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Mr. Samulis

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis II) and was a member of Army of Darkness

3/21/08 (real world) era 31
I Samulis Quintus Augustus, Last of the house of Imparus will venture where none have gone before. I will slay thou mighty Eternity to the sky above and shall defend thou kingsmen, Army of Darkness to my last man. I come from the land of Imparus, far, far away... There, im a king and I rule a empire called "Samersania". I have come to colonize this land in the name of Samersania and the Army of Darkness. I may not be verry strong but my revenge will be as sweet as victory in the last hour of the game. I, Samulis Quintus Augustus will spend my last hours fighting thou enemy to the point of extinction I will re-capture ABC with over 7,000 swords, 900 knights, and 50 catipults.
Let Darkness extinguish all,
4 hours later:
I have failed to re-capture ABC, but the Era has ended, and eternity is at bay, I, Samulis will now continue to rule through my Secsessor, who will continue my job as Emperor of Samersania, and Ruler of this colony. In the last hours of game, I mangaged to survive. My last army (named 'Last Hope') defended my town bravley, it had only 1500+ troop, but had archers and knights included. I have left message to my secsessor to defend the new colony with every last bit of strength.
'Let Light come from dark unto the world'
1 hour later:
I plan to forge a Kingdom, called Army of Light in honor of my Kingdom, Army of Darkness, for we will be allies. here is a self-biography on me:

I, Samulis was born many years ago, in the land of Mother Earth, I traveled through the time vortex via a ship of the space, and landed on a earth-like planet from the reaches of our imagination. it was the largest planet system I have ever seen, all the planets curculating in the same circut. each planet was strangely fimmilar. Each looked like a place from the tales of our fathers. this, is one of those planets. we, landed on one called Imparus, which was from my own words. we later ventured around founding the contries that are still there today, Samersania, Patonia, Dougland, they are all there today. later, we ventured off to other planets, such as Vallhala, much the very same as the one from norse legind, I guess you Vallhalans dont know norse mithology...
thus, comes this terratory added on to our conquest.
'from darkness comes light unto the world'

Mr. Samulis II

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Imperios) and was a member of Army of Darkness

Diary of Samulis II
I, samulis II plan to survive in the harsh world of Fantista and new samersania (called Samersania) with the Army of Darkness. My father sent me off to this land to settle and conqure just as the horrid Eternity crashed towards our wall, a huge ball of fire appeared in the sky. We all flew off, he to Imparus and I, to elsware. as we flew off, we came to a asteroid belt made by rubble. I looked out the Space Ships window as sighted Vallhala below... total carnage. men screamed as the hot gasses of the explotion came rumbiling across the land, flattening all. soon, the survivors would be climbing from the mountans and safe houses to find even the greatest cities destroyed. We were lucky, we had evacuated the city to the safe houses and flew off with about 50 swordsmen and 1000 pesants. soon the asteroid belt made us dive and fly away from Samulis' ship. we soon lost them all together... now, he is probabily home in Imparus reclining on a couch while I, Samulis II, is forced to scrach a living in the desolate place. It was only several days ago I was sitting in vallhala, now I scrach a living in this wild.
today we have met with the hordes of settlers that survived the last doomsday event. there are two other Kingdoms in the area, luckily my Kingdom also sent some settlers too. For some reason they wish to elect me leader. If I must lead, then I will lead. One good thing is that my city is at the center of the Kingdom.
today the area is almost fully settled. it is crazy full. I am trying to negotiate with the settlers from other kingdoms, I like the looks of that one group, Carnage, they look pretty strong. I will try to ally with them. they rejected full alliance, but I think a peace treaty will do some good. sent out settlers to build a new village called southwach, to watch the southern passage. If Dark Trio thinks they might attack Carnage, think again, I think they are leading a huge wave of searchers accross the land. I will see If I can ally with Carnage. they probabily will say yes, afterall, we are what gaurds their sothern claims from the north. I am still trying to negotiate... but it will probabily pull through...
Today, 4 great armies charge accross the plains... we are in the middle. how good for us! My men have merged into the Army of Darkness, a army which will include all of the men in my alliance if I can. I will leave my city behind to the raiders and flee, distroying the city behind me.
Today, I and I alone plan to settle a new city alone and to start a new kingdom, to help Army of Darkness... Carnage is charging after us. we flea away, I left my old kingdom and am making the army of Light. I will go deep into Army of Darkness terratory to defend myself and make the true samersania, a new samersania. Today, I came accross my allies and are still running south-westward. my father would be dis-pleased, but It is all I can do. I have been running for days now, according to VU time. I have formed the city of New Samersania, which is growing rapidly (good) and my new army is growing too (yay).
today I have worked hard helping the young city grow, but are being followed by scouts. Carnage is dead, so is my plan of the Army of Light- for I hear of great armies comming my way...
I, Samulis II, son of the great Samulis, swore to defend the throne at all costs. I am about to fail. The enemy, Thunder came and attacked me! how un-considerate! he is charging towards us while the small garrison comes out to defend us. I will go now, and die in battle on horsback.
Here is what has happened over the last days of my life:

2008-03-24 - 6 days ago
14:47:32: You have received a bonus turn!
15:06:58: We received a message from Mr. Von Darkmoor of Carnage.
17:15:49: We received a message from Lord Marche of Carnage.
20:55:11: We received a message from Mr. Silver.
2008-03-25 - 5 days ago
01:03:16: We received a message from The Architect of Carnage.
08:48:51: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
13:51:51: You have received a bonus turn!
14:55:41: Knight Hunter[Wolf] bought 10000 food for 9000 gold from you on the market.
15:14:47: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
17:55:06: We received a message from Lord Marche of Carnage.
22:47:28: We received a message from Lady Quietone of Dark Blood.
23:00:17: We are no longer under protection!
2008-03-26 - 4 days ago
11:08:05: We have received a kingdom application from Mr. Unana.
11:09:05: Unana has deleted the application to join your kingdom.
13:09:22: We received a message from Sir Lancelot The Lady Killer of Carnage.
13:38:41: We received a message from Sir Lancelot The Lady Killer of Carnage.
14:00:18: You have received a bonus turn!
15:13:18: We received a message from Lord Marche of Carnage.
15:56:52: We received a message from Sir Lancelot The Lady Killer of Carnage.
16:02:22: Whoops II lead by Mr. Whoop attacked and took over Southwach. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Samersania.
16:02:23: Whoops II lead by Mr. Whoop attacked and took over Southwach. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Samersania. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Samersania. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
17:04:31: Takes Two Tango[DB] bought 8000 food for 10613 gold from you on the market.
17:04:35: Clamps The Redeemed[DRT] bought 20000 food for 26534 gold from you on the market.
17:04:42: Bajoras Lukas[WoL] bought 2000 food for 2653 gold from you on the market.
19:55:08: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
19:57:51: Imperial Scout lost a battle against Lickity Split from Mr. Dalakticon. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
19:57:52: All troops in Imperial Scout have died!
22:08:20: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
22:12:11: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
2008-03-27 - 3 days ago
01:30:52: Samulis II lifeguards won a battle against Whoop Power II from Mr. Whoop. We lost 26 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 25 of our soldiers got injured.
01:31:02: Samulis II lifeguards lost a battle against Whoop Power II from Mr. Whoop. The army escaped to Pyroland. We lost 21 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 21 of our soldiers got injured.
09:25:16: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
13:40:14: You have received a bonus turn!
13:45:20: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
18:39:17: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
18:54:15: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
20:34:54: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
20:38:31: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
2008-03-28 - 2 days ago
07:29:42: Mcikan[Zeon] bought 5000 tree for 18750 gold from you on the market.
10:01:54: Wherever lead by Mr. Aligreat attacked and plundered Samersania. They took 17324 gold, 13068 stone, 22509 tree and 41100 food. We lost 102 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
10:01:54: Our Army of Darkness failed to defend Samersania. Wherever lead by Mr. Aligreat attacked and plundered Samersania. We lost 20 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 208 of our soldiers got injured.
12:03:24: Wherever lead by Mr. Aligreat attacked and took over Samersania. We lost 102 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
12:03:24: Our Army of Darkness failed to defend Samersania. Wherever lead by Mr. Aligreat attacked and took over Samersania. We lost 240 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 4 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
12:03:24: All troops in Army of Darkness have died!
15:43:02: You have received a bonus turn!
16:46:46: You have received one bonus turns for voting on Visual Utopia!
17:48:38: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
17:49:08: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
21:43:26: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
21:44:31: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
21:45:18: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
2008-03-29 - 1 days ago
07:02:34: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
07:05:23: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
07:06:11: We received a message from Prince Corothius.
09:48:04: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
13:03:39: Thunderstrike lead by Mr. Thunder attacked and took over New Samersania. We lost 34 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 1 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
13:03:39: Our Army of Light failed to defend New Samersania. Thunderstrike lead by Mr. Thunder attacked and took over New Samersania. We lost 17 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
13:03:39: All troops in Army of Light have died!

