Family History

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Ms. Raylenne

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

Member of:
Kingdom of Odyssey
Viceroy of the Kingdom with Ms Bubbles as leader.
Temporary leader of Kingdom Odyssey.

Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

Daughter of Raylenne, member of Odysey

Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

They say she came from the mists of the Orc mountains. She was lost in the new world, trying to find herself. Wondering around she found a group of people that welcomed her, gave her security and advices how to survive in this cruel world.

She joined this new kingdom called Odyssey, surrounded by friends she enjoyed her new found life. She made lots of new friends that gave her reason move forward, grow stronger and defend what they have achieved.

And they archived great things, the became the leading Kingdom, fighting for glory and to expand their Kingdom. Lady Jasmina was given the honor of leading the Kingdom. Together with her close friends she will bring Odyssey to the top of the world!

Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

Leader of Odyssey...
Interesting era for us... Realized we have many people that do not like us, its like that when you finish an era as first on HoH. Next era everyone wants a piece of you :)
Thats why we were at war with everyone around us except two friendly KDs. After OOP war with Military followed by war with KoH, then we were attacked by three KDs at the same time.
The war was devastating to all sides, but with time defenses were not able to hold and Odyssey had to fall...

I want to thank all my friends for everything, you made it interesting for me... Its time to take a short break from the game, most likely I will skip the next era.
See you all when I come back.

Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey


Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

-Era of new Map-

The introduction of new world map in the game...
All worlds connected... Odyssey was forced to start on Fantasia
After being defeated fast, we restarted in Starta with a help of Dark...

Odyssey once again grew strong, they had to reorganize after defeat in Fantasia, but once again right our of protection they were attacked by Fantasia Kingdom. Later on we discovered that most of Fantasia had made alliances to fight weaker Kingdoms. So much about honor.

Odyssey, a small KD with low activity of members found bravely against a powerful KDs of Prosapia and Legacy. They kicked off all enemy attacks and even had couple of offensive campaigns.

At the end of era we can say that ODC stood tall and proud.

Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey


Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmine) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Odyssey members decided to try their luck in Kingdom called Vengeance. They started in Fantasia, but enemies were too close, they had more members, and better organized, so we lost.
At that time mostly all members went to other Kingdoms, restarted... Jasmina also went to Guild of the Fallen, the only thing she did wrong was that she left too quick. But her cities were on the first line of the battle and she was killed first, so she restarted among the first ones.
Other members except a few did not follow her, they joined other Kingdoms, and it was at that time that the great Kingdom of Odyssey was officially dead and buried.
Jasmina is proud to be a member of that great Kingdom, and it will always stay in her heart.

But as life goes on, Jasmina went to Guild of the Fallen, and shortly was named a viceroy there. She helped the KD grow and soon after they became the strongest. After a short war they gained strong allies and went to war against dangerous enemies. They defeated two enemy Kingdoms, and ruled Nirvana, but then world oppened and Kingdoms from other worlds started coming.

Lady Jasmine

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Abydos


Lady Jasmina

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Abydos

After taking a break for one era, Lady Jasmina returns and joins the Kingdom of Abydos. They have landed on the world called Valhalla and established a core there... After a while they went to war against two Kingdoms, The Legion in the south and Blood Lust in the north. Lady Jasmina joined the battles in the north sending her Troll armies to attack the enemy.

Introduction of slower training and no more discount of the prices of troops made it difficult to train large armies. In addition, merging into other person army was not possible making it even more interesting. Blockers were not easy to break, walls and towers played a big role this era...

Jasmina fought many battles, was involved in many wars... Blood Lust was the first enemy... after taking care of their first core, we went to take the second one... Jasmina's army got in their core again but then cease fire was established and troll armies were sent to fight against strong Kingdom of Foundation.

Blockers were not possible to break... Both Kingdoms held their blockers and till end of era nobody was able to break the defenses...

On a personal note..
Abydos was the choice for the era, and it has been a huge disappointment. No organization, leadership inactive, players that are well known in the game only farm, they do not fight, that is why they are on top of HoH...

Duchess Jasmina

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Medusa) and was a member of Rebirth


Princess Medusa

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Rebirth


Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Rebirth

Time for change has come, Aisha was born, a new personality and new fighting techniques, still an attacker, fighting for the Kingdom. Last couple of eras Aisha was figthing for Rebirth, a might Kingdom, among great people, good friends and skilled players.

Era 43 was a fun era for Rebirth, right from the beginning we started the war against Domination, a very skilled new Kingdom. We formed an alliance with small kingdom to help them against large Dom threat. Together with BoW, RoC, LH and KBW we fought and eventually defeated Domination.
In the end of the era Foundation came and attacked us, we stood tall till the end of era.

At the end, it was time for change, so Aisha decided to join another active and strong Kingdom.

Princess Aisha has won 31 battles, captured 35 cities and killed a total of 744393 men and women.

Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans

The time has come. Princess Aisha joined a new Kingdom, and fought under the banner of Hot Inactive Veterans.

