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Mr. Darkfaith

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Darkfaith) and was a member of Spaghetti

piep piep - miauuuwwww - WOEF

Sir Darkfaith

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Darkfaith) and was a member of BACCUS MONKS

Once there was a men called pedroh, he was the son of a great king. Untill on one day the escort of the king returned with sad news. The king was killed by unknown forces.

Pedroh was very sad and got depresed for years city's got captured and nobody did something about it but then sudenly a soldier came with information that there is a kingdom called 'Kingdom Hearts' that is preparing an attack upon the last remaining city where hes friends and last family members are. Pedroh heard the news and he couldn't let this happen! He took control of the legacy from hes father and for tribute to hem he named hemself darkfaith.

Because of the threat he start training troops and took the city's, that already where taken, back. the empire was complete again. many surouding city's heard this news and supported hem. Now he has only 1 goal, Defeat Kingdom Hearts so peace can return to the lands and people can walk arround without being afraid for attacks. Thats what hes father wish and he won't stop before its completed!

Peace is hard to get and has been proved once more, a friend has backstabed hem, The betrader!! they call hem Mr. Stealthmachines, he started an attack on one of our city's, slaughtered all the woumens and used children and men as slaves. Never he will forget this betrayel and will fight until he is on hes knees. But then we got the message, The world will be destroyed, though he is still trying to free his people and kill hearts for aslong as he lives!

Sir Darkfaith

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Darkfaith) and was a member of BACCUS MONKS

after the so called end of the world and the economy back on track un unkown person came out of nowhere towards a city. Soldiers arrested the man, they thought he was a spy. But this men wasn't an ordinary men, he was know around hole the world. He steped towards the great king Fra Merluz with on hes right side Duke Balloon. The moment the doors opend for me and I was in the room, Balloon came towards me. He recognize me, He's father, Lord Spoon, told many story's about the great victory's of Hemself with Darkfaith.

Fra Merluz stoot up and said: 'How can it be that you are still alive, they destroyed all of your city's, family, friends and your people.' Darkfaith stoot up and looked hem in the eye's, then he begon hes story. Just the moment after I recieved my title 'Knight' We got a message that our town was surounded by enemy forces. They where to powerfull for us to beat. After a heavy battle only 132 soldiers survived, 13548 Soldiers where injured, including myself, and 125489 People died in this battle. They caried me away to the mountains where my wife took care of me. But then the so called end of world came. 100 of million Soldiers came burned everything and killed all soldiers they saw. Because I was in these mountains they have never founded me. My wife died because she was just in the town afther some food. They killed her to get to me. it has been 5 years now that I was hiding out in these mountains, mourn about my wife, family, friends and all my people. Then I realized time isn't standing still. I trained my skills and I'm read for battle again.

I want to live in peace and want the best for my people. I won't walk away on any challenge. I will fight in every attack I make. The best death I can imagen is dieing in battle.

The kingdom hearts kingdom is gone, but I heard that there king is still alive and joined a kingdom called Girl Power. This is still in legacy towards my father. I need and I will elimante them completly.

We have invaded the core of Girl Power and weakend them allot, they are almost dead and we where allready celibrating these battles and awaiting the freedom and peace. But now again, another kingdom called Legacy has invaded our lands. We heard many things about them of how good they really are, but everyone has a time of coming and a time going. Now there time has come to GO!! everyone that invades our lands will be attacked back untill the last man standing! Legacy will die, no matter what!!

It seems that the gods don't really like us. The evil spell has been casted again and the world will destroy hemself. Darkfaith had a time of coming and now its the time of going. I will not hide again in the caves. Its my time to die, I prefered a death in a battle, but its already to late for that, therefor I'll take my life with my own sword. I had my battles and freedom for a while now I can die as a happy men. I hope my son will fight good, even better than hes old men. and I hope he keeps the tradition allive and will use the titel Darkfaith to.
May god be with hem.

Sir Darkfaith

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Darkfaith) and was a member of BACCUS MONKS

pedroh came out of the mountains and took a dive into the lake, he enjoyed hes life in peace. The moment he came above water 2 soldiers came, made a bow and asked hem to follow. Pedroh was surprised by this but wanted to know why these soldiers came, so he took hes sword and followed the men. they brought hem to a little village. A men walked towards hem and greeted hem, 'My name is Fra Darwinius' Pedroh looked surprised, hes father talked about hem, he is The great king of Baccus Monks.

Fra asked hem to fight on hes side, but pedroh wasn't sure, he lived in peace on hes mountains, should he take this offer?
than he remembered something hes father said to hem. 'Peace is worth fighting for, I want you to bring back peace in the world so your children will live in harmony'. so he did, fra was so happy that he made pedroh commanding officer of one of hes troops. Now pedroh has to forfill hes promice and also changed hes name to Sir Darkfaith.

Now the battle started, first it was FF
Freedom fighters, the thing where I'm fighter for to, but they thought we where hostile and attacked us, so we had to attack them back, Succesfull!

Holy fire was a great kingdom, we helped eachother and so after a while Holy fire merged into our great kingdom.

But than the biggest fight we had was the fight against mirror, they tryed to invade our teritorry but failed. Our defends was to strong. Because of this action we had no other opinion than to declare war upon them, I took around 150 days to succesfull attack the core of Mirror that was under us, they run away and started somewhere els.

After that fight we had to send up our troops fast because Legacy was trying to invade our core at the north. Also they failed and because of that action we had a new war, this time with Legacy. Because of all these wars we had we knew that getting peace would just be to hard. Therefor one of our mages casted the spell to end the world. We kept on fighting Legacy while My son ran to the mountains as I told hem to.

The world is ending, but the time for darkfaith isn't!
Hes son will come back, and one time we will be succesfull and will the world be one big happy family.
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