Family History

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Mr. Sgt Nick

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Nick).


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Forgotten Shadow

How can one man live forever, well, he cant if he does not fight for the right things, this man is a man who fights for hope, for peace for salvation of all the people that come into contact with this man.

He slept in his cavern under the island of Atlantis where woke from his slumber of four milenia and brought damnation to the island, he sunk the island and destroyed everything that was in a 12 mile radius of his home and as the island sunk to the bottom of the ocean he finds himself drfiting for miles until he reaches the shores of Valhalla. Now as he away from his home this giant of a man has lost most of his powers and is now a commander of an army that has found him on the shores and now he must fight to try and redeem himself of what he has done in his past life.

He started off as a man, with only his comrads next to him ready to continue a war that has been raging on for over
Then he come to an unknown world called Valhalla. He starts off his campaign all alone on the shores of Valhalla only commading his small city of Miceanium while discovering the enemies that have made their homes in the shadows of the fog.

He wins his first victory over the natives that lived in Westgate and started his foothole in this era. He quickly moves his armies and men against bigger and stronger foes as he starts to take on the only member of Rebirth that decided to "grace" us with his presence on Valhalla. The Commander quickly is invited to the kingdom of the Forgotten Shadow where together they make some quick allies and even quicker enemies.

The other commanders of Forgotten Shadow make a very big impression on Valhalla until the scourge of waves after waves of armies of the War Pigs came from their homeland of Zetamania and quickly takes out three of our fellow allied cities and starts to attack our commander but they chose the wrong city to attack as he forces them back. he takes out 4 of their armies and reclaims the cities. But as he was helping out his fellow members of the kingdom the unthinkable happened when Miceanium and Westgate was taken all hiw fellow commanders helped reclaim as much as they could but everyone even our hero was no match for the massive armies that headed for the kingdoms core.

There is no hope left, all but two members of FS have given up hope and have been wiped out, they will be on the last city of our hero in 5 clicks is there no hope for a comeback only time will tell. Here is his last entry before armaggeden comes to the era
"we have made a defensive stand with three cities still standing but Abydos is on our doorstep, i hope armaggeden comes soon as it will be much better than what is to come."

It has been many a milenia since we last saw our undieing hero, he was last at the front of a war with Abydos and the fearsome rulers of War Pigs scouring over the mountain tops from whence they came from in Zetamania. As the time came closer to armaggeden this, miracle, that has been sent to defend the integrity and the kingdom of Forgotten Shadow only one other commander would stand up against their oppresers to drive them back from whence they came.

Now as Forgotten Shadow has been all but destroyed a new and more welcoming kingdom has accepted our hero into their mits. Now we see how he goes with his new allies in the kingdom of the Romanum Imperium of Rome in this new an undiscovered world of Starta.

Well we can only hope that it was better than the last time he fought in a war.

Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Nick) and was a member of Insane Asylum


Mr. Nick

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Ultimatum) and was a member of Insane Asylum

I live in my cell, in this Insane Asylum where I now live, now live, now live. I dont know but I think I just might have gone crazy, all shall die by the hands of CRAZY

All that I can say is THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Ultimatum

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Ultimatum) and was a member of Insane Asylum

Ultimatum will occur and all shall fall when he comes to your core, you will have your tribes main core, then in a blink of an eye, Ultimatum has occurred and nothing is left standingthat is Ultimatum and it is coming for you.

Sir Ultimatum

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Not Fit For Duty) and was a member of Domination


Sir Not Fit For Duty

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Criminaly Insane) and was a member of Domination

Me great great great great great great great grandfather was a sergent and now I am a disgraced soldier that can not even go into battle anymore. But now that I am apart of Domination I can redeem myself and re-instate my legendary status that rivals even Sun Tzu.

Ganged up on by 5 massive kingdoms, we no longer occupy Nirvana, our fellow kingdom mates have been spread far and wide across Mantrax, Fantasia and others are just dead, we fought bravely and died hard but only a Super Sayien can give them a nice surprise.

