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Mr. Conflicted

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Conflicted).


Mr. Conflicted

Lived in age 27 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Pretty Reckless).


Mr. Pretty Reckless

Lived in age 30 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Meaner).


Mr. Meaner

Lived in age 28 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Frank Zappa) and was a member of Zappa Krappa

heard talk of lots of action in Armageddon so i started Orc of course, Oop i attack Warframe,

Mr. Frank Zappa

Lived in age 28 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Frank Zappa).


Mr. Frank Zappa

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Dooday Prepper).

Starta Free For All Era 31

Almost everyone lands in the same spot. Should be fun. I drop 4 cities spread across the map, yellow snow is first city in the mix with everyone else in the northeast corner, beat the boots is near the middle south, titties and beer is in the southeast, and discreet is in the north west. Knowing I was leaving for a week I decided to try something different, so I just made all my cities 14ks not nice targets figured I could avoid fighting with just small cities, which for the most part worked, ark who is in my fant kingdom knew I was gone so he took yellow snow the first day of vacation. And Poled sent some gaia to titties and beer, which I defended. I trained most of my nazgul in discreet, a few in titties and beer to defend Poled. By the time im home from vacation I'll have tons of nazzy, the way everyone is spread out on this map I'll be able to kick some ass with the nazzy.

Currently ranked 15th 2 others are lower than me, mostly dead I think. Let's see if I can't climb into the HoH

first day home from vacation, i whooped Gallyon, took an undefended city drawing out his army, had 99% on his army but couldnt quite get 100. my impatience got the best of me, i split my nazzy up and took all his other cities, he ends up suiciding his army into my city, i didnt lose much.

03:11:33 - Our Dirty Love successfully defend Discreet. Innocent lead by Mr. Gallyon II attempted to take over Discreet. We lost 1231 Gaia, 389 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 872 Shamans, 40 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 672 of our soldiers got injured.

03:11:33 - Innocent lead by Mr. Gallyon II attempted to take over Discreet. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 50 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 152 peasants in the battle.

I got old fat and lazy just south of me. sent out a few scouts to check him out. took 3 cities from him which he took right back, then, he sent out an army fom his main city, which i rushed and took. then he returned and suicided his armies and i lost nothing

Our Dirty Love V successfully defend Lazy Acers. Pezzie lead by Lord Old Fat And Lazy assaulted Lazy Acers without remorse or retreat in mind! We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

08:46:24 Pezzie lead by Lord Old Fat And Lazy assaulted Lazy Acers without remorse or retreat in mind! We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle.

I noticed Athena just sitting doing nothing so i rushed to her core and took a couple cities, while doing this i sent a few nazzy scouts into Polydueces core, where i noticed his 189K city has 50 troops in it, so i force marched all my nazzy there and took it.


Mr. Frank Zappa.

The city of Wobblewobble is now under our command!

They had 14666621 gold, 12557638 stone, 0 tree, 1149 food and 12 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 1269976 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 50 troops.

most slaves ive ever taken in one attack.

I swarmed around and took most of his cities, and bunch from Athena. Got a nice plunder from her.


Mr. Frank Zappa.

We have plundered Rockstar of all their resources. They had 55735003 gold, 42702497 stone, 3014571 tree, 5629366 food and 82792 slaves in the city. We also took 2592 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 47170 troops.

I engaged Jason in the northeast and got through his blocker and took the first 4 of his cities no problem, grouped up to face his larger armies, but noticed that he was still not sending any mus in his armies. i had already Rofed a 40K pony army.

So with athena inactive, i wanted to be sure and Steal her magic science, so i attacked her army which had 8K archs and 15K mus, she had another 15K in her city, along with 40K unknwn troops in an army in her city. i wanted to attack the army with low % and take her city, but i jumped the gun i attacked with 23% and won damn it, so her army bounced, i ended up having to seige drop her moral to 0 and let her troops abandon which took a while, but i finally i was able to cast SS.

Casting Steal Science from Dont Eat The Yellow Snow upon Bravefart with 51% chance of success... and Successful!
We have stolen a magic level from Bravefart, owned by Ms. Athena Marie and his/her people.
Bravefart, owned by Ms. Athena Marie and his/her people have now lost one level in magic level.
We have stolen a mining science from Bravefart, owned by Ms. Athena Marie and his/her people.
Bravefart, owned by Ms. Athena Marie and his/her people have now lost one level in magic level.
Bravefart, owned by Ms. Athena Marie and his/her people have now lost one level in magic level.

So i swarm around fighting Jason, Arkantos jumps in and does major damage to Jason, Jasons large army is attacking my cities to the northwest.

Midge is running around with a couple huge armies of Archmages, taking my cities at will. Poled is prepping my 189Ker with the 4th largest HoH army.

Im bouncing around the east with a few nazzy, keeping people on their toes.

Im beginning to think this may take a really long time. i thought someone would have gone on a big roll by now, but the skill level of the players is very high. going to take some real skill or inactivity to wipe out 1 of the 4 top dogs.

I bet one of the current top 4 will win this era. no offense to everyone else remaining.

Mr. Midge
Rambo Slayers

Mr. Frank Zappa
Phi Zappa Krappa

Lord Tumatauenga

Mr. Highntired

Well i ended up being very inactive for a while during all the trouble with the server so i lost a lot of ground to Midge, right now he is 195% of my value with 23 hours left to go in the era. im launching all nazzy i can spare to assault the map, take cities i can hold, and burn midges cities. ive built up quite a stock pile of cash, should be able to flood a hell of a lot of gaia.

Ended up with Midge with 107, 7% wishing that the game didnt get screwed up, i might have done better.

2 Mr. Frank Zappa of Phi Zappa Krappa (Orc)
Had 1,005,195 land, 3,827,566 troops and 31 science points. Killed 1,682,640 soldiers, won 215 of 380 battles and captured 149 cities.
Mr. Dooday Prepper
Lived in age 32 of Mantrax

No known history.
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