Let Light and Darkness over come All!

Mr. Imperios

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis Quintus Augustus) and was a member of Army of Darkness

Im not exactly Samulis II's son, im more like his killer...
Here is my history:
After vowing to Samulis II to continue his dream, I have set forth to create a series of Colonies and alliances that will help out my new area. I have met a local named Mr. Spellman, who I can clearly see is a elf. I will try to keep good relations with him. I hope to create a kingdom with him. Peacekeepers are coming from the north as it looks... it doesint look pretty good for our young kingdom, West Side Army. Spellman will have to work hard to be able to cope with the invaders, for he has a fair sized city. I am just starting, for I only have 250 buildings or somwhere around there. he has over 5,000.
We joined together in WSA and hope to hold off Peacekeepers. I have started to think about using magicks, for they seem like a good long-range wepon... My armies are growing slowly, as new recruits start to come in.
hello, april! anyhow, that trechorous Spellman left us to join the scum! pah! he sent a message that said see you in the afterlife- how nice! I am surrounded by Peacekeepers, they are preparing to invade. Im dead...
That Dwarf scum! he took Samersaia! Ill kill him!!!!!! anyway, Im sending his grand-son, Samulis Quintus Augustus back to vallhala to see what happens... I will die like Samulis II did many days ago.

Hello, we the mighty dwarves had crushed this rebellious scum and taken his cites. all ends well for us peacekeepers!
-the dwarves.
p.s. We are sending this jornal to be anilized.

Note: we have capured the jornal from a group of Dwarves traveling away from the city of Rivendale. this Is now in the hands of the Library of P.E.T.A.

Mr. Samulis Quintus Augustus

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Caesar Augustus) and was a member of Army of Darkness

I havent been able to write about myself much, but i will say it breif, I, have lived only a short while with my friends, the dark riders. I hope to survive the siege that is erupting outside. they come and are about to attack, for they outnumber me 3 to 1. I have no chance, only the walls and towers can help me now... I have one last word to say: I have fought well, and also I will fight well, to the death if I must. I will folow in the steps of my grand father, and his father, 'Let Darkness overcome all' I will survive.
The day is 4/6/08, and I say good bye, mabye not... mabye yes.
-Samulis Quintus Augustus
'Light and Darkness shall overcome all'
family tree:
/ S. I
Imp. / Da.
me-----/ / S. I
Valtus- / S. II
Cal. He.
/ Mes.
this is done with the help of the Library of P.E.T.A. and their resorses. thanks!
I, In my last words, thank all who helped me reach this day and will hide this scroll in the secret cave to the south of the city in riverside land, where the mountains rise. for one day, Samersanians will return to this forsaken land, if I dont survive to read about me and my tasks set forth in stone... literaly, tablets from samulis' trip can be found to the south of the modern day city of Rohan, writen by his own hand, above is the jornal of his life. I hope you have the time to read them, for I have spent time myself doing so.
-Samulis Quintus Augustus
I survived! today is 4/9/08, and I am still alive and well, we survived two attacks, and attacked once, now they have a army of 2000-4000 coming at samersania... this is going to be a long night...
I survived again! again the gods bless us! I ran from Samersania with 80 of my best men and about 2000 colinists. I am making my way on the edge of the world, a dark, steep drop off, at the very edge of the world, so many fall off. Lucky for us, no men were lost, but some children fell off while playing. Morale is at a all time low, the men want money, they want food, and i cant do anything. we have no resorses, no gold, nothin.

Back to the land of my great-grandfather, Samulis, where I will re-constuct Samersania and scour the land for any remains of the once-great city. It will be a re-construction of early Army of Darkness settlement.

ok, ive run again. this time im in one of our northern cores. I should be reciving a new army soon. I will just wait and see. the date is april 13 2008 Ive been around for a while now...

I have a new motto: 'Never ever ever give up!'

Today, the 14th, I will fight to the last. I plan to attack a small fortress in the land of Misfits. In two ticks, I will eather die, or conquer. I, Like my family before me, will die once again, and I have writen this story for posterity to ponder over my braveness. I have crossed half of vallhala on the run. now the riders of darkness have made peace with SPQR. I think I will send my son there. If not, he will go to DR like usial. I will leive my story in the parchment of time, with ink of tales, from the norse legends that once talked of vallhala on Earth. I return now, to die for a greater casue. my rally, will be as followed.

'Men, Men of the West, we flee from whom was once enemy, now called friend. now we make our stand, charge out for glory! for darkness! for Samersania! we will fight to the last man and for the everlasting power of a tale of glory and a tale of endurance of one people supressed by enemy from all sides, who crossed the deadly mountans, marched accross the edge land, rode upon the plains stained with blood and retreated bravely from our posts when ordered. we are the last of a dying people, for about 600 men will fight, and die here. at this very spot, in the city of Ehehehehe. For glory, gold, and in the name of Rome I comandith thou selvith to charge agianst thou forblower of evil! Charge!!!!!!'

-Samulis Quintus Augustus
If i survive, I will be known as a hero, not only in text, but in stone and blood.

Samulis has died, his army, decimated. Luckily, a small group of men (3) have managed to bring this message to the stronghold of DR. Samersanians have sent a rocket for us...oh look! its here! the rocket! come on, lets go.