Fate were honourable to us and with the help of a mysterious Beserk vice we could survive till end of era where our blood and sweat can be seen in our end of era rank and score


Science for the era

Military Science
Level 7
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +70% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 955135800 gold, 95513580 stone and 95513580 tree.

Level 5
Upgrading will cost 14158200 gold and 1415820 food.

Level 7
Upgrading will cost 477517500 gold and 47751750 stone.

Level 3
Upgrading will cost 6713200 gold and 671320 tree.

Level 4
Upgrading will cost 19884000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 5
Upgrading will cost 1060031250 gold, 94225000 stone, 94225000 tree and 94225000 food.

Best Plunder

Sir Not Fit For Duty.

We have plundered Akkrion of all their resources. They had 6529701 gold, 4358488 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 4037 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 0 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.


Modern Warfare

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Sir Not Fit For Duty. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 162841 troops and 0 peasants.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Forgot One (your army)
Swordsmen 2842 133 150
Archers 50834 2377 2681
Knights 96406 4509 5084
Magicians 91508 4280 4826
Catapults 15007 702 791

Sir Criminaly Insane

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Criminaly Insane) and was a member of Domination

Started too late in the era, got started u good, got a good army out, but as my army moved back to defend the west flank all of Domination was attacked unexpectedly by HIV, and wiped us out as we were unofficial NAP partners and betrayed us.

Best Plaunder Ever

Sir Criminaly Insane.

We have plundered Fadak of all their resources. They had 20895347 gold, 7441248 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 476 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 0 troops.


He was inactive and im lovin it

Had 65k knights, 5k cats and 30k Mu's at one stage before 500k elf army killed it. Hopefully they will lower costs of cats next era otherwise going troll or dwarf

Sir Criminaly Insane

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Russell Crowe) and was a member of Gladiators

Day 1
Sick of Human miltary isnt any good, so moved onto troll this era. Science prices have skyrocketed this era so hard to get to lvl 9 military which is going to be a pain. Damn Zeta

Day 325
Domination is a great kingdom and now that Sub rejoined us we are even better now. At War with Fear who are getting to be a little annohing but got some cities taken then lost and killed some troops so see how we go.

Day 596
Pretty much dead on Talents only a small amount of Dom strangerlers left on talents most have left for other worlds and we are pretty much scattered.

Day 644
Left Dom : (
Have joined Gladiators : )

Day 717
Mr. Briefcase checks my history to see that I am not Acerf

Day 828
Gladiators almost dead, would of been in control of Valhalla and killed all of GOTF, if FEAR hadnt attacked us from the south.

Day 897
Almost end of era and I am going to be swamped by 8incoming armies, hopefully I can just survive until end of era.

Era ended
Was wiped out on starta by GOTF, made 3 cities 2 on Fant and one on Starta

99.Sir Criminaly Insane of Gladiators
Total land: 21298 Battles won: 32 Cities captured: 17
Total killed: 383161 Science lvls: 20 Total troops: 643
F: 59% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 32% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

still in top 100 so it was alright

Sir Russell Crowe

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Ophiucus) and was a member of Gladiators

Day 1
Mantrax !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 140
got No 1 army on hoh, I wonder who will topple it?

Day unknown

Day 288
Tme to die Black Flag

Day 625

Sir Russell Crowe has won 31 battles, captured 36 cities and killed a total of 164079 men and women.

Day 649
Suicided all armies have no cities left and will probably restart on lower world till era end. At least I tokk out 10k troops on my way out.

Sir Russell Crowe has won 31 battles, captured 36 cities and killed a total of 174518 men and women.

End of Era

Best plunder so far

Sir Russell Crowe.

We have plundered Blimie II of all their resources. They had 19445777 gold, 26490914 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 9504 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 0 troops.


Sir Russell Crowe.

