Family History

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Mr. Sokuxeon

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Mickey Monus) and was a member of Relentless


Mr. Mickey Monus

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Octavious) and was a member of Relentless

Mr Mickey Monus came into the realm of Fantasia all wide eyed and bushy tailed more than half way into Era 44. He quickly established two mining towns and an Armory city in Crakron. Sadly though his first experience in this world was met with harsh times as shortly into his campaign he was forced to retreat by Rulers of Randum Teh Pokemon kingdom. When he was retreating though he burnt down as many building in his cities as he could. He would rather see his cities in a heap of burning ashes then to willingly let the enemy have control of them.

With his wall crumbling down in Youngstown and Crakron he fled as quickly as he could to the better protected area of Mantrax where his allies were waiting for him.

Mr. Octavious

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Octavious II) and was a member of Relentless


Mr. Octavious II

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Octavious II) and was a member of Relentless


Mr. Octavious II

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Octavious II) and was a member of Relentless

Mr. Octavious II
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

No known history.
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