Family History

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Mr. Ghengas Kahn

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Ghengas Khan) and was a member of Holy

All is Quite as the elven Leader, Ghengas Kahn, sits atop his rock blowing upon his flute. Behind him, the City of Lothlorien, positioned in the center of the great valley, bustles with activity.

For 300 years, the elf had been the king of this grand city, monitoring it to make sure it grew into a City state, and, if he had his ways, A Grand Empire.

Mr. Ghengas Khan

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Isildur) and was a member of Holy

Upon a humiliating defeat from the kingdom of Trio, Ghengas Kahn's son, Ghengas Khan, bred from a dwarf maiden and the fair elf, survived to live another day. From his mountain stronghold, he hordes gold and awaits for the right time to ennact revenge for his father's death.

Mr. Isildur

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Valandil) and was a member of Holy

Isildur, Heir of Numenoreans and first king of Gondor, planted the White tree atop Minas Arnor, the white tower, as a sign of the kingdom of Gondor. His heirs would bear more weight in this world then he could ever imagine.

Mr. Valandil

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Eldacar) and was a member of Holy

Fourth son of Isildur; his elder brothers were killed by Orcs at the Gladden Fields along with their father. Valandil and his mother were in Rivendell when news of the fall of Isildur reached them. After this disaster Valandil inherited the High Kingship over the Dunedain. Because he was still a child when his father was killed, he had no power in Gondor where his older cousin Meneldil was left by Isildur to rule. In any case Valandil never made any attempt to reclaim the southern crown, thereby perhaps inadvertently strengthening Meneldil's claim for the throne and splitting the kingdom. The title of High King did remain with Valandil and his heirs. For the first eight years his mother ruled in his stead, and in T.A. 10 he finally received the symbol of his kingship, the sceptre of Annuminas. In that city he dwelt in peace until his death and was succeeded by his son Eldacar.

Mr. Eldacar

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Arantar) and was a member of Havoc

he ascended the throne of Arnor on the death of his father Valandil, he was the grandson of Isildur. He should not be confused with his more famous namesake, Eldacar of Gondor. His reign was without any event and he died in and was succeeded by his son Arantar.

Mr. Arantar

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Tarcil) and was a member of Havoc

he ascended the throne of Arnor on the death of his father Eldacar. He was the great-grandson of Isildur. His reign was without any event and he died and was succeeded by his son Tarcil.

Mr. Tarcil

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Tarondor) and was a member of Havoc

he ascended the throne of Arnor on the death of his father Arantar; he was the great-great-grandson of Isildur. His reign was without event and he died and was succeeded by his son Tarondor.

Mr. Tarondor

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Valandur) and was a member of Havoc

Born and ascended the throne of Arnor on the death of his father Tarcil. He should not be confused with Tarondor of Gondor, who reigned much later in the Third Age. His reign was without any notable event and he died and was succeeded by his son Valandur.

Mr. Valandur

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Father of Erendur) and was a member of The Devastators

Born and ascended the throne of Arnor on the death of his father Tarondor. He was killed in hostilities, but the exact circumstances of his death are unknown. Succeeded by his son, Elendur in.

Mr. Father of Erendur

Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus).

Landing on the shores of Mantrax, I, Elendur, Father of Erendur, lead on.

I set the mark for The Devestators by claiming this lush green patch of earth For us.

I find Pendragon, and Old Ally, stretching far back to the Juganittori wars of Old. Several Eras have passes since this old War, in which HIghlands honor was destroyed, and I jumped on Havoc's Train. Pendragon, though, this old ally, took me under his wing.

From the Devestators, we were able to reform the Black Chain, and I amidst its Ranks.

Marching south from Anuminas, I settle Minas Arnor on the edge of a mountain Range. Scouting further south, I was also able to settle the Lonely Mountain and Esgaroth, a base of Solitude where few know that the Black Chain Dwell.

I see an old enemy from Havoc. ROC. However, we both share a hatred for the Army of Anubis. We are now allies, their KD and mine.

Weeks pass and I find myself Exiled from my homeland, as the Devastators live up to thier name. I march eastward to establish harad.

Harad has grown now. It is bustling, with Far Harad mining large amounts of Gold, Near Harad HArvesting plenty for me, and Harad itself churning troops. Things have looked up.

Lo and behold! a Week hath past, and Harad has fallen, but not to the devestators, to ROC! An Awoll member of our kingdom attacked them, and now, we face elimination!
Day 1 of Siege of Sand Stone
This is it, the Last stand of I, the Father of Erendur, and My son himself. We are held up within Sand Stone Castle, with 9,100 men. Attacking is a force as powerful as 50,000 Dwarfs. My Brave men know that we will Fall as I contemplate a full fledged suicide attack, as I am one of the few remaining in my Kingdom. I am alone, and I feel it now more than ever. I await as the clock ticks. There is no quarter shown to us. My men wait atop the towers and on the walls, and in the city streets, as the hordes outside our gates rattle intimidating the children and peasants. Whils this was happening, a captured city of mine, three of them to be precise, have mounted rebellions amongst the aggressors. These did not take long, however, to be put down once more.

Day 3 of Siege
The time is near. I have sent Theophilus away to carry on the line, my dear nephew. I contemplate once more the suicidal attack. The troop count has been tallied at 28000 attacking. a Few swordsmen are still arming themselves within my city, however. They need time to train. we could muster 4,000 more in but a few days, if only we can hold.

Day 6 of Siege
I have ordered immediate construction of guard towers, 5000 of them. The walls have been doubling in height as we construct, whilst the attacking army simply sits and mocks us, knowing full well we cannot repel this attack. We would have no chance of a victory with a Suicide attack, but with defensive positioning, we stand a greater chance at success. My one hope at survival is if my old peasants of The Haradian Kingdom can revolt once more.

Day 7 of Siege
Sand stone grows whilst the Army still camps. Our gates lie open. Yet still, Soldiers Join the defenses as catapults are hauled to the walls, knights patrol the streets and archers the roof tops. Peasants arm themselves with swords and guard their own house holds as the peasants that can't fight still garner food.

Day 9 of Siege
Sir Syuveil has disbanded our Kingdom, and I am truly alone. A few disheartened troops have even deserted. There is no hope.

Day 13 of Siege
We have run out of Stone to build Higher the Walls. Thousands more troops have come, but it still pales in comparison to the army before us. The peasants come, however, and go about there work. Perhaps there is hope, hope, until, more forces come to smash us to pieces. Our lineage lies within Theophilus now.

Day 19 of the Siege
Let it be known that on this day, the battle for Sand Stone Castle took place. Dreadguard lead by Mr. Deltasig attacked with over 28,000 troops. Storming through the gates and into the city, men women and children alike fled for their lives. Catapults launched barage after barage of stones, but the dwarfs scaled the walls, and made quick work of these engineers. The knights trampled over several thousand dwarfs, but they too succumbed to the never ending horde. It was the Archers at the Keep who then valiantly stood ground and launched Volley after Volley of arrow, but they could not keep up with the amount of Dwarfs charging in, and with hammer after hammer being thrown unto the walls, many an archer were lost.

