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Mr. Maxumus

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Maxumillion).


Mr. Maxumillion

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Fordesus Maxumillion) and was a member of The Borg

King Maxumillion the son of Grand Emperor Maxumus, Sought to gain his shine through valient battles.

Ages 5->9

Maxumillion had become General of A small army of 500. Through rigorous schooling, and studying on ancient Rome's, Greece, Spartans,Anthenians, battle and war tactics. Not one day did he see light of day until he finished his 4 years of intensive learning.

Ages 10-4

Maxumillion's father instructs him to lead his army of 2,000 to defeat a foreign tyrant of 50,000. He took up the offer at age 10, already a war veteran of close and long range battles. The battle lasted 3 long dreadful years until losing a mere 100 soldiers compared to his enemy, which had been slaughtered down to 1,344 surviving troops. Which these remainding troops surendered and Maxumillion ordered them to all be be headed.

Ages 18-24

His Father Grand Emperor Maxumus gave Maxuillion a choice either stay and be the Commanding General of War, or Go and lead his army to create his own kingdom. He choose to create his own kingdom.

Age 27

He has set up his own kingdom, and pronounced King with the marriage of his princess wife which her self is a viscous war lord takening over half a country with her command and leader ship.

Sir Fordesus Maxumillion

Lived in Era 47, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Borg

King Mxumillion Dies at age 32... In a midnight assignation attempt number 43. His hand picked men were no match for the onslaughts of attacks to his kingdom. He though left behind a Heir to the throne, Fordesus Maxumillion.
"Said to have contained the strength of hercules, the wisdom of the god of war and the power to lead the masses."

The chosen one.

Ages 9-13
Due to the many onslaughts of attack the only Heir to the throne was silently taken away to a Near by village were his name and identity was hidden from the rest. His only tie to his family was the family crest burned 4 inches under his arm pit. ( Easily concealed and easily forgotten) .

Day after day he learned tactics from salvaged books from his fathers Empirical Library, on how to lead and conquer with speed and ease. Though many did not know who he was, those who surrounded him at his every waking second, he soon would realize that hey are his life time protectors... sworn in by oath to serve and protect and teach.


Those who sought out to kill the last heir to the throne was over thrown by the misleading tactics set out by the undercover anti-spies working for the family.


His barrier and gates leading to his castle was taken over by thieves, a wave of bombardment attacked the walls, throwing black plagued cows over the wall. Killing all that survived until the archers steadied their aim and took down the first wave.

Wave number two and three took down the mighty meiosis bridge, sending the gap in between them and their enemies empty to conquer their vast land. The Sovereign King sought out defending his fathers land with his life.
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