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Mr. Luca Brasi

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Luca Brasi Iii) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

During a time of Peace, there was one man who sought to bring Chaos to the realm. for centurys this man raised army after army conguering lands in a state of peace and spreading this Chaos. Finally, his largest army ever stood on the borders of the last city that still basked in peace and comfort. and one man stood against him. Luca Brasi. This man singlehandedly defeated the Chaos army, and maintained peace in his City and sent the God of Chaos back to his kingdom, alone, weaponless and poor. 2 Centuries later the God of Chaos sought out this man Luca Brasi. he wonderd how a person of such talent, and such inner peace could feel toward an enemy, or infact, if such a person even recognized another as an enemy. when he finally found Luca Brasi, he was sitting in his home, cleaning his armour and sword and singing a tune of peace. Not fearing for his life, assuming that the man who had not struck him down before when he could so easily have done so, would take that stance again, and counting on his purity of heart, that he would not want to stain his soul with murder. The God of Choas walked up to him and asked him, do you feel resentment, or anger for my attack on your people so many years ago? and Mr. Brasi answered him. by slaying him down with his sword, cutting his body in half and forever ending his reign. he stood over the body and said "for the trespass against my people i have hated you for all these years, yet i knew, with your outstanding ego, confidence and spirit, you'd be back, and i chose that time, to punish you for yor crimes."

Moral of the Story: Dont just destroy your Enemies Army, Destroy your Enemy and make em look like a fool by doing it in the easiest way possible. face to face, and when they come to you.

Mr. Luca Brasi Iii

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Luca Brasi IV) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

what he said. ^^^^

Mr. Luca Brasi IV

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Luca Brasi V) and was a member of Templar

same. ^^^^
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