All in All, We lost 2848 Swordsmen, 6299 Archers, 949 Knights, 1159 Magicians and 344 Catapults in the battle.

over 400 swordsmen deserted, over 700 Archers deserted, as well as 61 knights, 341 of my best magicians, and 6 catapults. We know not where these traitorous few went, but they will find their end.

As I transcribe this, I hope that the memory of these brave souls lives on through Theophilus. The line of Arnor is lost. My dear Theophilus, my Wife's Sister's Son, whom was under my charge, is hundreds of leagues away by now. I hear the knock of doom bellow as my great hall is is ransacked and over run. I write these last words as I hear the clanking and murmuring of dwarven soldiers finding their way up the steps. My 12 Royal guard brace themselves as my Elite Archers behind them draw their bows. It will be a hell of a fight, and I will not surrender. As I place my pen down and give this scroll to my messenger bird, I hope that the message can be delivered to Theophilus so that he may know as to what happened to his dear uncle. They batter at the door.

Mr. Theophilus

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus II) and was a member of Black Chain Training Program

I Theophilus the First, nephew of Elendur, Father of Erendur, Recieve a letter detailing the fall of my my dear uncles kingdom.

A deep hatred I do have, and I make a Solemn oath to exact revenge, either by myself, or one of my descendants, upon the Kingdom of Devestators or the Traitor Samual.

After fleeing Sand stone at the sight of an attacking army, I headed to Armageddon, where I settled Great Zion. She is prosperously growing. Going just Two days East, I settle a great mine of Palistine.

Palistine has many working in it.

Going A day and a half south west of Palistine, I settled the Land of Cannan. Many Brave warriors will be brought forth from this training ground. Already, hundreds of lesser footmen are being trained.

Two weeks upon settling-
Zion is under Siege! My City is under attack, and I know not what to do! My troops are still being trained, but they need to be much faster. It would be a two or three days march for them whence finished as it stands, and what more, the traitor of Black Chain, Samual, is marching thousands of troops right by my city!

Day 20
Zion has been overrun! And what more, by a force of less than 200! I breed my army for revenge. I have left my Chief of staff in charge of Cannan whilst I seek a place to set a monastery refuge. My troops at Cannan should be able to hold, repel attackers, and take back the two cities. What more, should I wait but a little, this lazy ruler should find himself overrun in two of his cities! Jade Reaper indeed. I should put his name to the test.

Day 24
I send for 521 Swordsmen and 307 Archers to aid Palistine from Cannan. They will arrive in three days. I have no stone or Gold coming in Since Jade's troops have been plundering.

Day 30
Palistine is being plundered Daily! I spend all assets in buying slaves to help Build up my Monestary in Solitude. I still know not what to do

Day 30
Four armies are at Palistine's gates! What more, the sieging armies have starved or scared off all peasants.

Day 36
My liberation force has been utterly defeated. I now regrow in Monestary, hoping to one day take back my Eastern Claims. Things can only go up from here.

Day 50
Several weeks in, and Monestery is bustling. It is growing into quite the Mining town. Ephesus, Settled due north West a day and a half is now harvesting wood in excess, and I set out to found an Armory for the Formation of an Army. Things look well.

Day 55
The moon has been the color of Blood for some time now. Peasants say it is an omen of my downfall. Temple workers say it is an Omen of the Apocolypse itself. My cities shall still not cease to grow amidst this so called "Armageddon".

Day 60
Woe be unto us! Armageddon has indeed begun! Armies are starting to go rampant, and the sky has been darkened! Where is the sun? Where is the Moon? The stars? All have Ceased! How then can we measure time? I am worried. Some say there is less than a year, others say less than 230 days! I carry with me My wife, who came to me in Ephesus. She is bearing a Child, Theophilus II. He must be born so our magicians can send him to another realm. This one shall soon cease, and with it, an Era ended!

Day 70
Monestary has been plundered! In my resettling, I have yet to establish a standing army, and in its absence, I have no military to speak of! I have my life, however. This world shall soon cease, and with it, though, all hope.....

Day 140
Woe is me? Why is it now, in the midst of the end of the world, that I NOW see my economy building up? I am now at my forefather's glory, but what to be had? The end is but only a few short weeks away. My dear son, now, in these days, is born into the city of Ephesus! Why now? Why must my child be born to see such havoc? No! I will not have it. I am sending him away. My dearest child, Theophilus II will carry on My line. Even now I am completing enchantments to send him to the realm of Mantrax. I, however have other plans. Though time dwindles, I march to war.

Day 155
I have liberated Thriefheim back to Crimson, my dear friend within the Kingdom. There was little battle, and Morale is high. Not only this, but it is a strike against the son of Samual. Mr. Samual has lost one of the few cities he has left in the realm.

Day 157
I pull back to Philipi and will await a week. I will then march with what troops I have to Retrieve Zion. My aim is to have it returned to me before the era perishes. There is but 145 days left.

Day 160
I have returned to Philipi. I will set back the March for 20 days, lest I see a reason to do so quicker. I will be marching out with a considerably larger force. I intend to make it all of the Way to Zion, liberate it, possibly Palistine and Cannan, and if time permits, to strike back upon my aggressors.

Day 168
Curse Mr. Fusion! He has plundered Monestary! I send a detachment of 50 swordsmen to defend the city. What more, Thriefheim has been stolen once more, but by Mr. Fusion! He is a Devil!

Day 170
I march to the defense of Ephesus. Mr. Fusion, that rotten Orc, has plundered it! MY son was safe within the keep. I must not waste time in extraditing him to Mantrax. In two days the preparation should be ready. I continue to train more at Philipi, but I know not if I shall ever reclaim Zion.

Day 175
Theophilus II, my son,and my only legacy from this Era is gone. I feel alone. Regardless, I still train up for the War. I waste too much time waiting around. There are but only 4 months left in this Era...

Day 195
My army, though small compared to the legions of the great Empires, is within itself worthy of praise. It has been well trained, and fights 50% stronger than the standard fighting force. Of the few peasants that remained once the short wave of pillaging began, we have trained a force of 4,040 strong. At the Center of the ranks, In front of myself, 187 Catapults, crafted from the scarce lumber roll onwards, surrounded by a guard of a massive 1,670 strong legion of Well trained Archers. a line of one deep swordsmen are at the front of this, 214 a abreast. To the Left, 1,200 Knights brandish fresh steel armor, and between them and dispersed throughout, magicians offer what protection they have earned. We have 749 of them. 29 Knights are at my guard, 6 to either side, and four in front and behind me.

We march to War, and to reclaim what can be whilst there is time. I have mustered my force. My comrades and Kingdom mates shall meet me on the battleground within two weeks, and then, I lead them all to war. At least 5,000 dwarven Axemen await my command.

Day 207
I have arrived at Checkpoint alpha with my 4,040 troops. I am waiting just a few days for the Dwarven Axemen. Zion, if it is still standing, is 11 Days away. There are 87 days remaining for me to liberate my cities.