We have plundered Favela of all their resources. They had 7255792 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 47869325 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 9470 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 16 troops.


Military Science
Level 7
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +70% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 2,074,725,000 gold, 207,472,500 stone and 207,472,500 tree.

Level 2
Upgrading will cost 5,216,000 gold and 521,600 food.

Level 3
Upgrading will cost 34,494,000 gold and 3,449,400 stone.

Level 2
Upgrading will cost 5,220,000 gold and 522,000 tree.

Level 2
Upgrading will cost 10,420,000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 4
Upgrading will cost 215,325,000 gold, 19,140,000 stone, 19,140,000 tree and 19,140,000 food.

Sir Ophiucus

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Ophiucus) and was a member of Gladiators

Day 687
Restarted and on Arma

Day 879
Underattack by holy and my die again

Thanks Jess
Sir Ophiucus.

The city of Lay Down is now under our command!

They had 8231582 gold, 13743057 stone, 1643314 tree, 4258715 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 53902 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 0 troops.


Day 910
Gladiators will survive the era

End of era

Did alright considering only came OOP for 60 days

188.Sir Ophiucus of Gladiators
Total land: 104485 Battles won: 2 Cities captured: 2
Total killed: 9797 Science lvls: 18 Total troops: 100535
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 100% T: 0% M: 0%

Sir Ophiucus

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Nicks Last Era Ofvu) and was a member of Gladiators

Well its my final era, its been great playing with everyone i have played with throughout my time in the game. But my favourite kingdm is definetly Gladiators, we are tight nit group we play well together and the guys/girls are great and i hope they work well together once im gone and continue to do well.

Era is almost over and Myth have almost been wiped out we wont get right into their very inner core in the corner of the map but we have still taken many of their cities and killed millions of troops. Its been a great war and one of my best eras in the 10 eras i have played, I am currently 2nd on mantrax and should remain there until end of era.

174. Sir Ophiucus of Gladiators Halfling
Total land: 746491 Battles won: 101 Cities captured: 94
Total killed: 1.2 Million Science lvls: 38 Total troops: 500385
F: 0% M: 100% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Total: +3,432,426 +76,337 +1,531,776 +341,286
Army Upkeep: -1,288,385
Building Upkeep: -585,990
Total Income: +1,558,051

My adventuring army

People of Ophiucus
Morale Exp. Located Upkeep
63% 28 on mission 13330

Ready: 4083

Military Science
Level 6
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +60% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 79,820,113,500 gold, 7,982,011,350 stone and 7,982,011,350 tree.

Level 6
Upgrading will cost 8,904,797,000 gold and 890,479,700 food.

Level 8
Upgrading will cost 130,686,838,500 gold and 13,068,683,850 stone.

Level 10
Upgrading will cost 639,988,747,500 gold and 63,998,874,750 tree.

Level 3
Upgrading will cost 1,638,831,000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 5
Upgrading will cost 135,686,981,250 gold, 12,061,065,000 stone, 12,061,065,000 tree and 12,061,065,000 food.

Sir Nicks Last Era Ofvu
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

Goodbye all

Production & Resources
Name Tax Gold Food Stone Tree
Nick +123,957 +199,497 -26,404 +161,189 +0
Woodlands +59,489 +78,187 -16,875 +63,136 +40,038
Farming +59,289 +0 +121,158 +0 +66,730
Back Beasts +53,946 +13,884 -17,697 +11,221 +0
Minin +59,287 +86,020 -15,000 +69,434 +0
Hidden Path +6,769 +0 -2,123 +0 +0
Presnt For Ery +77,686 +123,858 -26,875 +100,107 +0
Beasts Are Back +31,072 +0 -10,786 +0 +65,128
Farmland +8,340 +0 +18,076 +0 +0
Total: +981,281 +23,474 +405,087 +171,896
Army Upkeep: -142,408
Building Upkeep: -82,262
Total Income: +756,611
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