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Mr. The Fat

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Celendrum Cikayson) and was a member of North Empire

~~~~~~~~~Chronicals of the CK Empires~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Era of Ezatius, Era 24~~~~~~~~~~~
````````Compiled by Monk Devontiun`````````

PREFACE: This old journal chronicals the history of the CK Empire. It is said much can be learned about the future by looking into the past, and thus I have devoted my scholarly and religious studies looking into years gone by. I hope you enjoy reading my tale of these times long past as much as I enjoyed studying the ancient manuscripts and composing such a volume. --Monk Devontiun


Lord CK the Fat, as the name depicts, was a very fat and harsh ruler. He liked to keep his peasants working hard and his army scared out of their wits. In short, CK the Fat was what we may call an a**hole.

But that's being a bit harsh. CK the Fat was a huge patronage of the arts. Well... the elaborate art of cooking and food preparation, in which he spent %3 of his national budget on his daily dinner alone. Out of embarassment, the Council of Seven (which will be described later) decided to completely leave it out of the daily Productions records.

CK the Fat was known to be a bit of an idiot. He thought himself as general and master strategist (which was all to easy to believe behind thick, castle walls filled with many escape tunnels, leading not only out of Middle Core, but from Mantrax itself!) This is why he was surrounded by his seven main administrators (known as the Council of Seven,) who were the real masterminds of the nation. They usually prefered to leave CK out of all politics and economics entirely, allowing the fool of a king to think highly of himself without performing any actual work. In retrospect, this was indeed the best decision for the empire.


Head Ambassador: Nobleman Valerius
Cheif General: Nobleman Kanskat


Ethnically, CK had found the majority of his followers among the dwarven races. It came as no surprise when CK City was first created as a mining community, south of the Northern Mountain. Immediately, the dwarven peasants, among others of various races who had tagged along, began construction of mines as deep as in the Old World.

In the center of the city sat the Imperial Palace, where CK and his Council of Seven ruled. Beautiful gardens surrounded the palace. But beyond the gardens lay a jumbled series of stone buildings and narrow cobbleston streets poorly-planned. As the city grew, conditions only worsened. There are several accounts of merchants being lost within the city for days at a time, managing only by eating rats off the street and begging from those inside.

Ethnically, CK City was a very mixed culture, but it also had its sharp class distinctions. As CK and his loyal followers were dwarves, dwarves tended to emerge as the wealthiest class who owned and managed the mines. As humans from small villages and elves from tribes within the forest found a new home within the thriving metropolis, they emerged as the middle-class. Orcs and halflings, being the more rare visitors and inhabitants, found themselves bearing the grunt work in an eternal state of poverty. Many riots broke out over the years, but the Council of Seven preserved both order and the class system by putting them down by force.

Economically, CK City was almost completely driven by the mining industry. A good majority of the city's inhabitants found work in the privately-owned industries, though the labor was long and hard. Only several hundred farms were ever constructed in the city, which were incapable of feeding the quarter-million population of later years, which meant that the sister city Farmington had to produce in agriculture for what CK City lacked.

Militarily, CK City remained relatively inactive except for the early Dark Rider-Slovaknia wars. It relied upon its colonies to provide troops for the cause in later wars against the North Empire, The Legion, The Empire of Midgardur, and the Ever Victorious Army. The base of the army came from any type of species; dwarf, human, orc, elf, and halfling alike were used as the basic Swordman infantry unit. However, the higher ranks of soldiers, like Hammerthrowers and Axemen, were restricted to the upper classes--primarily, the dwarves.


The following section is a timeline of the CK Empire. Much of what happened is now lost to time, and surely a bit of legend has worked its way in as well. I have tried, with moderate success, to share the story of the ancient empire as close to reality as possible.

2-28-07: The dawn of a new age! King CK the Fat had just been ousted by other lands, and along with two thousands, loyal (and very, very foolish) peasants, set out onto the Realm of Mantrax. Construction of the capital city, named CK City, began immediately. Scouts soon discovered neighbors under the king Lord Marius. The Council of Seven sent Nobleman Valerius out, and he forged the CK-Sharoom (CKS) Kingdom between Lord CK and Marius. What a day of beginnings!