Day 219
Monestary has been plundered and ransacked, and what more, taken over! IT matters not, as this Era shall soon be over. I march now from Checkpoint Alpha into the heat of things with many troops. Over 7,000 axemen march with me. We now have over 11,000 well trained troops.

Day 220
I let nothing Stand in my path. a squandering ruler left his force of 50 swordsmen and 85 peasants before my path. I struck them all down, and but only one of Crimson's Axemen were injured in the mayhem.

We now have 7051 healthy axemen, one injured;
1 swordsmen from Crimson, 214 from mine, and the rest of my army intact. we have 11,091 Able Bodied Soldiers. In light of a city standing before me, though, I take a short detour to conquer a Farm to help out my Kingdom. Legion Marches north.

Day 221
I capture a Major farming city, as well as messenger birds reporting on how Monestary has been Liberated. Legion Marches South once more.

Day 130
I attack the small fort of Block Burrow.. The leader, Mr. Osiris II was uncooperative. If he wants, he can have it back. Legion marches east with no further casualties.

Mr. Theophilus II

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus III) and was a member of Black Chain Training Program

Day 1
I awaken on Mantrax. I am grown now, and I settle the city of Zion and prepare to Conquer.

Day 20
My Kingdom Mates have a SMALL sort of Lead upon me. Regardless, I send out four parties, one to the Far north, my Lifeguards, on a 64 day Journey for a refuge at the top of the World.
I send A scout to an area where the woods provide lumber and the waters fresh irrigation.Yet a third I send past the south eastern mountain range to begin mining. And a fourth I send to found an Armoury for troop production.I shall see how this all turns out.

Day 76
Zion has grown into a bit of a bustling mining City. Damascus is nearly ready to produce troops. Antioch is now feeding my Kingdom and providing lumber. IT needs to Grow, but the Era is early on.

Day 97
I settle Ephesus in the Far North. I am mining lumber and stone and Gold from there. It is desolate, save for a single city. It flies the flags of anarchy. Sources inform me that this "Anarchy" was forged from the descendants of The Devestators! Curse DTS, and their descendants! They were the ones that ended the kingdom of my great uncles, and the line of Arnor. I may yet exact revenge

Day 108
Prospia has Invaded! I have lost Zion, and many troops!

Day 139
Antioch has Fallen, and an Army awaits outside of Damascas's gates! I flee north to Ephesus, and hope for the best. 500 pony riders and many farmers and slingers defend the city. Prosapia will bring down our Kingdom if we let them.

Day 140
I send out emissaries far and wide. The Black Chain shall grow if the Kingdom of Prosapia is to be defeated.

Day 141 (1099)
I am recieving messages from other Kingdoms. They are willing to stand beside us, but what if they stand AS us? Damascus has fallen, leaving me none but Ephesus in the Far north.

Through negotiations with Mr. Exodus, The Kingdom of Titan has joined the Kingdom of Black Chain. we are growing in power. We are now 5 members stronger too.

Day 147
I have settled Collosians near the great river. I send out scouts to create armories.

Day 159
Thessaloniki and Corinth have been founded. Ephesus Grows, Collossians is harvesting good crops, and troops are being made. The North will be the Land of Black Chain.

More members have joined, and MAD is now an Ally. Several new members are joining up, and the Kingdom of Legacee shall soon be incorporated.

Day 182
Thessaloniki is now churning out troops, Corinth soon to follow. Many Kingdom Mates are moving up North with me.

I intend to create armies of Advendturers to March south.

Day 208
Prosperity Abounds, and I enjoy the growing four cities of mine. BC has taken hold around me, and I no longer live in fear. I recruit many adventurers to send on expeditions soon.

Day 295
Corinth Has fallen, My adventurers loose to a 80% chance of a successful attack, and Munch has taken Golshire, a nieghboring city, from My dear Kingdom Mate Mr. Crimson.

Strife arises from the Brotherhood of the Wolf, though they are being defeated. All is not well.

For these reasons, I have settled in the Far South Eastern Corner of the World, both a mine and a Farm. If All else Fails, I will still have a place to Run.

Day 297
Crimson, with the aid of a legion of mine, has reclaimed Golshire! What more, he is going to the rescue of Ephesus.

Day 319
Not even a year since we have landed on Mantrax, and already I feel like I am finally starting to take root as a strong King. I am still Viceroy of my Kingdom, and have not only established the Northern Core, but also now have 3 cities in the South Eastern Corner, with scouts moving north of there to establish yet another backup base. It doesn't matter if MUNCH can take all we have up north, with the kingdom of MAD, I will be able to safely rebuild behind their borders.

The army that has been pestering me thus far up north will soon meet it doom, as well. I have 2000 adventurers to bolster the 1000 that valiantly defended Golshire in the MUNCH attack to reclaim it. I lost 400 in the attack, but I am sure his losses were more dire.

Day 326
Let it be known that on this Day, the 326th of our settling, I have defeated a Legion of Antharic Grungebringer. This is no doubt great news to the Northern Kingdom. Another Army approaches, but we are optimistic.

Day 351
News is not good. Ephesus has fallen. We, however, have defeated many troops of Antharic's, taken two cities from him, and march on a Third. The battle in the North is FAR from over.

I launch a 4 Part Assault. I send 2 armies North and west to Retake Corinth, and two armies west to bolster Golshire, as I am sure troops will attack from Ephesus soon.

Day 362
The Attack Failed! Not only that, they failed MISERABLY. I fear the North has lost, as already an army stands at Colossians' gates. Armshire, of Crimson II, has been captured, and he is hard fought to get it back. Golshire is under attack, with another army inbound. I am investing more and more into the Southern Core. I fear the Worst for the North.

Day 399
I have lasted for over 80 days against the strongest adversary I have ever faced, and he has given me great honor in facing him. MY southern Kingdom will have to hold up, as we are down to just Thessoloniki. I spend all resources now in Destroying my northern City, and building the Southern ones. Sir Antharic Grungebringer will not get the best of me. It seems we have gotten some of the best of him, however. Crimson II and I, combined, have killed far over 25,000 of his knights.

Day 419
Thessoloniki has fallen, and with it, the North. Little do the enemy know, though, that I have a scout within its borders, waiting for the time to strike....

Day 431
I found the cities of the House of Mark, House of Luke, House of John, and The Acts. Now all I need is to create numerable troops.

Day 483
My cities are growing, as is my army. Thousands of Adventurers await to march out, but I demand more. They thirst for revenge. I am now more powerful than previous, and my ancestors may not be ashamed of me now. I go now knowing that the honor of the Kingdom of Arnor, of my great-Uncle, is in my wake. I will redeem my name.

Day 528
A prosapian army knocks at the gates of our Kingdom's ally, MAD. We shall reclaim the city and turn it over to him. Crimson, and Myself, in the city of Genisis, in path of the army, have over 10,000 troops. My 5,115 Adventurers shall get some firsthand experience.

Day 588
The days grow long. Prosapia has taken the house of Luke, the House of John, and the Acts. I know not what to do. I continue, however, to hold my ground, and have a standing army, 11,000 strong, of Adventurers. When I have amassed 25,000 of these bold fighters, I will march to Glory!

