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Mr. Jamkel I

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Jamkel II).

At the outset, all there was, was 2 men. That conflict did not last, and eventually blossomed into a power struggle so bloody that the likes of such pain has never been felt before. Jamkel, the first-born son of Caron Rentor, High King and Patriarch of the Rentor House, was the general in the war that took his father's life, placing him on the throne of power held by his father, and his father's father and all the Patriarchs that came before, leading the House of Rentor into Glory. Within the hosts that High King Jamkel the first commanded were stout warriors how served Jamkel's father devoutly, and so served Jamkel. With the ammased hosts of Ansoracor, the Kingdom goverend by the House of Rentor for eons, Jamkel led his forces against his counterpart in the rival House of Sermothet, distant cousins of the Housr of Rentor, and also sharing the name of eaches capitol, Serme. The battle was waged on the fields of Mothmoket, surrounding the grand Sermotheten city of Serme. On those feilds Jamkel slew the rival king and took dominion over the lands of the Sermotheten's, thus ending over 7000 years of conflict between the 2 ancient Houses. Jamkel erected a city, again named Serme, to be the conjoined capitol of both Kingdoms. And so, now that the Wars have ended, peace can finally return to the lands of Ansoracor. Bountiful Harvests can be gathered, and the markets can be opened once more to free trade and commerce, the likes of which had never been seen. The Imperial armies of Ansoracor and Sermothet have conjoined and old hatreds forgotten. The kingdom is at peace. Jamkel decrees the building of facilities for the good of all, new jobs to better the Kingdom and to provide better placements for the people, temples to praise the Gods that any wishes to, courts to instate the law of Jamkel where all are equal, and cities, that the Kingdom may continue to grow and prosper with the happiness of the people. Yet, with this prosperity comes envy from the outside world, and Jamkel even now dons his battle aromor and drills his men for war. Should the need arise they will be ready, as will all of the Kingdom to preserve itself.

Mr. Jamkel II

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Jamkel II) and was a member of Lords of Round Table


Mr. Jamkel II

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Jamkel II) and was a member of Lords of Round Table


Mr. Jamkel II

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Jamkel II).


Mr. Jamkel II

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Jamkel Iii).

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