3-01-07: CK-Sharoom expanded north with the invitation of Mr. Kalkan, though the recent expansion of neighbors threatened future conflict. However, Mr. Kalkan remained a sketchy type of ruler at best--surrounded by lies and deceipt, which would be revealed in later events.

3-02-07: As CK City grew and colonized outwards, the demand for a more secure position in Mantrax became necessary. Thus, the dual monarchy of CK-Sharoom was ended by dual agreement. CK City joined the larger kingdom Dark Riders, making many new allies and friends. The good king Marius was short to follow. The Dark Riders would remain a friendly and powerful kingdom for many years to come.

3-04-07: CK City was tasked by the King of the Dark Riders to secure Middle Core, removing barbarian tribes from the land, as well as the traitor Mr. Kalkan. The Council of Seven declared war against the threatening and expanding kingdom of Slovaknia and began its march to protect allies north of the Great Mountain. The first blood was shed on this fateful day... but it was merely a prelude of what was to come later.

3-05-07: Capital city Zion was siezed from Slovaknia while allies besiged the remaining two cities. The war seemed nearly at an end... though a new one appeared to be growing. The North Empire began threatening Dark Rider interests in the Middle Core region, primarily to the east, but enemy strength and motive remained unknown. The culprit leader, Mr. Agurcas Son, seemed a powerful figure, and one to live up to threats.

3-06-07: The War with Slovaknia came to a temporary ceasefire as forces from the North Empire began appearing to the north, possibly aided by The Legion. The future of Middle Core began to look grim as enemies grew and allies remained undiscovered. Would this be the end of the CK Empire? Just as it was beginning to grow?

3-07-07: The Council of Seven recieved orders from the allied king Mr. Transporter to attack the northern empire known simply as The Legion. Troops began razing smaller villages in the border region, bringing the fight to enemy ground before the enemy could claim the first victory.

3-07-07: Talks of ceasefires temporarily halted military expansion and rapid militarism, providing the Council of Seven to look back at the empire's economy, building new homes for peasants and mines to extract gold. New farms were also ordered to be constructed to make up for the swiftly-growing population. The food problem would last many more years, sometimes at the brink of destruction.

3-08-07: An alliance was forged between The Legion and Dark Riders! Peasants and soldiers celebrated aloud as the promise of war diminished to the north, allowing them to attend their farms and forges. This also allowed the Council of Seven to focus on defeating the invading North Empire, who had captured the bridge-side city Bridgeton. The brigade called Defenders of Middle Core engaged in battle and emerged victorious, driving out the invader Mr. Monk from the North Empire out of Middle Core. Additionally, a ceasefire was formed with the Empire of Midgardur, allowing troops to travel to the eastern front for the upcoming war.

3-10-07: An effort was made to recapture the blocker city Bridgeton by a force of 11,500 troops (an amount as yet unprecedented in Middle Core). The siege was sucessful and the city was reclaimed. Astonishing news of the North Empires disbanding also came to the Council of Seven with much rejoice.

3-11-07: Former North Empire members Mr. Agurcas Son and Mr. Monk joined the kingdom of the Dark Riders! The seemingly dark man known as Mr. Agurcas came to light as a personal ally to Nobleman Valerius, who made frequent trips to see him. Troops breathed a sigh of relief; battle seemed distant once again, allowing the CK Empire to focus on its economy, as well as establish a colony in the South Core.

3-12-7: A breif and largely bloodless civil war ravaged through the Dark Rider kingdom as spies and other malcomitters disbanded the kingdom, effectively halfing the number of kings inside the alliance. However, the shock did not last long, and provided positive benefits--the Dark Riders could now discovered where their cities' loyalties lay. And, with great happiness, the kingdom retook its place as the strongest kingdom of Mantrax.

3-13-07: Midgardur Empire broke the non-aggression pact with Dark Riders by besiging a city with two armies of over ten thousand men each in the distant South Core region. Did this mean war? Additionally, the Dark Riders deemed the Ever Victorious Army a hostile kingdom with lands available for the taking. Would the prospect of war on two fronts bring about the CK Empire's demise? The outcome remained unknown by even the wisest of prophets, but one matter was certain--the road to the future lay drowned in blood.