This document is now in the hands of the Library of P.E.T.A. thanks to the help of three brave men, one of wich is his son, Caesar Augustus, who will take control of the new settlments. his dying words: 'I die not for my contry, but for a new life, for I flee, now I stand and fight... a last stand...' then he ran, swung his sword and choped of the heads of 3 men at once. he died fighting, along with 59 of his men. so many have left since 81. several have died. below is a attachment of his histoy:

2008-04-03 - 12 days ago
16:20:39: Snocherian[CoD] bought 1000 food for 2250 gold from you on the market.
17:05:56: Mr. Mafia has accepted your kingdom application!
17:09:59: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
17:11:38: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
2008-04-04 - 11 days ago
04:50:16: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
04:50:24: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:03:54: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-05 - 10 days ago
03:10:42: Orc[] bought 10000 tree for 22500 gold from you on the market.
16:28:39: You have received a bonus turn!
17:49:09: Badabooom[SPQR] bought 4500 food for 5733 gold from you on the market.
18:08:39: Wrotty[Legion] bought 1200 food for 1560 gold from you on the market.
18:36:25: Mafia[dr] bought 4300 food for 5590 gold from you on the market.
2008-04-06 - 9 days ago
09:00:22: We are no longer under protection!
10:28:14: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
21:35:32: You have received a bonus turn!
21:40:02: All troops in Samersania Defenders have died!
2008-04-07 - 8 days ago
00:05:09: Kayn[HK] bought 15000 food for 27300 gold from you on the market.
00:18:05: Living Dead Girl[] bought 5000 food for 8463 gold from you on the market.
08:30:00: Killer lead by Mr. Deaddy Field attempted to take over Samersania. We lost 36 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 16 Knights, 19 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
08:30:00: Our Samulis Quintus Augustus lifeguards successfully defend Samersania. Killer lead by Mr. Deaddy Field attempted to take over Samersania. We lost 47 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 141 of our soldiers got injured.
09:53:52: Bob Loblaw lifeguards lead by Mr. Bob Loblaw now has our Samersania under siege. We lost 9 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 4 Knights, 4 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
09:53:52: Our Samulis Quintus Augustus lifeguards failed to defend Samersania. Bob Loblaw lifeguards lead by Mr. Bob Loblaw have begun a siege of Samersania. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 40 of our soldiers got injured.
14:25:01: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
15:06:25: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
15:14:38: You have received a bonus turn!
16:00:14: Justanius[dr] bought 10000 food for 16900 gold from you on the market.
16:07:23: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
16:41:09: Inza[Legion] bought 1000 tree for 3740 gold from you on the market.
23:00:44: Riders of Samersania lost a battle against Bob Loblaw lifeguards from Mr. Bob Loblaw. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 30 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
23:00:44: All troops in Riders of Samersania have died!
2008-04-08 - 7 days ago
21:21:13: You have received a bonus turn!
22:08:01: We received a message from Mr. Bintok.
2008-04-09 - 6 days ago
14:01:34: Sreyortsed lost a battle against Hrds from Mr. Badabooom. The army escaped to Samersania. We lost 99 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 126 of our soldiers got injured.
15:08:46: You have received a bonus turn!
15:30:59: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:39:14: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
16:10:24: Justanius[dr] bought 30000 food for 33000 gold from you on the market.
16:34:49: We received a message from Mr. Bintok.
18:13:04: Sam I[Acad] bought 1250 tree for 3517 gold from you on the market.
2008-04-10 - 5 days ago
00:46:09: Hrds lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Samersania. We lost 270 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 58 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
00:46:09: Our Riders of Samersania failed to defend Samersania. Hrds lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Samersania. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 200 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
00:46:09: All troops in Riders of Samersania have died!
01:00:08: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
02:00:36: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
03:00:36: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
04:00:14: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
05:00:18: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
06:00:12: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
07:00:04: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
08:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
09:00:09: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
10:00:26: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
11:00:09: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
12:00:27: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
13:00:14: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
13:46:26: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
14:00:08: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
14:43:10: You have received a bonus turn!
14:46:54: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
14:48:00: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
14:51:17: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
14:54:39: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
15:44:05: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
15:44:42: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:52:18: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
15:56:53: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:58:51: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:59:22: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
16:00:14: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
17:00:11: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
18:00:29: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
19:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
19:25:42: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
19:34:46: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
20:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
20:22:04: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
20:33:39: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
21:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
22:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
23:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-04-11 - 4 days ago
00:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
00:59:28: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
01:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
02:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
03:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
04:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
05:00:09: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
06:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
07:00:04: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
07:35:50: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
07:38:56: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
08:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
09:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
09:53:26: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
10:00:03: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
10:47:00: We received a message from Mr. Ruck of Army of Darkness.
10:49:53: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
11:00:04: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
12:00:08: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
13:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
14:00:10: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
15:00:11: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-04-12 - 3 days ago
07:59:13: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
08:53:58: You have received a bonus turn!
09:01:40: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
09:17:29: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
11:37:55: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
2008-04-13 - 2 days ago
05:00:51: Hrds lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Mafias Miner I. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Mafias Weaps.
11:01:42: You have received a bonus turn!
13:42:24: We received a message from Mr. Bintok.
16:23:56: We received a message from Mr. Mafia of dark riders empire.
2008-04-14 - 1 days ago
12:38:55: You have received a bonus turn!
12:45:32: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
12:45:37: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
13:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
14:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
15:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
16:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
17:00:03: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
18:00:04: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
19:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
20:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
21:00:04: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
22:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
23:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-04-15 - Todays News
00:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
01:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
02:00:03: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
03:00:03: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
04:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
05:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
05:46:08: Imperial Gaurd lost a battle against Scout III from Mr. Pimp. We lost 59 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 491 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
05:46:08: All troops in Imperial Gaurd have died!

'let darkness overcome all!'

Mr. Caesar Augustus

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Great) and was a member of Army of Darkness

I, Caesar Augustus plan to finish the work started by my fathers before me. I will help my dearest darkness overcome the threats that are to come.

After my father passed away, new settlers arived, too late for his use. I became their leader. Now, I am leader of the samersanian colonies. I plan to erect a set of cites to act as a barrier. it has been several days back on imparus, where time runs slower, but here, it has been many, and my city is growing like crazy. 15,000 gold peices are made each day, over 12,000 people live in my growing city. once a small village, now it will become a super-fortress.

I have set up two towers to defend the frontier if SPQR suddenly gets angry with us. I have built a logging camp to the south. gateway darkness is getting larger by the day. it already has 6k buildings and over 15k pesants! Im growing like crazy. I am doubling everything in the city near dayly!

I have settled in the core of our new empire.

my gaurd tower #2 has been taken, I will take it back. my power is growing like crazy. I have a army of soon to be over 20,000 troop. thats 4 roman liegons. I will split it into liegons soon.

my capital is rising like crazy. we have the inner castle so full, we now have buildings outside of the castle already. thousands of villagers live there.

at the last count, there are 65k villagers in Gateway Darkness. there are also several thousand in Tree Slayer and about 800 in each tower.

so be it. war has broken out, my people are crushed, darkness has fallen. from its ashes, the enemy charges, I am almost dead, fleeing with a small group of men, hanging on to what is left. my job here is no longer around, in 7 minutes, the world will end. amegeddon is comming. I am with 3000 troop, and will die soon. I will visit the halls of my fathers, Army of Darkness. it is exactly 13 days to almost the exact hour. I will die, like my father, hanging on to almost nothing. let darkness shine in its final minutes.
'let darkness overcome all'
wait! that is on mantrax, but still I will not die in vain. I am going to be the longest ruling man in the house of my fathers. I will go see my masters in AoD. goodbye world... or I could join Frumentarii... that would save me. but no, in the worrior style, I will die.

