its time to build better and smarter. Its war from now on

Mr. Kingdom Killer

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Isaac V) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE

Now its time for me to start killing this devilish kingdoms, there time expired.
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