3-14-07: The two Midgardur armies broke off the siege; however, the prospect of war did not look fully diminished. Tensions remained high, and both the Empire of Midgardur and the Dark Riders were competing for supremacy in the South and Middle Core.

3-16-06: War indeed was not gone... it had simply moved. The Empire of Midgardur deployed an astonishing military Corp. Over 50 thousand fresh troops roamed across the western pass to Middle Core, constructing new cities as they progressed along. The future of Middle Core once more looked grim, especially as news of a possible ceasefire between The Legion and Midgardur moved across the land. Additionally, the war with the Ever Victorious could begin to unwind the delicate seam that held Middle Core together. To make matters worse, Mr. Agurcas Son left the allied kingdom of The Legion, his course of action uncertain. Would he join with the Ever Victorious Army? Rejoin the Dark Riders? Or exert his force upon all his will his strength allowed him to? King and peasant alike did rejoice, however, upon learning that the CK Empire took its place as the tenth strongest empire of Mantrax, even if only for a short time.

3-17-07: Bloodshed only continued. The CK Empire dealt with great success attacking Ever Victorious Army colonies out to the east, but the Empire of Midgardur only grew in the west with the creation of several news cities upon Middle Core grounds. A small raid destroyed a lone Midgardur city, but the troops did not survive an additional battle than left no survivers. Additionally, new armies were spotted approaching. However, the Council of Seven remained confident that the invading scourge could be driven away.

3-18-0: The Legion and the Empire of Midgardur called a ceasefire, ending the bloodshed in the area. However, all the kings in the region knew that Midgardur was not a trustworthy kingdom, and doubts were confirmed when the enemy kingdoms launched several sieges against The Legion despite ceasefires.

3-19-07: The CK Empire rejoiced as Legion I, an army among the strongest of Mantrax, crushed an entire enemy Corp and several divisions, suffering only a small portion of casualties compared to the mass bloodshed of the enemy. The legion marched past the river an onto the outskirts of Muspelheim, the Midgardur city just west of the bridge to Middle Core, ready to assault the walls and capture the governor inside.

3-20-07: Although utter domination of the Empire of Midgardur seemed distant, worries shifted in the CK Empire not from any human foe, nor from sickness, or drought, or famine. A mysterious black cloud emerged far to the North, encompassing the lands across the Great Mountain in shadow. A great fear began to grow. What was this monstrous phenomenon, devouring the kingdoms to the north?

3-21-07: The cloud kept on approaching. The north was filled with darkness as if a giant wall of evil had devoured all the land beyond it. No one knew what was happening, but one thing was certain--the end was near. King CK and the Council of Seven tried to flee the shadow, abandoning the kingdom, leaving it to perish on its own. Many viewed this act as cowardly--and with good reason, too.

However, CK and his Council were never seen again alive nor dead. Myths surround the mysterious dissapearance. Some claimed that the guards fleeing with the king and council killed them. Others say that they were later caught by the shadow and dissapeared from the face on Mantrax like everything else had. Still others claim that they survived, but remained hidden for the rest of their lives.

Only one matter was certain. The CK Empire had ended.

CLOSURE: Thus ends my account of the CK Empire. These days are now long past, and the names I have mentioned would have been forgotten had it not been for the scraps of parchment my monostary posseses.

But this is not the end of my stories. Rather, it is only the beginning. King CK secretly had a bastard son, an ambitious young man and soldier eager to fill the footsteps of his father...

Mr. Celendrum Cikayson

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Tantulii) and was a member of Zeon

~~~~~~~~~Chronicals of the CK Republic~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Era of Virgin, Era 25~~~~~~~~~~~
````````Compiled by Monk Devontiun`````````

PREFACE: This old journal chronicals the history of the CK Empire. It is said much can be learned about the future by looking into the past, and thus I have devoted my scholarly and religious studies looking into years gone by. I hope you enjoy reading my tale of these times long past as much as I enjoyed studying the ancient manuscripts and composing such a volume. --Monk Devontiun


Celendrum Cikayson, bastard child to his father and the former king CK the Fat, managed to survive the sudden and tragic destruction of Mantrax. He was born in CK City to one of the concubines Lord CK had kept. However, his name was hidden. He was not named prince. Nor was he even acknowledged into the royal family.