I am still running. we have been on a Exodus for atleast 22 days now, we are atleast half way to the great city-fortress of Snochshire, owned by Justanius. when we get there, we will be safe, for now, possibly we will get a new army to conqure enemies, but for now, we are on the run from the armies of SPQR.

I stand outsided of Snochshire, waiting for them to attack my forces. I stand in a moment of triumph that I have made it so far. good bye, world, good bye, peasants, I am leaving now, and will be in the halls of my fathers. a message from Samulis I says he is comming back soon, to finish what he started.

I dont have enough gold to keep my army together. it has been like this for almost 2 months now. I dont know what to do... I cant rally my men to attack.

now, we have died, here is what has happened over the months:

2008-04-16 - 19 days ago
19:26:51: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-17 - 18 days ago
08:07:12: Gold Member[MAD] bought 5000 tree for 12682 gold from you on the market.
14:32:51: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
22:52:39: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
2008-04-18 - 17 days ago
10:07:02: You have received a bonus turn!
10:15:39: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
10:21:56: You have received one bonus turns for voting on Visual Utopia!
10:58:40: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
11:37:26: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
13:09:28: We received a message from VU Admin.
15:27:17: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
18:10:58: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
2008-04-19 - 16 days ago
10:04:59: You have received a bonus turn!
10:06:52: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
10:18:15: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:00:12: We are no longer under protection!
16:05:54: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
2008-04-20 - 15 days ago
09:45:45: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-21 - 14 days ago
14:37:45: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-22 - 13 days ago
14:50:16: You have received a bonus turn!
15:44:04: Mafia[dr] bought 50000 food for 49500 gold from you on the market.
17:00:34: All men in Settler have died!
2008-04-23 - 12 days ago
15:26:41: You have received a bonus turn!
17:13:47: Gilgamash Leich[SPQR] bought 20000 tree for 74800 gold from you on the market.
2008-04-24 - 11 days ago
16:36:56: We received a message from Sir Gilgamash Leich of Frumentarii.
20:08:13: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-25 - 10 days ago
20:13:09: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-26 - 9 days ago
03:06:24: Rider[dr] bought 1000000 stone for 891000 gold from you on the market.
10:30:14: You have received a bonus turn!
2008-04-27 - 8 days ago
09:01:31: Pess lead by Mr. Pimp attacked and took over Gaurd Tower II. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Gateway Darknes.
09:01:31: Pess lead by Mr. Pimp attacked and took over Gaurd Tower II. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Gateway Darknes. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 6 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
13:17:45: You have received a bonus turn!
14:27:15: Rider[dr] bought 1000000 stone for 883500 gold from you on the market.
17:10:30: Our city, Gaurd Tower II has been liberated! Mr. Caesar Augustus has freed our people.
2008-04-28 - 7 days ago
11:06:09: 877 walls in Gateway Darknes got destroyed by magic!
11:06:13: 170 walls in Gateway Darknes got destroyed by magic!
11:08:03: Gizas Best lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Gateway Darknes. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Gaurd Tower II. We lost 4001 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 941 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
11:08:03: Our Caesar Augustus lifeguards failed to defend Gateway Darknes. Gizas Best lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Gateway Darknes. We lost 16008 Swordsmen, 1045 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 20 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
11:08:03: All troops in Caesar Augustus lifeguards have died!
15:20:31: You have received a bonus turn!
16:51:45: Sadass lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Gaurd Tower II. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Gaurd Tower.
16:51:45: Sadass lead by Mr. Badabooom attacked and took over Gaurd Tower II. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Gaurd Tower. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Gaurd Tower. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
16:51:55: Pesants lost a battle against Sadass from Mr. Badabooom. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 700 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
16:51:55: All troops in Pesants have died!
16:58:40: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
17:06:39: Badabooom[SPQR] bought 400000 food for 368600 gold from you on the market.
17:06:50: Badabooom[SPQR] bought 40000 food for 38000 gold from you on the market.
17:09:15: Mafia[dr] bought 560000 food for 532000 gold from you on the market.
22:56:00: Tool[SPQR] bought 1000000 stone for 900000 gold from you on the market.
2008-04-29 - 6 days ago
02:48:38: Army of Dead lead by Sir Gilgamash Leich attacked and took over Gaurd Tower. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Tree Slayer.
02:48:38: Army of Dead lead by Sir Gilgamash Leich attacked and took over Gaurd Tower. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Tree Slayer. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Tree Slayer. We lost 280 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 8 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
08:01:25: Rage lead by Mr. Pimp attacked and took over Tree Slayer. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Darkness. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 1792 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
08:01:25: Our Tower Gaurd II failed to defend Tree Slayer. Rage lead by Mr. Pimp attacked and took over Tree Slayer. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 94 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
08:01:25: All troops in Tower Gaurd II have died!
12:02:24: Army of Dead lead by Sir Gilgamash Leich attacked and took over Darkness. We lost 448 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
12:02:24: Our Core Gaurds failed to defend Darkness. Army of Dead lead by Sir Gilgamash Leich attacked and took over Darkness. We lost 177 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
12:02:24: All troops in Core Gaurds have died!
13:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
-------------------------------not enough gold----------------
15:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
15:47:50: You have received a bonus turn!
16:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
16:02:35: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
16:39:13: We received a message from Mr. Badabooom of Frumentarii.
17:00:08: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
17:15:11: Fleeing Army lost a battle against Mafmof from Mr. Badabooom. The army escaped to Riders. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 1051 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
2008-04-30 - 5 days ago
02:01:11: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
09:25:08: Blood Legion lead by Sir Gilgamash Leich attacked and took over Riders. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Thebes.
11:15:14: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
11:15:45: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
15:59:09: You have received a bonus turn!
16:05:52: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
--------------------------------not enough gold---------
23:00:12: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-05-01 - 4 days ago
00:00:13: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
00:45:24: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
01:00:12: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
-------------------------------not enough gold-----------
14:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
14:55:39: You have received a bonus turn!
15:00:11: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
--------------------------------not enough gold----------
23:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-05-02 - 3 days ago
00:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
01:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
01:01:37: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
01:49:34: The progress of Fleeing Army has been hindered by magic!
01:49:46: Mr. Pimp attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:49:51: Mr. Pimp attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:49:53: Fire rains from the sky on our Fleeing Army army! 0 troops burned to death.
02:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
-----------------------------not enough gold--------
18:00:05: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
18:47:58: You have received a bonus turn!
18:50:29: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
---------------------------not enough gold----------
23:00:38: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-05-03 - 2 days ago
00:00:08: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
------------------------------not enough gold--------
04:00:13: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
04:58:22: We received a message from Mr. Justanius of dark riders empire.
05:00:09: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
--------------------------------not enough gold---------
13:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
13:48:51: You have received a bonus turn!
13:51:46: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
-------------------------------not enough gold------------
23:00:07: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
2008-05-04 - 1 days ago
00:00:13: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
-------------------------------not enough gold-----------
09:00:06: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
09:31:28: You have received a bonus turn!
09:32:11: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
------------------------------not enough gold-------------
16:00:10: We do not have enough gold to support our armies!
16:21:58: Fleeing Army lost a battle against Sassaxz from Mr. Badabooom. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 528 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
16:21:58: All troops in Fleeing Army have died!
2008-05-05 - Todays News

'let darkness overcome all'

this jornal has been recovered by a quick expodition to Vallhala by samersanian explorer Lord Daramon. let it now lie in the library of P.E.T.A.