Day 631
Prosapia advances further. I breed my army to counter it still. several thousand, 5 at least, adventurers guard Phillipi from the large attacking horde. Crimson, my fellow from the north, as from the south as well, is marching to destroy the army, and should arrive within two days. May we soon turn back this invasion into our lands, and claim some of THEIR territory.

The south Corner still holds.

Day 654
House of Mark is Under Siege. Genisis, and tens of thousands of my forces, have fallen. Hundreds of thousands of troops march on Pilipi, The House of Matthew, and Galatia.

In this resort, my lone scout up north settled The Revelation. I will survive there. About 10,000 troops are left defending the south. Crimson has lost many down there. Regardless, after 10 months, I am regaining a hold in the North. Munch has lost ephesus and other cities of mine to our allies, The Brotherhood of the Wolf. BoW may well return Ephesus to me. It would mean the world and more.

Day 655
To Compensate for the Loss of the House of Mark, I found the House of Peter, beside The Revelation. I will not die out.

Day 657
The House of James, my third in the North Lands, is another tree Harvester. In spite of the failure of the southern colonies, I am rebuilding with a vengence in the North, and I will strike back!

Day 658
Munch has Claimed the hosue of James! I shall have to rebuild from two cities for now...

Day 707
I have lost all. I have my life, however. I am now, for the third time, rebuilding.

Day 762
MUNCH armies have taken my northern cities. the Black Chain(BC) has been disbanded, and we are forcibly joining the kingdom of MAD. Hopefully we can collaborate and strike the enemy harder now.

I do have a city behind enemy lines.

Day 781
All is lost as I resign and leave my Son, Theophilus III in my stead. I retreat into solitude.

Mr. Theophilus III

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus IV) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Journal of Theophilus III.
The Era of Elsin
Day 789
My father has been shamed by his inability to hold ground in this war. He has left me in charge with carrying on. I have settled a small city of Bree, and plan to open a mining operations soon.

Day 905
The Plague has ravaged my cities. I am left with Little. I have five empty cities.

Day 965
I am growing, and training, as well, though my military scientists have not worked very hard.

Day 1121
I have dissapointed myself. My kingdom is shrinking, our allies are failing, and the great Kingdoms of this world will soon swallow Mad up. I send my Child, Theophilus III to the Pendragon federation and then to Black Chain.

Mr. Theophilus IV

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus V) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Theophilus IV, journal etry:
Day 100
I have become aquainted with this strange new world. Since my arival 100 days ago, I have become a leader of the Black Chain, much like my forefather's before me. I have thus far setted three cities, Antioch, Ephesus, and Gondolin. The last one, I have had to raize to the groud in the face of an advancing enemy. I go to settle with Burning Legion, the decendant of a long ally of my fathers before me.

Day 114
Antioch is being plundered. I need only to get enough Gold for my city i the designated area of Burning Legions cove.

Day 152
Yet again, the line of Theophilus is challenged. I send my son to Nirvana.

Mr. Theophilus V

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus VI) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

Day 164
My father has sent me here. Why must I be a part of this reched Line? One more, I join Burning Legion on this world of Nirvana. I will turn around the name of Theophilus.

Day 219
Things look well. I have, thus far, been in magical protection, but havge grown as a strong player. I have several mines, and an armory in a foriegn land. It will be interesting to see how this continues to play out.

Day 302
I am gaining in strength. I will assault The Peacekeepers, who have claimed my cities.

Day 318
I attempt to overturn Attacks on me. The peacekeepers are invading, and their armies are at the gates of Rome. I have given orders to my Kingdom. We will repulse.

Day 408
Oud Kingdom has colapsed. Once more, my family line has failed to amount to much. The enemy was far to strong for our defenders. Over 20,000 Slingers, 4000 Knights, 5000 of our best illusionists, and 4,000 adventurers were slain in a valiant defense.

Mr. Theophilus VI

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus VII) and was a member of Heaven

Day 444 of this Era.
I once again join up with Burning Legion. We are partner's in Crime, they would say. I have established a small castle and soon an armory. I Will not be caught without an army fit for invasion THIS time.

Day 484
The Great Kingdom of Heaven has invited me to join.

Day 485
On this Day, I am a member of Heaven. I know stand a chance.

Day 541
I now have an established Mine, a source of wood, and a city, ready for breeding troops. I have a whole Kingdom at my back.

Day 637
Heaven Braces for War. Our allies have betrayed us. I recruit my adventurers by the thousands.

Day 676
We are now at War with BIO. Soon, I march out over 5000 Adventurers, and thousands of calvary to accompany. I go to War, and to Victory.

Day 700
I march! I send over 4000 elite horsemen, and nearly 6,000 adventurers. I am 10 days away from the battlefield.

For over 400,000 gold, I establish my Keep, hidden away in a mountain fold. I will use this as my fortress of solitude, the place I go when all else seems to lead to danger.

Day 736
VICTORY! I have overtaken two enemy cities. I march south for reinforcements and to a new front.

Day 754
I move out with 10,000 Experienced Adventurers. I have 6 captains with them. more than 4,000 Cavalry accompany them.

Day 755
My army marches now for 40 days. We go on the WARPATH!

Day 779
I am a few days off of my first target. I will REDEEM the theophilus name.

Day 832
My army has been truimphant in the battlefield, but at a cost. I have lost 1156 Pony riders, 806 Illusionists, and 2774 Adventurers in battle. I have over 11000 adventurers that are 40 days off.

Day 853
My first legion has been destroyed, but many more are just a few short weeks away.

Day 875
I recapture Bush Tree, but Legacy is lashing back out at me. This "Swedish chef Brashen", he calls himself, has an orc horde fast approaching. They will meet resitance, however. There are now 13,000 Adventures in the city to defend it. 50,000 now come at me.

Day 877
I now know their numbers. The enemy has 18898 soldiers armed with Magic weapons and mithril armor This will be a difficult fight. I need reinforcements If I shall last.

Day 879
Our equipment is of equal caliber. The enemy waits outside my gates. There are 6000 Adventurers en route, but are a full 33 days off. nearly 100,000 will arrive sooner from allies.

Day 888
Scouts have now reported the strength of the enemy. Shamans number 16392, a stagering number. Perhaps more fearful, there are 2500 Nazgul flying around my city.

Day 904
I have been totally over run. Any claims beyond my lands are lost.

Day 905
The Kingdom has mounted a counter assault on Bush Tree, my lone claim outside the territory of Heaven.

Day 912
My city has been reclaimed!!

Mr. Theophilus VII

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus VIII) and was a member of The Black Chain

In The Era Messiah
Day 36
I have a city established in the deep depths of Heaven's core. My father has passed now, and a new dawn is rising. Prospects look well.

Day 54
My Farm has just been built. I shall soon began training my troops.

Day 96
That Bastard, Mr. Val, sole away my city whilst I slept. How Dare he!
I shall strike the barbarian soon. My armory is built.

