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Ms. Lilly Telvanus

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Lilly Telvanus II).


Ms. Lilly Telvanus II

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Lilly Telvanus II) and was a member of Lightning Dust

Lilly Telvanus II, the sole heir to the House Telvanni Dark Elves is 12 years old. With a slender body yet untouched by feminine growth this poor girl stands with her head at the elbow of her peers and guards. Her dark charcoal skin and long black hair is a prime example of a Dark Elf, while how she puts it in three long pony tails while retaining a fringe has made her receive some scoffs from her other, more traditional kin. Her face is soft and beautiful and her dark violet eyes, a rarity among her race, also where she got the name of her new order from. This hyperactive and emotional child is a completely new form of ruler to this scarce race. But her closest advisors and the people she has now sworn her life to, trust that this new zest for life can only bring prosperity to their race and those the interact with.

Starta had always been a continent known for bloodshed and infighting between small organisations and rabbles. With emperors to war chiefs staking their claims and raising their flags, bringing death and trading gold across the land, but sadly, on the first night of the 40th era, the once peaceful Dark Elves of the Telvanni were beset by countless swarms of Orcs, with only the refugees of the north-eastern most holding, Tel Naga, being able to make their escape, with the small shaking form of their last link to the house's heritage, a large caravan of refugees and soldiers fled to the north.

It took about a month for this ragged caravan, wrought with despair and disease from it's long journey, to reach a large valley, protected to the east by mountains and the west by dense woods and lakes. Here the first foundations were laid for the first and only Telvanni settlement since the era's birth holocaust of their people, Tel Uvirith it was dubbed, the name of the fortress city once resided over by Lilly Telvanus the first. As her child, the only surviving member of any of the houses families was to be their new leader, in time when she came of age, she would also reign over Tel Uvirith.
The valley, heading north lead into a massive basin, which the Elves current leadership boasted to their worried flock would be theirs, to bring some hope and meaning to the battered survivors of the Telvanni.

As the black spires and bleached wooden structures started to rise in the valley around Tel Uvirith, so to did the moral and birth rate of the Dark Elves. And as scouts sallied out to prepare for new expansions to compensate for this baby boom, Lilly Telvanus II was declared Lady Regent of House Telvanni until she became of age. Lilly founded the Violet Templar as a ward against "violent lesser races" and "To bring happiness to the Dark Elves and our allies!" Eagerly promoting expansion only within the basin began as the child's dreams and hopes for her people seemed to be becoming a reality, and this led to the immediate discovery of the nearby Mountain Dwarves of the peaceful Rock Breaker clan in the ridge city of Macalania, after mere weeks of awkward interaction negotiations went ahead and before a month had passed King Valakar of the Rock Breakers was accepted into the Violet Templar as a sign of faith towards this new friendship.

The peaceful Dwarves under King Valakar, convinced that expansion will aid their race rise from it's current lowly status and the Dark Elves led by their child regent now send scouts and colonists deeper into the large verdant plains of their new homeland. With purple banners hanging in the wind these two noble races now speed into the basin to protect this new home and to fight for their happiness and survival.

Several months later the tiny order was disbanded in the hope of merging with a larger organisation, Lightening Dust. While joining under the purple flag gave the House much needed allies and friends now they had been signed up for a greater conflict. House Telvanni, with it's child Lady would now man the defences to western district of Lightening Dust controlled lands.

After a very long campaign against the great phoenix of Rebirth, a coalition including Lightening Dust eventually wiped them from Starta. Another conflict would then arise right in the western district as a colossal Startan conflict began as an anarchic group of the kingdoms Hellbunnies, BOOM and PHI decided to invade. They would fight Lightening Dust, CRAZY and GODLIKE.

Within months Starta had been turned into a land of flaming rubble, death, decay and echoing moans and screams. The spread out and weakened Lightening Dust protectorates falling quickly before the Hellbunny onslaught. Entire races and rulers being wiped of Starta or enslaved as LD forces where pushed deeper into their fragmented territory.

The 40th era neared to a close. Dark Elves of House Telvanni on Starta no longer existed as the only relics of the young civilisation were it's now deformed and conquered cities and the slaves of the once proud race. Although a small group of refugees had escaped across the border and founded 2 new cities. The loses were simply catastrophic, mirroring the near complete annihilation of the kingdom of Lightening Dust. The era ended on a dire note indeed... But a tiny proportion had still fled...

Ms. Lilly Telvanus II

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Tirastein Zealous I) and was a member of Lightning Dust

A Troll warlord, slightly smoking and breathing heavily falls to the ground, it's massive body causing the ground to shake a little as a slight patter of rain hits his dark skin. A small humanoid figure covered in a cloak and hood slowly slides a thin short sword into it's neck and flicks it out. The figure then spins to the group of Trolls who were watching and stretches out a hand which is illuminated by a feint electric current. The Trolls all cower and bow down quickly before the tiny figure.

Lilly Telvanus II, last surviving member of the Dark Elf house of Telvanni removed her hood and gave a wicked grin under her black fringe as she moved it to the side with a flick.
"Tell me... how would you like a warlord with a little less stature and a lot more good looks?" She smirked as the second largest Troll, the largest living Troll laid the ex-warlords sword at her feet.
"My, this WILL be interesting!" Lilly cackled with glee as the corpse was dragged through the mud and the Trolls began to roar and beat their chests.
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