Family History

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Ms. Elena

Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heir(s) (Eve).


Ms. Eve

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Eviline) and was a member of Imperium of Knights

The mysterious Elf Queen who haunted the South Eastern woods. Lived a life underground searching and preparing a secret spell that is said to reincarnate her life after her death, and not just that the spell was known to be a portal of souls where she could choose where to appear if her human partner united with her on such accord through an elven mysterious scroll. After a long life she and her concubines disappeared mysteriously as her brave soldiers fought their final battles leaving nothing for her enemies to spoil but a few stones and a few footsteps ending in the middle of the ritual chamber at her majesty's chambers on top of the Emerald Tower.

Ms. Eviline

Lived in Era 35, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Imperium of Knights

The villagers of the South West couldn't hold their fears from entering the forests even through the hard winter they dare not cut the trees for warmth instead they built their homes with rocks and used coal for heating. It was told that spirits haunted the forest and no one ever returned from there or left a trace.

One day, a young woman rebelliously left her father's home as she was forced to marry a man that she didn't desire. Even though she ran away in her wedding clothes, the villagers dare not chase her to the forbidden forest. Out of desperation she entered preferring a certain death than a lifetime of torture. As fast as she ran as closer she got closer to her end.. and a new beginning.

She was captured, tied down and fixed to a comfortable bed. Her captors were like shadows she couldn't see their faces. She was given to drink and as things looked less accurate to her, sounds of enchanting was heard. slowly she faded.

As she woke up, the bonds were gone, was all dressed up in a beautiful rose night gowns! She smiled and right behind her back those shadowed creatures came closer. She stood up and looked around and all of them lined in a circle around her. She stood straight and placed her hands in her waist and with her other hand she waved down to them shadows around her. Instantly they all kneel.

The Shadowed creatures uncovered their faces, Revealing that they are the Archmages of Eve, the Elven Queen. And now she has gracefully returned within the body of a young beautiful maiden.
She now calls herself Eviline, the Elven Queen
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