Day 108
The Predators move in on our Kingdoms core. Battle is imminent.

Day 113
My Citadel has been liberated!

Day 137
The heathen enemy have threats that they use to lure me into their kingdoms, but I know which Kingdom will win out!

Day 147
A small force Approaches my Citadel. They will be squashed!

Day 150
Legion II lost a battle against Ferdinand from Mr. Val. The army escaped to Theos Citadel. We lost 0 Farmers, 526 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 111 Illusionists, 295 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 732 of our soldiers got injured.

Day 152
The attacking army of Val, the heathen that took my city before, moves to merge with his own forces. he will return.

Day 180
I have increased my military knowlege. my enemies have yet to claim my city.

Day 192
A bastard from Biohazard has taken hold of my city. I will have revenge!

Day 193
I leave my forces in the citadel. an ally will dispatch the enemy and liberate my city.

Day 200
My city, my lumber mill, lies in ruin. The enemy has burned it to the ground, save a few poultry lumber mills. I will finish the Job and Start anew, and save them the glory of retaking it.

Day 205
A massive army has been slaughtered before my city. I lead to Victory my 15,000 troops against a superior force with technologies surpassing mine. We defeated all but a few thousand, who retreated back to their city. We prepare no for another attack.

Day 210
I decide to salvage my lumber mill and move an occupying force to defend it well this time.

Day 275
Nearly 10,000 of my noble knights and 4000 adventurers set out for the heathen in my area. I go to war!

Day 297
My army awaits a two days march from the Heathen Keep, that of Selos the II.

Day 326
Selos has siege my city, but I attacked back. We killed all of the 1268 troops and 0 peasants.

Day 327
I have captured Selos II city in my area. The descendant of Koss, the former ally of my forefather, Theophilus II. He is a shadow of the man Koss Was.

Day 353
Selos's son has taken the Name Koss, and started the Black Chain, the kingdom of my ancestors. Burning Legion may well Join them. Perhaps my descendants can join that kingdom at a later time. For now, I represent Heaven's Armies!

Day 451
I am training massive legions. Over 20,000 adventurers are assembled. I shall not march until I have 5 fold that amount, though.

Day 586
Things are quiet. I have trained over 50,000 heavy troops and invested much in science. I have amassed over 18,000,000 pounds of food, selling this surpluss for much food! I am ready to march out soon. My legion will push forth and conquer!

Day 631
My Farm in Fantasia has been Stolen! I will seize it back!

Avast! On the Field of Battle I slew 2106 of Sir Storm Crows Minions. I march now for my Farm before damage can be done to it!

Day 632
I have reclaimed my city, but the Bastard has destroyed it! I rebuild but now with my forces guarding atop.

Day 637
The heathen from the Continent of Fantasia have entered the lands of Starta. I march my 90,000 Strong forces south to Halt the advance.

Day 735
I now have well over 120,000 Adventurers among the land. Karac has agreed to let me train on his city. Retribution has advanced upon my rebuilt fantasia farm.

Day 755
Blast! I have been annihilated on Fantasia!

Day 778
Mjolnir, named so after the hammer of Thor, is my force of 150,000 Adventurers. I have 5 Divisions of 30,000 Adventurers and 10,000 Illusionists. I march two days away to train them.

Day 852
I have amassed my forces on the border to Fantasia. Forces threaten from both the North and the East. Mjolnir stands now with over 180,000 fighters and 60,000 illusionists.

Day 876
Army command center
Lille Skutt, Siryes and Mjolnir with 379253 soldiers await my orders.

The enemy has 560749 soldiers armed with Magic weapons and mithril armor. They have 46 peasants traveling with them. We have 0% chance winning this battle.

Day 898
I have lost Mjolnir. It has fallen to a black cloud of Nazgul. Luckily my scouts have exaped into the far regions to settle. All is not lost. I shall still put up a fight on the Fantasia Front.

Day 912
All is quite as the storm waters prepare to surge over the breakers. I mount my 70,000 Adventurers into My citadel and Fortress. I know not what to do.

Day 928
My Bastille as been siezed! I move to reclaim it at once! 50,00 troops are mobilized.

Day 960
The enemy has advanced, effectively cutting our core in half. I soon will depart the Kingdom. We have served eachother well, but the links of the Black Chain are being reforged. I will send my son. It has been over two years in this era. The wars, more than enough to make a grown man shudder. I march for my new colonies with a Legion some 80,000 strong. I will liberate what I can before I default.

Day 972
Commander Aligreat of foundation has taken both my mine and my Farm. As I loose more territory, I again finish training to march out. Over 90,000 Adventurers await my command in my fortress.

Day 977
I have rejoined the Ranks of the Black Chain. I know not where to commit my troops now.

Day 999
My Bastille has been restored to me, but it has been wrecked.
Alas, this Era shall be one of mediocrity, but survival none the less.

Day 1056
My New cities are prospering, However, The Kingdom of Heaven's blocker, Wiggy, to the south of my fortress, citadel, Wood, and Mill. I feel they are going after Heaven, as I am now a member of the Black Chain. I contemplate my final act of goodness to The KD of heaven.

Day 1124
The Hammer has fallen hard upon my cities. I have lost my two lumber cities, and the large fortress of mine to the north of my citadel. I still have my Main Fortress and Citadell, but I am near fully in the South West.

Day 1132
I have Lost Selso II. That small mining city was one of my LAST holds in the east. Now I have just my Citadel and Fortress, but the Citadel shall soon fall.

Day 1141
I have been cornered. My cities in the southwest are being taken one by one. I have Attacked in a last attempt to inflict as much damage as I can.

Farmers 0 1 2
Slingers 140 800 1060
Pony riders 98 560 743
Illusionists 896 5107 6769
Adventurers 5329 30363 40249

I have few alive.

I march north with 40,000 injured troops, and 5000 able bodied soldiers. Hopefully some can recover.

Day 1154
I have lost my fortress. Luckliy for me I have already sent the remnants of my army north. I have a hidden away city up there. I have also lost My castle, though my farm was sucessfully defended.

Day 1159
My troops progress further north. I have lost 22,000 Injured, and I doubt many of the injured will survive.

Day 1161
Our Adventurers have found an unusual crop! It increases our crops yield.

Day 1163
My Farm has fallen. I seek now to survive in my Far northern City

Day 1186
My expeditionary force that fled my south west colonies are proceeding further from the forces of RET. In other news, I have reached the land of Valhalla to the North...

Day 1205
My three cities are growing, and I am prospering until the Era draws to an end.

Day 1233
Cursed Retribution! They have taken my northern City, and what more, a lowly sumbag from The Brotherhood of the Wolf has claimed a city of mine. This is an outrage!

Day 1280
The Era is at an end. Retribution and the Forces of Mr. Gladiatorul have claimed all of my Starta cities. I retire in the Northern Realm of Valhalla. Unlike all of my forefathers, I have survived, and with 10,000 loyal peasants in my last city, I retire knowing that my people still love me.