Mr. Samulis The Great

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis of Old) and was a member of dark riders empire

I return to vallhala, much southerner, and with little troop or resorse, lucky for me, the gods protect me, for a great army is right out side of the city, and I cant do anything to drive the evils back to the pits of hell where they belong, for acad is back, and badder than ever, frutiimary is back and badder. it looks like I am in troble... but no, I have the gods on my side, and they are out there.

The era is coming to a close, change is coming, 3 years after I set foot on this forsaken land of vallhala, I must leave again, my ship is ready, my jornies complete, for I have gathered the relics left behind by my posterity, and with the help of lord daramon, I have recovered the lost jornal of caesar augustus, samulis quintus augustus, which was near caesar augustus' jornal. now, with several new contributions for the library, I may leave to my throne, or, I will return next era, with the help of lord daramon.
'let darkness overcome all'

Mr. Samulis of Old

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Lord Fasalus of Samersania) and was a member of dark riders empire

Now, after finding this new era full of places to go and things to do, I plan to start my conquest with a new kingdom. I will either join WoL or AoD or PKS. I have been rejected from AoD and WoL, but PKS, I am trying. no luck, I am trying to get communication with WoL again, for they would like a good experianced player like me.
WoS/WoL have accepted me! I have lost olympus and The other Side in the process.
I have met the man who killed Imperios. I am being nice to him, for it is only his nature, Sir Senator Falko, a true player of the game, and a wize man, of whom is also a master of the histories that I find so intreging.
I have been here for 16 days in fantista. I have lost samersania, but founded a new, as great or better city. New Samersania now stands in the centre of our mighty kingdom. a last stronghold if it will be it. never, I say, for we are winning this era. we have taken most of the south west. the north west fell back, but we are re-taking it step-by-step.
I am founding a great army. now we have 7k men, tommarow, 15k, the next, mabye 24k. it will be an army in no time.
I have lived here for an amazing 24 days, my longest expadition to another world. my army has over 60k troop, and is growing. I am ready to take on any threat. my army is prepared, my army, more powerful than any of my family, it could crush my first great army with little death. I will invest in creating a secret metal, Mithril, as the elves call it, un-breakable by any blade, I will forge the grandest army I have ever lead.
so many days have passed by since the last of my ideas. my army has 70k, 90k tommarow, and 100+ by the next, making it an army.
30 days, I live in this forsaken land. my army has 89k, it is sitting in a city, for I do not have the tax payers to keep it going.
i have my news cleared, I am tired of old messages, I will start anew in my message box. it is nice here, my army is on its way to help hold in the eastern front.
I think I will last the whole era here, now that I have a strong army to gaurd it.
I have been here over 33 days in samersanian time. it has been years here. my city, New Samersania is huge. it is my largest city yet. now has over 30k buildings I think.
I am growing fast again, I expect to last the whole era, for my army is re-building quickly, and my men are ready for battle.
I awoke to find over 16,700,000 gold in the cofers. thats quite a bit. I will spend it on knights and the White Gate.
I fear I will not last until the light of the end. there are 16 more days, and the enemy will reach Peleador Land in 5 I bet. Black Gate in 8. then New Samersania in 12. my only hope is to build an army of 500,000 and send it to Peleador land in under 7 days. I have a production of about 75k swordsmen per day.
my army is on its way. I have a huge host of 138k troop to peleador land.
the total army is at over 500,000 troop at peleador land. it is a merged mix from several different players. I think it should stop their evil armies.
I fear that White gate will be engaged in combat in several days. I will send re-enforcements.
There are about 9 days left in the era, I hope i last till the end.

I am afraid that the end is near, I have closed the gates from the outside world. I will hold my ground till the last.

My last army has been built, with it, I ride on a golden horse, to glory, we fight, for the whole world, we win. The end of a great era is near, it will not save me. I must hold out till the last. my army may fall, or it may win. let the gods shine down upon me today, let the battlefield be littered with the bodies of the dead enemies.

I doubt I will last till the end of the era, but I am hopefull that I will hold out untill the rocket is ready for me to retreat. I will wait untill my city is almost taken, then blast off like the rocks of the catipults. They will think my rocket is a rock, and I will go flying off this dreaded place. I only hope we reach my city in time.

The end of the era is only days away. my city, New Samersania might fall. Wolf is almost dead too.

I have executed my move secsessfully. I am now flying far above the enemy. I will go to vallhala with the remains of my great army and city. I will go back to the starting place and next era, start anew.

I am handing control of the provinces over to Lord Fasalus of Eorgeun Forest and his elves. It is good to change the control to wize and defensive people, I have always played defensive. hmmm...
'let darkness overcome all'

Mr. Lord Fasalus of Samersania

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Lord Fasalus of Samersania) and was a member of dark riders empire

I, Lord Fasalus arrive in Polis close to the end. I cannot leave, for the city is under siege. I am waiting for it to finish the siege so I can leave. We decided to abort the mission and leave. We cannot find a way to get out, so we took the rocket with us.

Mr. Lord Fasalus of Samersania

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Elvenlord Minosus) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

ok, I have done no work here, but arived and joined FF. I will retire my command to Elvenlord Minosus the next era.

Mr. Elvenlord Minosus

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Finally, I have touched down. After a delay because of a brawl, we finally reach our new homeland. I settled the small town of Imperion on the plains and plan to settle much northerner. I am working to build up my defensive, already consisting of several dozen archers and about 50 mages. I am starting to practice my magiks. They will come in much use later.

I am expanding to the north and have founded the city of Arundel. Imperion turned out to be a bad spot and only gave me 300-400 buildings. I expect Arundel will give me what I need. I am preparing a army for the early wars of the young terratory of Fantista.

I am low on food, and Stone is running out quickly i need to make a mine soon so I can keep up with demand of gold. I have started using my primitive magiks to help my tribe I have done some EITS reports, but my offensive magic is not powerful enough.
I have started to make my empire grow. I now have 3 cities.

war has come to our lands. My gosts are planing to fight back. Imperion now has some more archers and my secret wepon is prepared. I need food badly, and am taking the nearby city of Kajbel. they will not stand a chance. I will run the enemy donw with my armies and crush their souls with magicks.

I have fallen, I left the land with my rocket and will retire in Imperion as Consul to the Lord. The elves of the forest find it too harsh here. we will leave and let samulis take the world one step at a time.

Mr. Samulis

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Magnificent) and was a member of Predators

Now, we have touched down. I joined predators as soon as I could. I decided it would be fun to try mantrax this era. I have a main city (Minas Samos) growing quickly and a side city (Minas Mountus) doing some work. I recently built a blocker to the west, and found that there are other people near by. I plan to either conquer them, or befriend them. If they seem to be helpfull, then they will be allies, if they are a nusance, then they will meet my sword. I hope to settle a core base with my kingdom.

My armies are growing, as are my cities. I just took the city of Fortas, owned by the local natives. I have established conversation with a local elf by the name of Silverth. I hope to expand my empire soon, but my army is very small compared to those of allies. I will work on my cities instead.

Sir evans has taken Fortas. I will take it back, then a ally will merge into my army there. His army must have been of nazguls. it was very hard to defeat and cost me many men. I am near fortas. I will take it in under aday.