Celendrum grew up in the streets of CK City with a kind and loving troll family. Due to their race, the trolls were constantly in poverty and struggling to survive in the unfair city. Even other trolls and orc minorities ridiculed the family's decision. What kind of troll family adopted a human?

But Celendrum lived on anyway, ignoring the racism and poverty, the many hungry nights and hours tending to wounds inflicted by a hate-driven human or dwarf. He grew to sixteen years old with this family, and it was then when disaster struck. The Great Plague struck the city, kiling many of the inhabitants inside. The poor, unemployed peasants suffered the worst. Celendrum's trollish family caught the disease quickly and died.

What would Celendrum do? He had no family, was too young for either a job or to enlist, and had no money to support himself. He thought of something that his adopted father had whispered to him upon his deathbed--who he really was. A prince. The son of the great king CK the Fat.

Anger consumed the man's heart. His birth parents had rejected him, and his adopted parents were now gone. He fled the city, injuring two guards by the gate while escaping with nothing but a wooden staff. Outside the city walls he wandered, south past Farmington where a kind couple fed him, and then west to the river. He constructed a raft and floated down the stream aimlessly, not knowing where he was going. The lands were completely uncharted.

After a week of survivng on the farmers' bread and whatever fish he managed to catch, the river came to a bay. There he could see giant ships the likes no one had ever seen before! He saw towering walls and titanic towers. The city was filled with noise and laughter, with the scent of foreign foods. Celendrum floated right by to one of the piers, where several men in foreign clothes and an unknown accent helped him up and gave him some strange fruits and an entire sack full of coins. He had come to a city far greater than any ever known, with far more men, with far more industry, with far more intellect. And he loved this town and the people within it, which he later found out was named Blue Harbor.

The ancient manuscripts are vague from here. What I have recovered is that Celendrum became a favorite to the city's patrician, head of the republican government established there. Celendrum learned the local language and went to the city's university for the following six years, learning all means of sciences and mathematics. He learned how to build ships and how to design great palaces, as well as many arts unseen in most other lands.

At some point, Celendrum left again. The manuscripts are unclear as to why, precisely--perhaps it was news of the destroyed CK Empire that brought him back north, or perhaps it was because his royal blood began to boil and he longed to sieze power in the northern worlds of "a thousand kingdoms". Either way, he departed from his beloved city and returned to post-destruction Mantrax, and saw the heaps of rubble and charred bodies and barren wastelands. Mantrax held no future, so he set off for another world--Fantasia.

Celendrum wandered alone many miles into Fantasia. There, he met someone he least expected to--one of his father's old friends, Agurcas. Agurcas was a kind king, unlike Lord CK. He lent Celendrum 900 peasants and set them off to build a humble town of their own with the reincarnated North Empire.

Once the city, named Blue Harbor (despite the complete lack of a harbor--it was named after the city Celendrum had been educated in), was constructed, Celendrum immediately sat down in his humble chamber and began to wonder. How would he run his empire? He had no passion for what his ignorant, fat father had ruled, nor did he intend to hand over affairs to a council of noblemen more concerned for the empire than for the people within it. But he also admired the Republican form of government, and struggled in his mind what to do in a new world such as this.

Eventually he decided upon this: each species within the city who numbered %10 or more of the total population would be given representation in the government who would serve for five years. If a species had less than %10, they would be grouped with the second-smallest race and the votes combined. Celendrum himself would be the patrician and would serve for life. Thus he had estabished the CK Republic, where no peasant would live in poverty or be the victim of specieism, a better world for all.

Celendrum took up a modified form of his birthname, Cikayson, and began his dangerous reign. Smart but proud, kind but ambitious, idealistic but hard-pressing, Celedrum would lead his empire as long as the fates allowed. However, Fantasia wasn't the peaceful, simple world that Mantrax had been. It was full of bloodshed and cunning opponents. Celendrum's reign would prove far more difficult than his father's. But he managed to survive and live up to his father's reputation as a king, if not a military leader.


Blue Harbor, though built next to the mountains and among the smaller cities of the empire, was highly reminiscent of the Blue Harbor many miles away. The gray rocks that formed the city walls were painted, the towers built taller than any others in the North Empire, and the streets as organized and gridlike as a quilt.