Being new in this established Kingdom, she felt like she has to prove herself. Therefore she did her best, fought all battles, followed orders for the well being of the Kingdom.
After settling couple of cities, Aisha was assigned to the south battle team, attacking Brethren Forever Kingdom while others took on Hollywood Kingdom. Together with some of HiV warriors, they crushed enemy defenses and Aisha took down a large Brethren blocker though it took alot of time.

After that was was won, it was time to move north as our Kingdom was under attack from Revelation. For a short period of time the enemy was pushing us, but once we regrouped the enemy was crushed and pushed back in their realm.
It was then the small team was assigned to go for a crucial mission. Path, Deno and Aisha were sent to infiltrate enemy core and go for a burn and destroy mission. Three of us crushed Revelation income and soon after our armies crossed to their world and Revelation was finished.

Then it was time to go to Fantasia and fight Kingdom called MAD. There were arguments about the enemy feeding and cheating but that did not come in way of great battles as MAD was stopped in a stalemate till the end of era.
In the meanwhile our home world Zetamania was controlled by us and our allies Gladiators and Federation.
Our main ally Foundation won the era, and proved again that they are the best in the game. Good job everyone!

Game style; Troll Attacker;
Princess Aisha has won 73 battles, captured 84 cities and killed a total of 474330 men and women.

Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Fate

New Kingdom was made called Fear. Aisha didnt feel she belongs to that Kingdom, so she decided to make another change, she joined Foundation. But the times were hard, she joined just when the Kingdom was under heavy attack by four enemy Kingdoms.
This great Kingdom held the enemies and even got advantage at some areas, but since there were too many enemies, Foundation core was breached near end of the era. In the meantime Aisha managed to sneak an army in enemy core and do some damage, on a burn and destroy mission she managed to crush at least 15 large enemy cities.
There have been huge changes in the game, Elves no longer ruled, there were more Halflings and Dwarfs, Aisha was Troll Princess again, playing as an attacker as usually.

Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Fate

Princess Aisha stood proud as a member of Kingdom of Foundation. The time for revenge has come!
The Kingdom has sworn to take revenge on what happened last era, the big gang bang had Fate's strongest members very angry. As soon as the era started, a big war started against Army of Anubis, one of the Kingdoms that attacked us last era. There were no connected worlds so everyone was on the same map, so full revenge was possible pretty easy. Fate armies crushed AoA defenses pretty soon, and the enemy cities were taken, Fate expanded its borders.
Next was Havoc and Mad, but History Matters was also attacked, there were battles from all directions. Kingdom Havoc was taken down pretty fast too.
Next were kingdoms Hema and History Matters, but both well pretty fast, nobody was able to stop the armies of Foundation. In the end, strongest Kingdoms were Foundation and Fear.

Princess Aisha has won 42 battles, captured 52 cities and killed a total of 430396 men and women.

Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators

It was time to go to Mantrax and join kingdom called Gladiators, it was an interesting era, lots of wars among great people.
The wars started really soon, kingdom Brotherhood of the Wolf was right next to Gladiators so we went into war. We were much stronger and soon after we defeated them, they had to retreat further away from us.
The Gladiators grew stronger each day, we were holding Mantrax under control, but then four other Kingdoms merged into one huge called Myth. They had double our numbers, and they declared war to everyone on map.
It was time for a big war campaign, teams were assigned, armies started their death march, soon after a great war started. Together with BoW who decided to help us, Gladiators crushed most of Myth and in the end it resulted in Gladiators holding most of Mantrax under their control.

Gamestyle: Halfling attacker
Total land: 903350 Battles won: 66 Cities captured: 52
Total killed: 1.2 Million Science lvls: 24 Total troops: 1.7 Million

Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators

Second era in Gladiators, and it wasnt a fun era... The game started to look the same each era.
It all started with a very early war against our former enemies Myth and on the other side Guild of the Fallen also decided to attack us. In war on both sides of our core, Gladiators stood tall and destroyed both our enemies.
As every era, two of the largest Kingdoms allied to win the era, so other alliances were made to confront them. That lead to all era war with nobody taking much of the spoils.
In the end Fear was most successful due to farming for quite some time without early wars, and that was it. Karac won the era cause of feeding and lots of other cheating.

Princess Aisha was 29th in the end

Princess Aisha

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in age 3 of Zetamania, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in age 4 of Starta, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators

Death Angels on Talents...
War against almost the entire map, won everything.

Dark Angels (Army Info)
Commander: Princess Bloodrayne Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Death Angels
Size: Horde (Millions)

Princess Bloodrayne has won 85 battles, captured 95 cities and killed a total of 1121022 men and women.

Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 2 heir(s) (Aisha, Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in age 9 of Midgard, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in age 12 of Mogrox, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators

One, Two, Aisha's coming for you
Three, Four, better lock your door
Five, Six, grab your crucifix
Seven, Eight, better stay up late
Nine, Ten, never sleep again

Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bloodrayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Bloodrayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Wonder Woman) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Wonder Woman

Lived in age 19 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Blood Rayne) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Blood Rayne

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators


Princess Aisha

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Aisha) and was a member of Gladiators

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