I have taken it back, and driven him from our lands. I am planing to expand into more work in wood-cutting. It is worth quite a bit. My productivity is up, but we are in a famine.

We have left the famine far behind and are growing quickly... I wake up to increses as much as 2,000 more gold a day! We are under threat from Sir Evans, a orcish brute with little brains, even though he leads a kingdom- its probabily his wife and adviser who do all the work. I have a large host ready to repel his attack. It should be easy. He is foolish and doesint get how sticks can fly with heads of metal and kill his own worriors. I am doing some skermish work.

My allies have slain Sir Evans' army. My 2 liegons are leaving to the west to go and claim new land for their Lord. This will be a messy fight this era.

Sir Evans is now at a non-agression-pact with us. He claims my explorers might be a threat, but I re-assured him they are only to exterminate enemies and explore.

My two liegons continue the quest for knowlage as my capital now continues the expantion of gaurd towers. I hope some day I can see far across the land from such a city. I woke to the sight of 5 million gold in my coffers, from both market work and taxes. My capital takes its first step out of its walls, my villagers are working hard to enlarge it so that we can fit more armies and more villagers there. I am planing on more settlements.

My coffers reach an additional 300k gold per day. I wake to 7 million gold sitting there. I have spent it all on troops and my cities.

I see a small party of men from RET comming to take my blocker. They will soon meet their doom. I doubt my armies will have many casualties.

my coffers now get over 450k more each day. I woke to well over 18 million gold in my coffers. I am planing to enlarge my cities and take over much to the west which we are enemies with. I may do some settling if I can there too.

I have been at work in the home lands and return to find a small party of about 4.5k men under elements besieging The Black Gate. I have my Imperial 3rd Liegon (very powerful) going to re-enforce it.

I have beaten the enemy with few casualties. I have made a large army of elite knights to advance on the enemy to the south. I will libreate the land down there.

My armies suffered a heavy blow- 10,000 knights were killed by the evils of Mr. Oxygen. My armies will merge into a larger, more formidable Chivalry.

My armies are now together in a full liegon- 30,000 strong, we march on the south in full force. Elements will bow before my blade as the last small host leaves my lands. I have a secret wepon in development... my cities are preparing for somthing that will wipe them off the face of the map...

My armies have been slain by the evils of elements, yet my secret wepon remains. They will die in its face, all of them, bloody, dead and silent for all eternity.

My secret wepon is marching out- all of imperial light and power. It will slay each of their people one by one, orcs will fall, elves will be betrayed by their own magiks, and their empire will crumble.

My secret wepon fell, so did my next and last wave of knights. the evil one, oxygen, took my great halls and made them a terrorble land of desolation, not the happy and grand civilisation of man. I flee to the far east and settle there once again. it is a land of chieftians fighting others, but is resored as the last haven of all peoples against elements and trio.

I have lost my main settlement in this land, and fleet to the land more to the east. I have settled in the middle of a big middle finger made out of scouts (its really cool) after loosing lasovarch, my origonal new settlement. I think I might be able to take it back. There are only 50 days left in this era, I can feel the change comming. I hope I manage to finish in some dignity.

I have lasted the whole of the era. In the end, me and the remaining armies of samersania retreated and have left the world, over 1,000 days later. I plan to move to a far off land, such as valhalla next era.

Mr. Samulis The Magnificent

Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Magnificent).

Ok, I am with preds again, here we are in lovely um... zetamia. Its kinda great, I have my capital set up, and plan to start a mining operation on the other side of the Great River.

Yep, I have Imperion and Cair Paravel up on the other side of the river. I plan to squeze tons of gold out of those mountans and use it to make some troops, I am going elf this era.

Ok, I finally got back on, this kingdom called millitary is rather angry, so my elvish archers may come in use. I have some small groups of archers ready for battle. A fair amount defend Imperion and Cair Paravel. They should be safe. Samersania is well defended too. My small host is up north at a crossing point defending it.
My defence for Imperion has some surplus, they are going to help defend a blocker to the west.
19 days have I have lived here, in anger with the slow moving advancement of the enemy, I will teach them a lesson with my secret wepon, hopefully, the secret wepon will reach the target destination on time.
My allies have nutralized their magic city, and soon their whole land will be ours. we have blown through their defences easily.
We have defeated them, but the traitor, named Holly, has left us, along with a bulk of our alliance in the core. We are decending into a desperate war with Mystical, and my city will become a safe haven for all of our alliance, its defences, impenetrable but to a hoarde.
I am in awe, her army just took Samersania, 70,000 elvish archers and 250,000 citizens fought, she seemed to loose no men! Impossible.
Several days later I am on the break of dying again. I havve few men left. I have reached the end of the road, I am leaving now, for vallhala and better lands, where the new players await a experianced one to train them to fight. I await freedom and glory alike. Let me leave my home, Predators, whom have guided me and lead me for so long. Thank you.

Sir Samulis The Magnificent

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis) and was a member of Dark

Now, once more I arrive on Zetamanina. I have joined one of the strongest Kingdoms in the realm, and the closest, Dealers of Death. they are experianced men, and I will fight with them, perhaps for a era or two. I hope we secseed.

Today I seem to be going well. A fair army of knights and archers. We are under attack from the east, so my attention is focused mainly there.

The west is a battle-ground, Samersania has been taken, and Mount Vasos is still standing. We have killed hundreds of enemy units attacking. I am happy that the siege still lasts, for each day, more enemies die.

I am currently working with old friends on a great plan to take back the cities from the evil Oblivion. They deserve only death in this world, and I say, death is what they shall get.

Oblivion has changed. We are now friends with them, but millitary deserves death, for they are attacking us. Our friends, Oblivion, are helping us over-throw millitary and we have driven them from our core.

The legal courts have exploded with papers. Messagers are entering the city at a rate of atleast 5 per day, and I am running out of messagers. Last time, I had to send a squire to deliver a message, pretty soon I will have to send my men to deliver them!

Today, months later, I look back. With under 60 days left in this forsaken era, my armies are tired. We have won dozens of battles many rulers could not think of winning, and fought back with such ferocity, that the race of Man is now remembered as less merciless. In every battle, the golden eagle of Samersania flies high and into the mist of my enemies as the knights hack them down. So far I have won many a good victory.

50 Imparian days spent in this forboading land. We have survived the evils and terrors of the betrayals of good of this land. In this last year, I stand my ground and fight with blade and bow to my last. I have lost my homeland to the Evil Betrayer. May he die forever.
Pax Et Prosperitas.
-Samulis Quintus Augustus

Sir Samulis

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis Imparus) and was a member of Dark Rider Empire


Sir Samulis Imparus

Lived in Era 37 and got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Conquerer).

So, in the truth of it all, I have decided to visit my old friends Dark Rider Empire. I think I may make it through the era.

The battles are great, the kingdom of the newly raized is comming. Their light banner is growing, ours is apparently weakening.

I, Samulis De Imparus, Son of Samulis the Noble, have prepared my armies for the march. To the south, a threat rizes, one I am unsure of in how they shall affect me. Thy kingdom of thee worms, they call it. His army stands outside of New Samersania, I have sent a messager to him explaining that we are not at war, I am unsure of the outcome, but I hope it is not as bad as it appears... The Cruxadeur Army is prepared to the north, one last valiant march to glory I shall give if I must... if not, well then, farwell thee fair ladies.

