Family History
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of BURNT
Alberta Zump was born into a poor family. When he was at the age of twelve, his village was attacked by large group of aggravated Mountain Trolls. They completely destroyed his home and kidnapped his friends and family. He lived with the Trolls for three years, watching as the people he loved were killed off. They were used in experiments and died in painful and agonizing ways. One day, when his mothers skin burned off and she begged for him to help, he finally snapped. He grabbed a sword and started fighting. His courage caused a riot of prisoners of all races and realms. At such a young age he overthrew a powerful rebel Troll clan that the Troll government itself could not control. He became a hero, and became leader of small community. He then made an oath, an pledge to make his followers proud and help them rise in power. He starts off with an Elf civilization, not knowing much about government and economy. He then joined a Kingdom known by the name of BURNT.
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Sarafan Knights
On an adventure into the wilderness Alberta Zump came across a cave. He felt an aura surrounding the cave. He traveled for days until he reached a fountain of water. When he drank the water he felt the magic powers and realized he had found a fountain of youth. He returned to his elf empire hundreds of years later to find it in ruins. A group of Troll warriors eager to avenge their ancestors destroyed every farm and every barrack. He was surrounded by the enemy when a group of knights charged in and saved him from the enemy. Years later he had a son that he named Morte, after all the death and destruction he's seen in his lifetime. Alberta raised his child in combat and leadership, but before the young child's training was finished something terrible happened. A group of assassins sneaked into his castle and lifted the spell of the mystical water. Alberta instantly became of age and turned to dust. Enemy propaganda tore the empire to pieces after his death. The last believers in the Zump family took the child, Mr. Morte Zump, to another world known by the name of Fantasia. They left the BURNT kingdom and joined a new one known by the name of Zeon. He soon became leader of the Humans and even with his lack of training brought glory to their race. After years of productivity and happiness wars started to break out all through the land. Allied towns we're getting crushed by an alliance of evil kingdoms, and people were being forced into slavery. All citizens under the rule of Mr. Zump ran for their lives south. But when they got there and finally set up a home, the enemy had caught up with them. But because of all the casualties of the last migration, people refused to leave, and only a few hundred including Mr. Zump himself went west to safety. They neither saw or heard of any messengers from the Great Zump Cities. Although it is highly probable that they were taken over quickly, the cities had little defenses and troops to fight the armies that were against them. The group camped near an allied city, close by to a body of water. The city was under attack, and in a matter of days the city was under control of the enemy. Morte and his men were trapped between the lake and the town. Although they were occasionally spotted, they were just thought to be a migrating group that lost its way.
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore
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( x _ X )
The End!
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Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Odyssey
[ * o * ]
{ O v O }
{ P _ P }
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Odyssey
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Odyssey
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Odyssey
Mr. Zump
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Zump) and was a member of Odyssey