The senate building and imperial palace did not lie in the center of the city as the former empire had done, but were constructed near the back by the mountains. The buildings overlooked the city and all the lands west of it to the river. Both buildings were made quite grand, filled with marble columns and artwork for the finest artisans in the lands. Celendrum's personal chambers rose highest of all. His round chamber loomed over twenty stories in the air. His bed sat in the middle, surrounded by his furniture. Windows, made from real glass (a luxery yet indiscovered in most kingdoms), were placed around the walls so that light poured in any hour of the day.

In the center of Blue Harbor lay the Agora, where tradesmen sold their goods from all over the region. Celendrum hosted public games every weekend in the Agora, ranging from jousting, sword battles, storytelling, racings, and public lectures.

To the far east lay the mines, which provided a majority of the labor for the city's inhabitants. Celendrum made sure that each mine was safe and efficient, and limited work hours to eight a day for all species alike. The government controlled all the mines. Private ownership of the vital industries (mining and woodcutting) were strictly maintained by the Republic, so that no unfairness could work its way into the system.

Ethnically, the city was primarily orcish, becuase Agurcas had lent mostly orcish peasants. However, a number of humans and elves had also made their way into the mix.

Militarily, the city had little function. Most of its troops were trained elsewhere.


3-26-07: Celendrum set out with his peasants and 50 swordsmen soldiers in the middle of the city Tokyo owned by Elon Tatsu. The company headed north just a little distance where they established the capital city Blue Harbor. Later two more towns were built nearby, Remville and Riverton. The kingdom The One and Only neighbored the North Empire to the east with many cities and armies. Whether or not the kingdoms would work with one another or against remained unknown.

3-27-07: Celendrum ordered for many more houses, mines, and farms to be built. He knew that the basis of every empire was its infrastructure. However, he also ordered for the training of a decent number of soldiers for possible future conflict and for imminent war with The One and Only

3-28-07: Difficult times fell upon Celendrum. Should he stay loyal to the North Empire and die? Or should he try and live and join The One and Only? After much pondering, he rode to the gates of Mr. Morgan's new city Darzs and asked to be admitted into the kingdom. Mr. Morgan kindly accepted Celendrum and his people into the kingdom, and the people of the CK Republic raised new flags. Sadly, those original peasants and troops loyal to Agurcas were slain by civil dispute or exiled from the land and quickly replaced by new troops. Agurkas siezed Riverton and captured many vital food supplies, and the people of the CK Republic went hungry.

3-29-07: The neighboring kingdom MAD showed no mercy as army upon army began pouring into The One and Only Lands from the north. No plan had been formed yet for countering such a massive force, but Celendrum would not betray his new allies who he now held so dear. Once enough farms were constructed to adequately feed the population, he began training soldiers like none other, to show the invaders that he would fight for his ideals.

3-31-07: Constant training occupied most of Celendrum's time. He didn't want to have to march to war. He just wanted to rule over his two cities peacefully. But his allies were being attacked to the east, and he had an obligation to help, so over the course of time he assembled a powerful army of strong dwarven axemen and had them sent to the front. He knew that the war could not be won. The enemies exceeded his kingdom's strength by more than threefold. It would not be long before enormous armies came to raze the land. Celendrum slept very little. However, it was also during this time that he met a fair elven woman, one of Mr. Elfwine's beautiful daughters named Sansulii. He loved her greatly, and brought her gifts of love and compassion... his only escape from war.

4-1-07: The CK Republic rejoiced as progress was made offensively against the kingdom MAD. The One and Only armies forced the invaders to withdraw to behind walls. However, everyone knew, whether or not they said it aloud, that is was simply a matter of time now... The North Empire had resettled to the south, and armies were starting to march again. The Ever Victorious Army also appeared allied to Agurkas' forces, though they were continually weakened as MAD devoured their cities and stole across the corders. War was not the only passing, however. Celendrum also established a new city, Boulton, across the river into largely unknown territories. Remville also grew to new sizes, becoming one of the largest cities in the kingdom. Additionally, Celendrum also continued to meet with Sansulii, each meeting becoming more intimate than the last...

