Family History

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Ms. Seaturtle

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Hawksbill).

Mysteriously disapeared.

Ms. Hawksbill

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Hawk).


Ms. Hawk

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Heron).

The Snakes on a Kingdom betrayed my mother by destroying her city after the Protection Phase and Application... I escaped to the Far North, 1000 peasants and 50 Swordsmen with me.
Now Sir Fafnir is preparing to attack my city!I must leave now. The Escape helped me live but cost me all my resources.

Ms. Heron

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Crane).

I'm in a safe place and in the same kingdom as my friend Omni.
14:03:13: Mr. Hooters the Traitor kicked everybody from the kingdom.
Ex-member Mr. Entrana is attacking me. He is in Rice Bowl Corporation, my brother Mr. Letaliter Auxilium.

Ms. Crane

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Castrorum) and was a member of Stealth

Oh dear, Kingdom Hearts just took my city!
Good thing I built Somewhere Safe.
Abydos killed me, but my daughter ran for help...

Ms. Castrorum

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Castnet) and was a member of The one and only

Now in Praefectus, I am quite out of the line of fire (literally) in the SE corner of the kingdom. The city is between a forest and a river. Holy Flame is 2 days away, at war with us. They are trying to take over the bridge city Holy Sharp, but Eomer is strong. I am training forces to aid him.
I sent a scout to find land for another city, beyond the Last Line of De. It is now known as Military Barrac[k].
Current date: 2/5/2007 3:20:35 PM (VU Day 684)
Mr. Sezymon is casting the armageddon spell from Fal Dara located in Fantasia. Unless the city is destroyed, the world as we know it will be destroyed within 227 days!
It is now peaceful, but now I get relaxed and lazy. That is a bad sign, because I am bored.
Stealthmachines has disbanded the kingdom!
13:08:11: Defenders lead by Mr. Scientist attacked and took over Praefectus. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Military Barrac. We lost 1025 Swordsmen, 625 Archers, 300 Knights, 125 Magicians and 100 Catapults in the battle. Finally, an enemy! Abydos shall fall! I sent an application to The one and only, ever loyal to my ex-kingdom leader.

Ms. Castnet

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Gala) and was a member of The one and only

A new era. I have Mountain Fishes south of a mountain range. 2 days away is an enemy, but I am under protection.
Mr. Morgan [Only U] (3/2/2007 9:57:14 AM)
Stop all construction of buildings and cities on the eastern side of the bridge. Go to the forum and read the thread "Phil deal"!
By the decree of Morgan, I shall abandon my city and head west!
20:21:31: Bearmachines lead by Mr. Bear Hugger attacked and took over Mountain Fishes.
What a painful mistake. Angry former members of Stealth form Bearmachines. Not realizing that my ancestors were also ex-Stealth, they took my main city. After that, I became a supporter of The One and Only.
My Migration scout founded Pilgrimage, but soon it too, was taken this time by Abydos.
12:12:38: Carrothian Slavetraders lead by Duke Amheh attacked and took over Pilgrimage.

Ms. Gala

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Aquil) and was a member of The one and only

Born to hate Bearmachines and Abydos.
Era ended without any significant achievement.

Ms. Aquil

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Pacificsea) and was a member of The one and only

Died because of being away at Disneyland, "The happiest place on earth" NOT happy when she found out that she was dead.
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