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Mr. Apophis

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Apophis).


Mr. Apophis

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis II) and was a member of Tupac

Imagine a small room. The room is scantly furnished and poorly lit. The few items of furniture there are all made of solid-black rock, as are the walls and floor. A single candle on a sturdy, large table illuminates a troubled face, muttering silently. This figure is all alone, yet speaks. The figure stands, somewhat stooped, and strides across the room to a large, dark double door, and grabs one of the handles and pulls. The door slowly creaks open, resenting every movement. From the other side of the door comes a snarl. A hideous creature steps forth into the room and swings a crude, misshapen sword at the figure. With uncanny speed, this figure ducks, dropping to the floor on its hands, kicks out with its feet, and forces the monster's legs out from under it, sending it to the floor. The monster looses its weapon, which clatters away. The stooped figure grins and grabs the weapon. The monster is seemingly undeterred and slowly stands up, eying the weapon, so near, but in the wrong hands. The figure hurls the blade out the door, and the door shuts. The candle goes out, yet the light remains. The figure begins to laugh hysterically, watching the monster tremble in fear as the world around it does the impossible. "Now, my new friend, see how well you can battle me without aid of steel. Test your luck against my might, and lets see what happens, hmm?" The odd light in the room fades out, leaving the two beings in solid blackness. the monster roars, the light returns, and the figure, now laughing again, lies bleeding on the floor. "Odd. I don't like this outcome." The figure's wounds close. It stands with unnatural speed, plunges its hand into the monster's chest, and removes the monster's heart. "I do, however, much prefer *this* one!"

Mr. Apophis II

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis III) and was a member of Tupac

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