Family History

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Mr. Twisted

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron).

Was a great ruller. He gave his people Freedom and Protection. also he captured some other provinces and took contriolle of it

Sir Xuaron

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of Abydos

Day 1 : Xuaron Is the son of Mr. Twisted he isw only son so he Took over the Throne. He had swome Problems whith getting starten he Didnt learn mutch at the "School For Rulers" So he had to Studdy again. But its not easy to learn the Basic's Of rulling a Kingdom.

Day 2: Mr. Xuaron Is doing well whit his training to become The ultimate ruller. He joined the KD "The Falcons" Willing to help others and get help when needed "Together we stand". Mr. Xuaron Has build up A good defense For he city Today.

Day 3: We have setled a New city "Dragon Outpost". and our Economics are growing again So we are moving back up again.

Day 4: Mr.xuaron is caching up his lost time at the "School For Rulers" where he didnt learn annything. Te money is flowing in and he is bussy letting his Citty grow and be strong.

Day 5: Mr.Xuaron is building his army so that he can Defeat Enemy's of the KD "we wil wipe the all of the world MAP"

Mr. Xuaron

Lived in Era 17 and got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron).

.... nothing more to say :P

Mr. Xuaron

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of Invicta

Long before Land became land and air became air. there was a strange power. the power of Fate.

the same fate that had Mister Xuaron in his power. he could not build nor could he distroy. he became the silent watcher.

he wished to be whith his friends but he could not for he was doomed to walk a lonly life.

The era of Sparker, Sparker was to be the greatest men to set foot on this land. As the story's had been told for generations.

Sparker the great. won the batle over Good and evil but nor was he good nor was he evil he was the Natural. Leaving both good and evil in his dark shadow.
he shal rule whit iron fist to contain the sorrow and sadnes of the evil, But rule whit gentle words to save the good.
That is the myth of Sparker the Great

As i Sir Xuaron am doomed by fate. im sworn to come back if not now than may be it in a nother life.

coz im Xuaron the Silent watcher, Ill be watching you

Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron).


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron).


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron).


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of Shiftness


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of Shiftness


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of Shiftness


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of NARRSE

when the world was at its end Crazy Xuaron realized that he wil never be the same as he was ages ago. But he stil contineu's the search for great fortune. He beleved in the old rumours, that there aint a World power Known as Legacy but only people that lived in fear for the Unknown that lies whitin that Legacy.

When Crazy Xuaron was walking treu the City hall he saw a old man standing in the far right corner of the city hall. that old man was staring at him, So Xuaron decided to talk to the old man.

The old man sad to Crazy Xuaron: Do not fool your people!
So the great Crazynes responded: Am i fooling the people, i dont know what your talking about.
The old man: You should Tell the treuth about the Legacy.
Xuaron: About what treuth are u talking about old man.
Old man: That the legacy isnt what it seems to be, that thay are the ones that plays whit your mind and brings dispare into your eyes.
Xuaron: is that treu, I didnt even know about that. so what should i do.
Old man: You should speek to the people and tell them what i have told u, the people wil follow u no matter what u decide thay are noble and wil fight for u if u give them the right aducation.
Xuaron: Thank u my friend and whats your name so i can reward u for your noble deeds.
Old man: My name doesnt matter just tell the people.

From that moment when the old man sad his last words he disapears. hes no where to be found.

A while later Crazy Xuaron Finished his speach and aranged a Town meeting infront of the city hall

The townspeople are waiting and are wondering what this is about. than Xuaron Walks out of the City hall and stands in frond of all the people of Dragon Guard. He shouts: legacy isnt what it seems to be, thay only play whit your mind and bring dispare into your eyes.

The people of Dragon Guard are shoked and are chatering all over the place. Xuaron and his personal guards are trying to get all the people quiet and thay succed so Xuaron contineus his speach.

I want u all to follow my in the path of light against the great darknes that prevoke us from doing our daly job and give us only chaos and dispare. we need to strike back and bring the light back to our rooms. Give our children a safe place to stay and some good toy's to play, this boody curse that lies apon us must be broken. and the only way We can succed is to beleave the rumour that there isnt a World power Known as Legacy but only people that live in fear for the Unknown that lies whitin that Legacy.

So follow me And my guard in the batle for Fantasia!!!

Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of NARRSE


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of NARRSE


Crazy Xuaron

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Xuaron) and was a member of NARRSE

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