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Ms. Dark Angel

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Dark Angel) and was a member of Death In Exsitance


Ms. Dark Angel

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Angel Fire) and was a member of Dorian Empire

In the Middle Ages, the sorcerers were granted immortality by the demon Mephisto in exchange for the continued sacrifice of mortal souls. One of these men, Ranaulph Haldane, had a daughter named Shevaun in the modern period. When Shevaun was 21 years old, Mephisto killed her father for betraying him. Shevaun then saw the Angel of Death arrive for her father. The angel placed a fragment of the universe itself within Shevaun, and gave her a suit of high-tech body armor to control her new power. She fought Mys-Tech's agents and other techno-magical monsters across the Earth, in other dimensions, and in the afterlife.

Ms. Angel Fire

Lived in Era 39, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Dorian Empire

When you hear a sound
And see a star
Then raise your swords to me
Cause I hate you

You lit the fire of an angel
Angel fire it is called
Angel fire it will remain
You are the demon that had came and lit my fire
You came to my life

When you see the moon go to sleep
And you hear the day break
Then you will see me by your side

And in the sun u see a light
Brighter than anything
It's my fire burning
The fire of an angel with burning revenge
Just angel fire in my heart.
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