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Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus).

10 years passsed since King Wizardus of Shattered Screams was driven out by the evil Abydocians. However, soon Wizardus regained "power", if you can call it that, in a far away realm that was known as Valhalla.

King WIzardus led his army to a quieter corner of Fantasia, but the Abyocians were quick - they prepared to bring him down. Finally, Wizardus was forced to flee from Fantasia. He would go where the current would take him in a new boat - Legendos.
The ocean cast its evil on Wizardus, but he survived - barely.

After being thrown onto the shores of Valhalla, Wizardus gathered his remaning army of 0. Well, 1 if you include Wizardus. Fire burned everywhere, and no one besides him survived. However, he saw cities in the distant.

Using his skills, Wizardus quickly gathered a new army and still made himself known as king of the legendary KD of SDS. Soon, 2 cities were made - A Colony and Another Colony, perfect names.

A terrible message was just then brought him - it read:
The era is coming to a close - ZeTa, the god
Wizardus knew he had to get ready and make the best of the new times. He was sure he could survive now that he knew the nature of the Armageddon, but Wizardus wanted to save his loyal army. He named a new army Legendos after the great and valiant ship, preparing for the end of days.

Before the end, he made a quick survey of surrounding lands - the Abydocians... here? And indeed he heard that Abydocians were gathering an army at Aqualita the capital and largest city of Valhalla. Constantine was the secondary capital and was the most powerful.

"Shh... they are all around us, somewhere." Wizardus was with his best troops. ARUNIV! Bursts of flame vaporized nearby enemy troops in an instant. And his life continues...

Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus).


Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus) and was a member of THE EVIL SIDE

After defeating the Abydocians through long and hard battles in era 18, Wizardus decided to move on. He had heard of a major battle between "Good" and "Evil" sides in the east coast. Travelling from the west to east was very difficult.
Shortly after leaving, a problem came up. The Red Hand had an army blocking entrance, and Wizardus was forced to fight. With his small number of troops, he still defeated them.
A while later, more kingdoms were found. Finally however, Wizardus reached the GOOD/EVIL wart area. He now knew that each thought of themselves as Good, but one was much more honorous than the other...

Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 20 and got 0 heir(s) .

*** 20 years before - the adventures of Aevel (Era 15)
Wizardus came all the way from the lands known only as Mantrax, to the completely different lands of Fantasia. The soil was more fertile, Wizardus noted, however wars brew out everywhere. Vast kingdoms such as Rumour made people have to be on the run all the time. Wizardus founded Aevel, after a city that Crelton had made (his grandfather). A town not to far away was later established as a source of food for Wizardus's colonies. That city was named Riverville, and also was on one of the crossroads that would later probably benifit Wizardus in adding territory.
Shortly, Wizardus had a great kingdom going. Peace was the only thing he knew before the moment that invaders came... their name was Rumour. Viceroy Labrat was the first to attack, destroying Wizardus's smaller cities. It was stopped as it attempted to take over Riverville. Then 2 more armies came - both were halted as well.
The time of victory fell as another viceroy sent in 1 huge army. It destroyed and burned all the citizens of Riverville, not giving any heed to the poor children. Wizardus was horrified by this, and immediately organized an army to go into Rumour demanding peace or full out war with Legendos, a new kingdom WIzardus made. The Rumousians laughed at these demands, and Wizardus prepared for full out war. (The viceroys army was quickly stopped)
Thousands of troops gathered at what was left of Riverville, preparing to march all the way up into RUmourian territory. 4 cities were quickly taken, and even in the storm, Wizardus kept going. The biggest city was the 5th.
The troops settled quietly outside. Surrounding the city, they sieged it. After two weeks went by, Wizardus was followed by troops out of the forest, and held a surprise attack. The city was captured. These first five cities were quickly grown, and Legendos grew bigger.
More cities were established on the lake near tthe 5th city. Aevel grew larger and larger day and night. One day, Wizardus was, however, brought with horrid news - wars in hte GvE broke out. He travelled a long aways...
*** End

*** GvE adventures - Current era
It was known as the... well that doesn't matter.
Wizardus realized he had to cross a huge and vast river to get to the lands of GvE. Storms rattled the boat, but eventually he not-to-harshly reached the GvE lands. What he saw was a land with good soil, and areas for everything from fishing to timber. He was admitted into the kingdom and knew that he would protect it forever. He sent his original 50 troops to a perfect spot. It would never be as good as Aevel, but it was strong enough.
2 colonies were built and they soon grew. Legendos AOW (Army of Wizardus) marched down to build a colony lower. Right now it was a scout
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