4-3-07: After more fighting, an accord was finally met between MAD and The One and Only. MAD armies withdrew to the north and east, leaving the kindom's cities at peace. Every peasant and nobleman, rejoiced at the news. No more war, at least not for now. Unfortunately, some skirmishes in the south threatened to break the peace, but for now the Republic was safe.

4-4-07: War had returned. Luckily, it was still on distant fronts. The kingdom Checkmate, which lay many miles to the south, had attacked some lesser The One and Only towns some time back. The most powerful kings of the kingdom sent many troops into the enemy's homeland and siezed their cities. Celendrum formed a legion of 1600 freshly-trained axemen, the first Legion I. The action was unpopular with the common people, however. They did not wish to fight. Celendrum, out of loyalty to his kingdom, overruled the protests and sent the legion south. Disconent began to grow.

4-5-07: Massacre! An enemy army under Mr. Killer attacked Legion I in a bloody and decisive siege of Didziojo Gamyba, a recently-captured enemy city. None survived the battle; all sixteen hundred troops were slain. Rumers stated that there had been half a thousand nazgul warriors, legendary men of such strength Celendrum had thought to be fiction. The utter defeat of the Legion made the people of the CK Republic's four cities protest more strongly to military actions. The common peasants and republicans alike spoke against it. However, Celendrum refused to his allies be slain and ordered for more troops to prepare for battle. Sansulii seemed the only one who understood the confused king's difficult choices. She was a fine elf; quite, but very intelligent and compassionate. Every day he loved her more and more until her being away was nearly unbearable.

4-6-07: The Republic was shocked when another kingdom entered the fray, Carnage, by attacking MAD to the east. Celendrum still disliked the old enemies, but knew that MAD acted as a buffer zone to incoming enemies. Carnage, a reputably vicious kingdom, would likely move on to The One and Only next.

4-7-07: The Legacy kingdom was, with much dismay, discovered not far to the north. Additionally, the Illuminati Empire threatened a CK Republic scout to move or be killed, which the scout complied to. Caught between three of the largest kingdoms in all of Fantasia, the future looked grim indeed... Now it was only a matter of time before the enemy came in force.

4-8-07: An NAP was signed with Carnage, allowing the CK Republic and The One and Only to focus on defeating the last Checkmate cities. The kingdom was officially established as the sixth strongest kingdom of the era. Celendrum celebrated the day by announcing his intentions of marrying Sansulii. However, he was called away to tend to his troops when several Legacy armies marched south before the ceremony could be arranged.

4-10-07: Legacy, while advancing, approached slowly. The NAP with the Ever Victorious Army was ended, allowing the kingdom to invade. Celendrum doubted the wisdom of this plan, however. When Legacy came full force from the north, could the kingdom survive a two front war? Did the Ever Victorious Army pack a devastating hidden punch yet unforseen? Perhaps this was merely another false alarm--or perhaps it was the beginning of the end.

4-11-07: The war with the Ever Victorious Army, assisted by the Carnage, progressed well. The CK Republic had not yet been able to capture an enemy cities, but constructed an fort, Elision, closer to the battle. Another matter occured that greatly lifted the young king's heart. Celendrum married Sansulii one warm summer evening, making their marriage official. (Some history states that the Sansulii had already been his mistress for some time.) He was called off to perform foreign business not longer after, however, and left the kingdom in the hands of its senators.

4-16-07: The patrician returned, pouring the accumulated tax money into construction like none other, as well as the recruitment of thousands of new soldier to fight against a new foe, Legacy.

4-19-07: Celendrum found opposition towards him increasing... his people did not want to engage in war with Legacy, the world's largest kingdom. However, Celendrum overrulled their actions, much to their discontent, and ordered the recruitmen of thousands of troops to engage Legacy in the east. He was assigned into a side-assault team to capture Legacy cities in the east.

4-20-07: Horrendous news from the front severely demoralized the CK Republic. Legion III had lost a battle, taking over 18,000 casualties and over 20,000 more injured. The battered army was able to retreat, but war looked grim. Where were the fellow kings supposed to assist Celendrum? War on the western front seemed to be progressing well, but none at all was made to the east.