Mr. Theophilus VIII

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus IX) and was a member of The Black Chain

Day 1
I, son of Theophilus VII, settle a stronghold on the Western Border of Starta. This shall be a challenging Era.

Day 13
Things look well but it is too hard to tell. My Kingdom is branching out from my stronghold. Things seem well.

Day 47
I begin producing Troops for War.

Day 59
Dorian Empire has attacked my cities. This is an outrage!

Day 85
Cure Mcmax of the Dorian Empire, and the Gatekeepers for assaulting my cities. I am doomed to Die. My son shall go to Karac of the Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Day 123
I herebye resign as a ruler, and give my son, Theophilus IX to the King of Biohazard, and join the descendants of Koss.

Mr. Theophilus IX

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus X) and was a member of Lightning Dust

Day 125 of the Era of Smith
My father, failing his own father, my grandfather, at matching his survival skills, fled after being caught between three warring kingdoms. I have been accepted into the ranks of Koss's kin.

Day 180
I have established myself 4 cities. One, for the export of Stone and Gold, one for Food, and one for wood, as well as a training facility. I intend to have three more within the next 100 days.

Day 207
With nary an enemy in sight, I continue to grow. Soon I shall start training my legions.

Day 270
Several invaders have come along into Biohazard's realm, yet each time they are repelled. I now have thousands in training, and as the planner for the Kingdom, all should go well.

Day 352
Our Kingdom is expanding, and all prospects are clear. Unheeded, we shall expand eastward and into the the continents of Starta, and Providence willing, Fantasia!

Day 374
As The time to put the plan into action approaches, I find myself looking upon an informant. He apporaches my gates with word that The Devestators and Dorian Empire, the ones that forced my father into hiding, are planning an attack on my Kingdom. I ready for war!

Day 505
Whilst I was out on leave, humiliation has stricken. A few of my cities have fallen, yet being retaken in a tug of war. I have tens of thousands in training. War is among us. Fate, foundation, and revelation are all assaulting us.

Day 521
Foundation have laid waste to my farm, and now three of my mines. It will be havoc for me to rebuild, yet I march now to retake my kingdoms cities.

Day 552
This Tug of War continues as we repel the last of Foundations troops. The Allied Kings are merging into our kingdom, making us the only one based in Nirvana.

Day 567
My economy is beginning to recover, I know have over 10,000 Adventurers on defense and several more in training.

Day 587
I now have 20,000 Adventurers across four legions on the move. I go to stomp out the Bastards that claimed my cities. Another 20,000 march from the borders.

Day 625
I am now back on my feet and moving my forces into a massive merge. Fate shall soon perish.

Day 632
On the battlefield, 40,000 of my adventurers are soon to join into Burning Legioons forces ,to Stomp out the FATE abomination!

Day 707
Still yet locked in deadly combat, My army of 40K adventurers and 4,000 brave knights, already 50 days and more into a siege witht he attacking army, are tiring.

Day 719
Ther has been a great victory across the land! The enemy at Irrelivence have Fallen!

Day 755
More war is to Come. Rebirth, a kingdom thrice our size, Revalation, twice our size, Dorian Empire, twice our size, are all advancing upon us. Our lone allies are Spaghetti and possibly MAD.

Day 785
I have lost some 20,000 Adventurers in combat, but I march with burning Legion to approach more troops. We are taking back land. On the other front, two armies approach. I should be able to dispatch them.

Day 794
We continue to make advances against rebirth's incursion, but nevertheless, I have established four cities, on other worlds, in case mine fail.

Day 797
Fire has been raining from the sky on my expeditionary force of the remaining 20,000 forces with Burning Legion. Only 3000 remain. Meanwhile, my Castle is under siege. I have sent 23,000 adventurers four days away to the city to aid the 10,000 defenders. There are 80,000 attacking, but I hold superior weapons technology.

Day 802
Reinforcements have arrived, yet still only a 1% chance of a counterattack being successful. My forces with Burning Legion have been slaughtered on the battlefield, but with them they took out hundreds of thousands of orcs. More reinforcements to come to my castle soon.

Day 820
Two of my cities on Nirvana have fallen. I now aim to get rid of two of as much as I can. I am restabilshing myself elsewhere.

Day 831
My bastille is still under attack. I am mustering all the troops I can, and of now have over 60,000.

Day 840
In battle against 60,000 attacking troops from a Revelation army, I have killed over. My casualities, respectively, of living, wounded, and dead are as follows:

Pony riders 6427 779 779
Illusionists 10742 1301 1301
Adventurers 40402 4894 4894

Day 855
My Bastille has fallen. I am reduced to my satellite cities. I still have 200,000 income, however, and I will survive.

Day 879
I have lost my fantasia cities to Vegies. Since I have become a member of Lightning dust on Armageddon, I see a great possibility for growth.

Day 912
After being well established on Armageddon, I plan to restart troop production very soon. I may have enough for a blitzkrieg.

Day 954
I am now stronger than previous, with over 500,000 income. This will soon rise higher, and my grand army can be mustered.

Day 979
With my economy continuing to boom, I now settle my Armory, and will commence troop production in a week.

Day 1000
I stand a fare chance at becoming a dominant member of this Kingdom. I advance much faster than others.

Day 1048
Rebirth has crossed into our world. My initial colonies have been taken, but I am still receiving over 700,000 income per day. I shall overcome.

Day 1082
North Defensor has fallen, and I am all that stands in the way of th Rebirth Onslaught.

Day 1091
I have lost my armory. My army has retreated to my tree farm. I think the time may be ripe for settling in the core of Dorian Empire to strike back.

Day 1092
I am deep within the core of Dorian Empire. My buildings will be completed in just a week and I shall destroy as much as I can around me.

Day 1095
I race from my lumber city to back up my last bastion of hope. I am marching to make a stand at Theo Coin. I am tree days out and must beat the Rebirth army there. I have over 40,000 slingers in training there.

Day 1098
My troops have arrived to Theo Coin, with more en route from my kingdom mates. My slingers are still be trained, all the while my satelite armory in the DE territory is just now getting peasants for recruiting.

Day 1119
Theo Coin has been liberated, and we are beggining the mass repelling of troops, all the while thousands of ponnies are training at my secret base.

Day 1132
As the Era draws to a close, I prepare for the final act. I am ready to be a part of the secret invasion. As a parasite, I will burst forth from within DE. I have over 7000 training, soon to be much, much more.

Day 1134
I send out my expeditionary force: 935 well trained Knights. They are going for the large city north of my armory. They shall arrive in one day. There are no gates. I will likely enslave the people, and burn the city.

Day 1135
Avast! My troops in Sneak attack have failed me!

Day 1140
The trolls are still attacking my city, and my other is being scouted. Not to mention, my outpost in the Dorian Empire is under attack. This era shall close out without much event.

Day 1146
I march north from my armory in the DE core with another force, this one with 200 Adventurers, 68 illusionists, 516 slingers, and 1858 knights. We ride north past the invasionary forces of Sir Evans, who rejected my father's diplomacy in the Black Chain, and Timmiev, whose massive city I march for.