Sir Samulis The Conquerer

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Grandeur) and was a member of Vengeance

after restarting, I have decided to side with a local by the name of Mr. Haldir. I have founded the city of Imparus and will settle northwards and around.

Mr. Haldir and I have founded a mighty alliance- The Last Alliance of Men and Elves. We are prepared for what war and torture may appear to come.

The Mighty and Grand Velocity have shown signs of peace with us and we plan to create an alliance or Non-Agression-Pact with them. I belive that we may get this.

Velocity has not agreed to relations yet, but we will contine to be at peace with them, possibly a half-nap. To the east trouble sturs... the Order of White and Black has armies marching our way... I have sent out haralds to speak with them.

I was attacked the other day by the un-chivalrous Mr. Jango, a eseemed and foolish knight. He has taken Osgilath from me and will not give it back. He plundered Imparus soon after, and to my dismay, took many of the fair madens in the city. I managed to kill off 10 attackers and soon they rode out of the walls to the sound of a claxon horn.

Today two great victories took place. I forced two of the cur's armies to surrender as they slept outside of Imparus' gates. I lost only 400 men to killing atleast 600 and injuring 500. I hope he soon comes to sanity and makes peace.

Some Documents on this era I published:

The War of the Doorstep of Velocity

A History of the War of LAME by Samulis

In this Dectus (10 days), 657 of the 37th age of Utopia, I, Samulis, Lord of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves put down on parchment this complete history of the still continuing War of the Doorstep.

Around the Dectus 600 the Order of White and Black Knights sent out their raiding parties to raid and conquer some of their neignbor kingdom of LAME. Lord Samulis responded in opening forges and armories in the city of Imparus and forming a massive city wall. By the time the invaders reached Imparus, Samulis' armies were prepared. In a ten Decti siege, the enemy managed to break the keep's doors, only to retreat when heavy misile fire forced them out of the city. Fifteen Decti later, Samulis' army manage to drive them out completely, killing and injuring over 800 of the enemy with a loss of only 300 men. A small party of knight soon set out to capture the taken city of Osgilath which held the route to the northern kingdom of Vengance.

By the Dectus 625 the land was clear. To the east, a brigade of around 5,000 men under Velocity marched towards Riverdell, an allied city. To the north, Vengance was formed and their leader, Resistance, swore to help them in their battle against the invaders from the east. When Velocity first attacked the Alliance, Resistance was caught in a very hard decision, to help those whom he had sworn to protect, or to help his old friends. He chose to help LAME in their battle against opression.

By around 640, the first battle Velocity faced was won, Vengance was still asaulting Osgilath, and Samulis began the largest millitary orginization in the history of Samersania. By 650, 2500 Knight Elatus stood gaurd in Imparus along with many archers and swordsmen. Massive walls kept out invaders and protected the now massive capital from all sorts of dangers...

In the 650's Samulis managed to start the process of peace with the two kingdoms assaulting. He found three different plans:

1. Join the kingdom of Black and White and be protected from them and Velocity, but be forced to fight off Vengance.

2. Join Velocity and be protected from them and Black and White (hopefully), but be in possible hazard with Vengance.

3. Stay put and possibly hold off the invaders for the rest of the era, 300 Decti away or retreat to a far corner of the world and live off of the land there.

He pondered over all of them and began working towards the first two at the same time hoping to hit a perfect balance in between all the forces. He thought at first 'What of creating a sort of central government and making a massive four-kingdom alliance?' Then the thought, 'If we joined Vengance, they would be able to send help to help us and possibly be able to clear them out and fall back.'

In the Decus 658 Samulis won a major victory, killing 1,400 enemies and maiming 1,500. Imparus soon showed a sign of hope and faith. His ally won a major victory over the enemy at Helm's Deep, driving out the last of White and Black. Samulis soon sent out messagers to the King of White and Black asking for the formation of a Cease Fire and possible Alliance. Currently terms are being discussed.

Samulis soon realized that Velocity may become enemies unless some terms are laid down. After the taking of Riverdell and the siege of Two Towers, he decided that he should re-claim his ally's land. He sent out a small party of knights to re-take Riverdell.

He soon learned that his ally in the north, Vengance, had taken back the bridge city of Osgilath and Helm's Deep had come to no harm in the war and was now safe to begin building more mines. He left the garrison in Imparus per chance Velocity came to try to take it in his leave and left to go questing through the lands.

It is now Decus 661 and as I write I grow weary of this war. My armies can easily repell any invasion, and since knights are as good at defending as attacking, they will defend Imparus as well as they rode out of the city, plus the massive garrison of archers and the giant walls on their side. They had repelled 5,000 trolls from attacking, they could easily repell much worse if needed.

It is now Dectus 663. After Samulis faced a series of losses fighting off some still remaining invaders, his armies in Imparus were injured. Even worse, Vengance, with the current change of sides making the alliance with W and B Knights, has decided to wage a 'war' against LAME. Both sides feel not willing to do any more than joking contests and attacks of swordsmen and Ghosts. Lord Resistance, Commander of Vengance in Armageddon, half-ally of Samulis launched a small attack aimed at Helm's Deep. Samulis' Army races homeward as the enemy army slowly catches up. He is forced to send out help, but soon realizes that he needs the troops badly to resist the attackers from the East. Finally, in late Dectus 663, he manages to throw off the invader army, only to find another, much larger one about 3-4 Decti away. 'We can only hope that Vengance will return to us in the near futrue and Velocity holds back their attacks,' comments Lord Fasalus, the lord given charge of Helm's Deep, 'If Imparus falls, Helm's Deep will be the last reffuge for our people, and after that falls, we will be forced to return to Imparus before the end.'

Of the original 2,000 knights that once bravely held the walls of Imparus, 1,200 remain with over 1,000 too sick and injured to fight. Thousands of pesants have decided to help fight, and 2,000 men-at-arms have joined the cause. Many of the archers were injured in the battles and a few died. May they come back to life soon... or Imparus shall fall.

Durring the Dectus of 665, an amasing assortment of events happened. Vengance not only returned to Samulis' aid, but invited the kingdom of LAME to join them. Samulis could not resist the temptation of freedom and safety. He and Haldir agreed it was for the better and Samulis sent over his application. He was greeted immediately by many nobles and Resistance quickly helped hold off the attackers. Samulis then rode repeditively out on the oponent in raids to drive him off- leaving only one third of their forces remaining by the end of only one day. He suffered heavy casualties, and was forced to send his knights to he safety of Osgilath.

The War of LAME was an impressive display of tactics and samersanian inginuity. Without the hard work of generals like Fasalus and Samulis the war would be long lost. The brave knights who died for this first crusade paid greatly in blood for the freedom of a people- one that has been won. Now a petty gaurd walks the walls of Imparus- A hopefull king stands over hundreds of warriors training in the battle-grounds. One day perhaps, this land of men will come crashing down- but the Legacy of Rohan remains as a standard of Faith in Chivalry and Samersanian Tactics... The grandest Chivalry ever to ride the realm of Armageddon... May it rize again... and live again... Long Live Imparus!

May Light and Darkness overcome All! Pax Et Prosperitas!

-Samulis, Lord Archivist of the Library of P.E.T.A. and King of Samersania.

Sir Samulis The Grandeur

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Incredious) and was a member of Vengeance

Really nothing worth mentioning... miserable life on Fant. from now on. Got Imparus taken by the evil scum.