4-21-07: Celendrum issued another thirty thousand troops to be trained. However, there were not 30,000 willing volunteers in Remville, so he was forced to override the Senate's anti-draft legislation and started a new conscription program for all males between 18 and 38. When senators protested, Celendrum had them jailed, which only caused more clamor. He tried to explain to his people that desperate measures had to be taken...

4-22-07: Treachery! A Legacy army was able to slip by the northern block, and marched unimpeded south toward the enormous cities of Darzas. Blue Harbor, the CK Republic's capital city itself, lay in the possible path of destruction. Celendrum did not want the enemy to capture the city. He didn't want it to fall into barbarian hands.

4-23-07: Panic spread among the Republic. Powerful Legacy armies approached swiftly and stealithly; already they had siezed several cities in the middle of The One and Only core, and now many more were coming. Carnage armies rode to the north and to the east, either to sieze cities or to liberate them. Hope and fear lay with them. But in this dark hour came good news as well--Sansulii was expecting a child, Celendrum's first heir.

4-24-07: Fighting continued within the core, a series of capture and counter-captures. Many thanks were owed to Carnage, who played a crucial role in stopping Legacy troops. Corposes littered the fields and city walls by the hundreds of thousands, and more were still to come. Meanwhile, more Legacy troops approached from the North. The future looked bleak once more. Especially so when reports of blackening skies began to reach the cities... the end of the world Fantasia?

4-28-07: Many lives were lost, but Legacy was, for the most part, driven away. Hundreds of thousands of troops continued to approach, but by now Celendrum and the rest of the kingdom had millions of troops to counter the threat. Sansulii also gave birth to Celendrum's first child, a crossbreed human-elf named Tantulii, which meant Fire in the elven tounge. (Sansulii meant water.)

4-29-07: Peasants rioted against the conscripition acts. They were backed by the senators, encouraged to protest against the war efforts. So Celendrum officially disbanded the Senate, and in effect, ending the CK Republic. War had taken such an effect on him that memories of Blue Harbor lingered hidden in the back of his mind. No longer was he a patrician. He had become the king.

5-01-07: The skies to the north churned with black, ominous clouds. Lightning illuminated the distant mountains. Rain and wind battered the land. The end was near when the inhabitants of Fantasia would flee or perish in the all-consuming void. Celendrum knew the end of his reign was near. And all in all, it hadn't been to bad of one--he'd nearly matched his father's economic strength, and exceeded that of his military. But something seemed lacking. What would make him stand out in the history books? What would future generations think of him, an idealist fool or an intelligent lord? It was this pondering that made Celendrum realize that since his childhood in the foreign city Blue Harbor, he'd been corrupted by everything he'd disliked about the realms of chaos. So in a final act, he restored the senate and resigned his short-lived reign and told his people to prepare for evacuation. In 40 more weeks all would be lost...

5-02-07: Sansulii gave birth again, this time to a pair of twins, a son and a daughter. Both were mixed human-elf. Meanwhile, Celendrum worked on evactuating the populace of his kingdom, setting them south down the rivers. Perhaps there they'd find better worlds. Perhaps not. Celendrum knew that his story was coming to a close. It was just a matter of time.

5-03-07: The dark clouds consumed each abandoned town, one by one. Most of the people had been evacuated already, but some of the elderly or proud had insisted on staying, and dying. Celendrum made sure every last peasant who wanted to flee had done so, the very last man in the long line of boats. He'd already sent his wife Sansuliin and three children a week ago, down the river past many worlds, where they would be protected from the end of Fantasia.

Though it was a close call for the patrician, Celendrum survived the affair and lived the remainder of his life in Blue Harbor, the city he'd loved and lived in as a young man, writing books on scientific contraptions and the realities of Fantasia. He lived many years longer before dying of natural causes. For so long he'd struggled to survive as a hero. Now he could sleep, forever, as one, while his children carried on the legacy CK the Fat had begun.

The CK Republic ended.

CLOSURE: Thus ends my account of the CK Republic. While much more artifacts exist from this time period, none of Celendrum's direct books exist today, and details are sketchy. Naturally, my monostary has added in its own bit, which I have tried, with moderate success, to remove.

The CK Empire would continue on with Celendrum's elvish daughter Tantulii. Her reign would contrast her father's in many ways. Her reign would be of blood, magic, and terror...
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