There forces number around 65,000, with 9000 from Timmiev, and 55,974 from Sir Evans. If nothing else, I will scorch down one city in their core. My bite is small, yet will still be felt. I will lose my city to these invaders, but their numbers are far larger than mine.

Meanwhile at my lumber city, still under siege, there are thousands massing against me. I order an attack, likely suicide.

Day 1147
THough a small victory, we have killed over 100 nazgul and beaten back one of the many armies amassing on me.
Survivors, Lost, and Injured, respectively.
Slingers 2184 503 503
Adventurers 4331 997 997

Day 1148
The city was too well defended. I march to one near as big 3 days due north west.

Day 1193
I am down to my last City. My Farm. I have but 88 days left in the Era, and thus, will convert my entire population into an army to march victoriously on the enemy! I have ordered the training of 84,000 slingers. They will march in troves until I've nothing left, but I shall not simply burn out.

Day 1215
Two small armie prepare on my city. I shall cast them down with slingers!

Over 40,000 Slingers perched on the walls rain down rocks on the enemy. I loose 178 slingers and 152 are injured. No worries. 40,000 more are still training. I shall soon embark on a crusade to close out the Era.

Day 1239
Another army of 4,000 attacked. My slinger count after the battle, alive, dead, and injured, respectively are:

Slingers 63799 11613 8409

Day 1259
An army awaits at my gates. There are 21 days left in the Era. My commanders tell me this:

The Last Charge with 68731 soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. Theophilus IX...

The enemy has 29639 soldiers armed with Magic weapons and mithril armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 21% chance winning this battle.

Mr. Theophilus X

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Theophilus XI) and was a member of Lightning Dust

Day 0 in the Era of Dvsmasta
My father survived to the Era's end. An accomplishment. I march forth to settle in the land of Lightning dust.

Day 9
I have three cities, each growing whilst I am still under protection.

Day 39
A Month hath past and I still grow. Magic protection will soon expire for me, however.

Day 58
My production is throttled forward! I now earn over 50,000 per hour.

Day 70
I prepare to launch forward with my war efforts. I have two armories up, and now have an income to back production.

Day 129
I have landed on Valhalla as well as Fantasia. I now start training from three bases.

Day 140
My Valhalla Outpost is under attack. I rally the Kingdom in Starta. Fantasia has no threats to us as of now. My kingdom is running short on food however, and my armies are training slow.

Day 185
Rebirth is at an impasse at our southern blockers. As to the North, my Valhalla outpost has fallen. Overflow lead by Mr. Grounded For Life attacked and took over Theo Val. We lost 0 Farmers, 1200 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 2766 peasants in the battle. This travesty is not to be taken lightly.

I have ordered 1000 slingers to be trained in Fantasia as a buffer. As per Starta, I have several thousand adventurers training.

Day 218
Rebirth has flanked us using Fantasia to bypass our blockers. I send my 1000 slingers on a 7 day journey south to take out their new city. I will not stand for this. Meanwhile, I petition the Kingdom of Foundation for an NAP.

Day 224
My slinger ran into a problem. Fcing 700 strong troops, I attacked with a 51% chance of victory. We lost the battle due to inexperience and thy fled northward to my city. We killed just over 150 of their troops. Having 670 slingers returning, 122 dead, and 208 injured. I have well over 2000 there, more than 7,000 training, as well as soon to be 2000 illusionists and 2000 adventurers on Fantasia. it will hold its own it battle.

I order the production of walls in all of my cities. I will not be cought undefended.

Day 226
A 500 Adventure expeditionary force of mine was brutally massacred on the field. None Survived.

Day 246
Avast! I lost 4000 slingers to the rebirth cur!

Day 253
Rebirth have started preparing to attack my fantasia outpost. With about 50,000 troops, I am deefending with 5000 slingers, and 200 adventurers.

Scouts report their actual number at 20309 .

Day 259
Feldercarb! Rebirth has taken my Fantasia outpost, and with it, thousands of good troops. I do know, that their troop looses were enough to cause pain, however. This leaves my City, Arm of Theo, however, as still the strongest on Starta.

Day 280
As it was in the Days of my Forefathers, I have amassed a large force. I have at my disposal, nearly 10,000 Adventurers, and soon to be 20,000 Cavalry at my southern city alone. At my northern city of Theo Stronghold, I have a few thousand Cavalry as well. This will be my era to shine. When I have succesfully trained 10-20,000 more heavy troops, I will pour into the Rebirth Territory and Destroy what I see.

Day 285
I have 11,000 Pony Riders at Arm of Theo ready for deployment, and 10,000 Adventurers. I have just commanded everyone in my Kingdom to galvanize themselves and get defensive troops to our borders. I will not lay Idle while Rebirth lays waste to our border cities. It will not be much longer until Burninglegion and I Lay waste to the cities of Rebirth. Oh How Joyous that day will be!!

Day 295
A Minor set back. My northern Legion has fallen. There is no stopping me down south though.

Due to insecurity, I must leave prematurely with my Legion. I set out to protect our Kingdom with the strongest army there is.

Day 296
From the pen of Commander Theophilus XI, son of Theophilus X:
I take my father's journal with me to the battlefield. At my Command are some of our finest Troops. Our Cavalry number nearly 15,000, at 14,633. Of the Infantry, I spared no cost and after several months of my father's training, we have 10,190 Adventurers at the ready. We have also employed 4305 conjurers to protect and defend our troops from Rebrith's Putrid Magic.

We are one day out from the city of Arm of Theo, where my Father has taken Residence. We have approximately 6 days until we reach the enemy, which we outnumber both in quantity, and possibly quality as well. Our Kingdom, Lightning Dust, is one of the strongest in the realm, but we must address this issue of Rebirth invading. I am responsible for dispatching An army of some 20,000 in strength. I will then, pending Victory, March back to Arm of Theo for a few thousand more reinforcements, or pending an experienced attack, March due south into the Core of Rebirth. Father will be most pleased.

Day 298
At the front of the column, i receive reports that my father's gold mines are under attack. It will be a sacrifice i will have to cope with for now.

Day 301
I arrive to aide Death Castle fro the Rebirth threat. To my dismay, and to my armies groanings, we must turn two days east to Berlin to liberate an allied city.

Day 303
Arriving at Berlin, I see that I cannot overcome the 20,000 troops while they are barricaded within the city. I march back to my father, woefully, to retrieve more forces.

Day 314
I have recieved my reinforcements! I march North Two days to whipe out some Nazgul, then back south to liberate Berlin.

Hot on their Tail, we proceed North. This will be a tough battle, but I must catch them off Gaurd. There are not many Nazgul, but even one can take out twenty men single handedly. After This, I must try to liberate my Kingdom Mate's City, and THEN, I can proceed into Rebirth. Father MUST understand that I have a high chance of success, but I could still fail...

Day 321
Upon the battlefield, we slew 51 of thee Great Fell Beasts, as well as 2,000 accompanying shaman. We lost 618 Pony riders, 200 Illusionists, 342 Adventurers. We Are stll the strongest Army in the Land. Father is most happy.