Sir Samulis The Incredious

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Pompillious) and was a member of Project Mayhem

So it began...

As darkness rolled back, the first signs of light appeared over the now united land. Glorious light, it was! Alas, even the eyes of the gods let tears down! These tears filled the lowest valleys and cracks of the land, making a great system of lakes. Next game the Great God, ZeTa, in all his glory and he creatith all the races of this land, Men, Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, and Orcs. He built many fine bridges, and he pushed the land, making many fine mountains. Then he flew over-head in his golden chariot and threw down the Essance of Life, followed by Seeds of Glory, which took root and formed the many fine forests of this land. He then gently took each of the races and scattered them, minding carefully to put those together whom belonged together, and set up a fair field of which the allies could battle for Death and Glory.

Dectus 1
Samulis arrived not like those whom inhabited the land, but on the classical Combustory Defactoration, which many called Rockets. He flew it down and set it on the earth, setting up camp to defend the land clearly and strongly. He called it Farthgaurd.

Dectus 25
Now joining with his good ally, the Venerable and Noble Sir Resistance, he flew unto the golden southern realm, joining with the arms of the grand Kingdom of Mayhem. He soon started to set up the mighty city of Samersania and planned out his strategies.

Dectus 53
After setting up Samersania, he decided that he should settle to the south and forthward. He soon decided to send out men to settle downward.

--The Tale of Flavius Nomenor--
Flavius Nomenor was his name, He was Lord Centurion of the Lord Cartographer, Sir Samulis. Under his order, he raised a mighty army and called in many pesants to join under his banner.

'Io, brethren, come to thee. Together we shalleth found a mighty city to be in sisterhood with the graneur of Samersania. Cometh, those of old, Cometh, those of young, together we shall abide and not fail.

They left on the dawn of the 5th day of the 62nd Dectus, 50 men-at-arms and 500 settlers. Their blades sharpened in case of the regular riff-raff trying to control the land and any barbarian armies whom may prohibit their corse.

At the 16th hour of the 7th day of Dectus 88, they arrived at their given location and set up camp, calling the city Grandenburg after the city's first governor, Grandaetus. Flavius then led the rest to found the great city of Imperion.

High Scores:

Race: Human
Rank: 133.
Name: Sir Samulis The Incredious of Project Mayhem
Total land: 263423
Batles won: 1
Cities captured: 1
Total killed: 12977
Science lvls: 23
Total troops: 396571
Places lived: Zetamania

Sir Samulis The Pompillious

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Chivilrous) and was a member of Project Mayhem

The Age of Rome has come. Fear the might and glory of the Pompillious! This will be a fight to remember!

Sir Samulis The Chivilrous

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Veribalious) and was a member of Project Mayhem

The orcs marched silently through the brush, undetected by the enemy scouts in the city. Forward they marched. Homeward. To retake their beds which only two nights ago they had slept in. For the king, their great king, they would die. For honor, for the memory of their victory.

They emerged at the old cities' weakest point, Tavern Hill, a hill on which numerous breweries had grown on the northern side of the city. Passing the taverns, a large group of pesant rebels met up with them and they took the city with bearly a fight from the defending millitia. Finally, they could rest again in their sacred nooks and hidden crannies.

The next day, they set out again, possibly for the last time, to the south to re-take the great city of Loch Valen. After this victory at Newheim, their old city, they now moved to re-take this important armory before the enemy could.

The foe beat them! Their blood stained the earth, but in the great fight, the enemies' blood stained all the deeper. Death was closing in...

Sir Samulis The Veribalious

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Arlidorius The Tafflinicronian) and was a member of The Native People


Race: Human
Rank: 295
Name: Sir Samulis The Veribalious of The Native People
Total land: 186
Batles won: 3
Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 1443
Science lvls: 13
Total troops: 423
Places Lived: Vallhalla

Epic failure this era, thanks to Juicy's constant attacking and raiding. Joining a KD that will acutally make the era hopefully.

Sir Arlidorius The Tafflinicronian

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Verendurus The Tafflinicronian) and was a member of Lightning Dust

Race: Human
Rank: 357
Name: Sir Arlidorius The Tafflinicronian of Lightning Dust
Total land: 3590
Battles won: 8
Cities captured: 6
Total killed: 40073
Science lvls: 20
Total troops: 2564
Places lived: Starta

Sir Verendurus The Tafflinicronian

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Dreguain The Tafflinicronian) and was a member of Lightning Dust

The Lay of Arlidor

Long ago, 'twas a great city named Arlidor. Its streets were paved with marble and upon every house was gold and riches of every kind. Those who lived among those great halls were the most noble of elves, their castings strong enough to bring down even the strongest of foes. Along with those noble Archmages, were the lower, yet still famed Archers, their bows of yew and horse-hair chould shoot an oncomming foe at 100 yards 'tween the eyes and his buddy at 97 yards. Thousands of elves and men and dwarves and creatures of all types flocked to the great library at the throbing heart of the golden city, where the most knowledgable of elves shared their know-how with every man, woman, and child, down to the good-for-nothing trap who lived down the alley and the plow-hand who simply could not focus. For years, this great city grew, its power and glory became legendary, yet to foes, it became weak.

Slowly, the once-great empire that it lived among began to crumble. First with the falling of the Westmark, then unto the defeat at the Northgate. Finally, a great evil swarmed about the city, and in the cold dark of night, ripped out its still-throbing heart. So ended one of the most glorious empires to live. Long live LD, Crazy and ROC. Long live the FREE Starta. And unto death, I travel alone and without fear of the past, unto new life and new journies I yearn. To the end.

-Verendurus DeTafflinicron

"I am sorry, both to you, and to my kingdom mates. I have been out camping and hunting in the local mountains this whole past week, and came back to find my fiefdom decimated to the last man and child. I have cursed those wicked men who have brought this upon us, Rebirth shall never be Reborn. Re-awoken, they will never be. And forever shall they rest under the mountains of shadow and humility till the ending of this world and unto the next. I curse them, one time for each poor defenceless peasant they slaughtered at the gates of Arlidor, one time for each archer they threw down from the golden walls with their hideous beasts. I fear this is the fall of one of the greatest regimes ever to exist, my friend. I fear, this is the end..."

Sir Dreguain The Tafflinicronian

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Conqueror) and was a member of Lightning Dust

297.Sir Dreguain The Tafflinicronian of Lightning Dust
Total land: 60004 Battles won: 0 Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 0 Science lvls: 11 Total troops: 72064
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 91% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

yayz, I did well.

Sir Samulis The Conqueror

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis of Dregainia) and was a member of Lightning Dust


Sir Samulis of Dregainia

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Samulis The Noble) and was a member of The A Team

This world, which they call talents, is a great home for many kingdoms. In these many past days I have met, fought, and won beside some of the greatest. I met a climax this era in a war with a certain Mr. Ants. I destroyed his army of 170,000 soldiers besieging my capital and plan to dislodge anything else he sends. Overall, one of the more fun eras, mostly consisting of building and playing around...

Rank: 205
Name: Sir Samulis of Dregainia
Kingdom: The A Team
Total land: 197089
Battles won: 20
Cities captured: 9
Total killed: 222146
Science lvls: 23
Total troops: 411170
Played on Talents and Midgard

A very good era.
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