Day 328
We have prepared a few days at Berlin's gates, but my strategists say that there is no chance of victory unless we prepare several more weeks. ALAS!

Day 340
Let it be known that on this day the Battle of Berlin commenced. Prior to the battle, at least 10,000 enemy troops either abandoned or left the city.

Charging forth at the gate with a wall of steel, the thousands of horses, we breached the gate, and sallied into the city. On foot we met opposition from spell casters. In this Charge, 200 Horses were lost or injured. As the 10,000 Adventurers charged up from the rear, they were met with volleys of arrows, loosing 300 in the process.

The spell casters beat us back out of the city gates, but in the process, we slew over 12,000 of them with minimal losses on our part.

The city is still under Rebirth Control, but now fewer than 5,000 defend it. I will attack again soon. We have still 17,508 Pony Riders, 5,675 Illusionists, and 9679 Adventurers. Our Losses were not too heavy.

Day 343

Haha, We have stolen 100436 food from Berlin.

Day 351
Things look a little bleak. My tacticians got antsy and decided to re prepare. Also, I hear news from my father that the Kingdom brothers are all wanting to settle in the far reaches of the north, a months journey, even for a scout. He has set out. I have been given control of the armory. We attack in tomorrow.

Hurrah! The city of Berlin has been liberated and with it over 10,000 troops have fallen! I return to recooperate and treat the ill at the Armory, and Then I go on the Warpath. I have sent an invoice to Father on the victory. It came at the cost of 3,000 horsemen and 1,000 illusionists AND adventurers.

Day 366
In the palace I plot out my next move. Father is Close to the Northern Settlement. Rebirth is Still a threat, and the blocker of Temp is in Danger. I think to send my forces there.

Day 367
I depart for Crank. The last Rebirth Hold Directly in our core.

Day 370
In a Freak twist of events, my army, all 22,000 of them, was obliterated on the battlefield. I managed to escape with my life to Arm of Theo to recuperate.

Day 386
My father has settled a city in the Northern Reaches. We should be able to grow now.

Day 387
I have begun training More Troops. I have currently 2,000 pony Riders and some 2,500 odd Adventurers, in addition to my elite magic force of some 18,000 training illusionists.

Day 437
I am becoming increasingly powerful in my city. It will not be long before I go on the warpath.

Day 451
An army is upon my armory. I stand command of thousands of mages as I contemplate enraging the troops.

Day 462
Strawberry lead by Mr. Icecreamsandwich attacked and took over Arm of Theo. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Northern Reach. We lost 3600 Slingers, 8345 Pony riders, 24185 Illusionists and 5888 Adventurers and in the battle. After This humiliating defeat, I turn this book over to my father.

Day 487
I, Theophilus X, do pen these words with regret. My son valiantly defended our southern hold, but has resorted to Sulking. We have lost millions in Gold and tens of thousands of brave hobbits in battle. I do not know how we will restablish, and I contemplate leaving the Kingdom of Lightning Dust for the Kingdom of MAD.

Day 509
After a few months, we are now back on our feet. I shall start training a Legion Soon to retake what is rightfully ours.

Day 559
Burninglegion hs liberated my original mine! We narry need it, as we are now making over 300,000 gold every single day.

Day 571
Seizing a nearby city, my income is well over 400,000 gold every day. I have over 10,000 Adventurers in training as well. It is only a matter of time before I am once again a viable threat to Rebirth.

Day 630
Hurrah! My city, Theo's lunch, after many long months, has been liberated! I am nearly restored!

Day 676
I have near 25,000 Adventurers, and even more illusionists. We march south in 100 days.

Day 712
Nearly 30,000 troops are mobile. Glory is nearing =]

Day 723
Within 40 Days, my Grand army will be complete. Already my city is the second most powerful in the world. This tells me that my troop are among the most powerful as well. I march south on schedule, By day 676.

Day 762
As orders from the high command have come, I am informed that I may soon be able to crush the Abydos Scum! Rebirth is already crushed.

Day 825
Enough training! The Bastard kingdom of the hellbunnies is upon us! I march!

Day 826
Costing me a nice fortune of 300,000 gold per day, my glorious army, 53,500 Adventurers, ripe for war, and another 53,500 illusionists to offer protection. I have the single strongest force on Valhalla. I March south to aid my comrades on Starta! To War!

Day 851
I am a month out from the front lines of war. Of my 107,000 soldiers, only 1070 are not happy, and I procede!

Day 855
Morale is slightly lower, as expected. The whiners have doubled, up to 2040, but overwhelmingly, we march forward with much gusto!

Day 882
We are upon the enemies cities! We attack in one week!

Day 885
Valhalla Legion lost a battle against Freaky II from Mr. Freak. The army retreated to Backup II. We lost 22582 Illusionists, 22582 Adventurers and in the battle and 45164 of our soldiers got injured. This is a bad day. Fortunately for me, we retreated to a fellow city. My other army can now grow and Deploy.

Day 917
I set out 4 days East with my army. I move to liberate.

Day 919
We rush faster, and are now one day away from the gates of the enemy occupied city of Rebuildhere.

Day 920
I turn back, for I am vastly outnumbered.

Day 925
Valhalla Legion lost a battle against Comeherepretties from Mr. Gawaine. The army retreated to Backup II. We lost 6028 Illusionists, 6364 Adventurers and in the battle and 12392 of our soldiers got injured.

I contemplate Marching out, forsaking the few thousand injured.

Day 954
Our Valhalla Legion failed to defend Backup II. Comeherepretties lead by Mr. Gawaine have begun a siege of Backup II. We lost 364 Illusionists, 386 Adventurers and in the battle and 6068 of our soldiers got injured.

We must fight to the death. I send forth an army of liberation from Valhalla, 100,000 strong! 50,000 Illusinists, protecting 30,000 Cavalry and 20,000 Adventurers. I only pray they arrive in time.

Day 975
Hindered of progress, the city of Backup II was attacked and lost! Our Valhalla Legion failed to defend Backup II. Comeherepretties lead by Mr. Gawaine attacked and took over Backup II. We lost 1 Farmers, 15384 Illusionists and 16351 Adventurers and in the battle. Those brave souls will go down in history.

I order the rescue forces back home, 7 days away. There is a new emergency rising! Bunny Troops on on Valhalla!

Day 1015
I prepare to mobilize all troops. The last Hurrah of Theophilus X!

Day 1019
Valhalla Rescue won a battle against Gawaines Enforcers from Mr. Gawaine. We lost 451 Illusionists, 451 Adventurers and in the battle and 902 of our soldiers got injured. We continue South!

Day 1021
My citizens have returned control back over to me in Northern Reach! That, and my forces are near!

Day 1022
The city of Ogmore has been liberated by our forces! We continue in a three pronged attack.

day 1034
We were crushed by the magic forces of thousands of archmages. I will not, however, go down in vain, as I have lived a long life full of warfare!

Day 1066
My involvement in this Era is winding down. I go soon to retire with my forefather's before me. My son, Theophilus XI, may he live long and prosper, much as his father has.
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