Forums / Guides and Articles / Cavemasters for each city size

Cavemasters for each city size
16:31:00 Feb 28th 08 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

These #'s are for perfect ratios! Any extra buildings do as you wish with like build normal ratio. 1:5

1 Cavemaster Per Mine.

Max size // Homes // Mines // Total

400 // 72 // 300 // 372

6400 // 1236 // 5150 // 6386

14400 // 2784 // 11600 // 14384

25600 // 4950 // 20625 // 25575

40000 // 7740 // 32250 // 39990

57600 // 11148 // 46450 // 57598

78400 // 15174 // 63225 // 78399

90000 // 17418 // 72575 // 89993


16:55:45 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Revenge:

well done  ^^

06:38:02 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Random:

lol just build in a 6:25 ratio, houses to mines.... been saying this for ages.

02:19:06 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

That covers mines and homes, but what about the tens of thousands of farms, lumbermills, armouries and taverns every good city has? Oh ya and gts, mts and warehouses =p

02:53:42 May 14th 08 - Mr. Mountainman:

what does the TOTAL category stand for?

08:11:31 May 14th 08 - Mr. Ant:


12:19:48 May 17th 08 - Mr. Earth:

This is lame...

Just do this:

1:5 so:

15 000 homes -- 75 000 mines

Then add 75 000 cavemasters and 75 000 slaves.

12:52:05 May 17th 08 - Mr. Ant:

the whole point is that that isn't the right ratio

13:16:43 May 17th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Earth - Thats what I do O.o


22:39:14 May 17th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Mr Ant, using slaves you can compensate it.

You could also do 6:25 and no slaves but that gives you less money ;P

21:37:51 May 20th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Earth, Nova's strategy brings more gold then the 1:5 ratio...

21:58:39 May 20th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

For every 1k homes you take away and replace with 1k mines and cavers need to be replaced with 31k slaves
-26k from tax/total income

plus the cost of slaves if they are 100 each that is 7.5m for the 75k
and also i can think of better ways to put 75k slaves to use

21:34:52 May 25th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Like cleaning your house? And gently rubbing your back ;)

20:24:51 Aug 15th 08 - Ms. Jayme:

What's the best Caver ratio? I've read many guide's and i don't know which one to choose. Can someone help me?

21:49:35 Aug 15th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

1 caver to each mine, its the only ratio.

02:03:23 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

of course if you have extra slaves you can cheat by changing ratio of homes to mines by using slaves to work mines. still 1 caver per mine just more mines = more cavers

07:27:17 Sep 18th 08 - Commander Baldwin:

400 // 77.42 // 322.58 // 400
6400 // 1238.71 // 5161.29 // 6400
14400 // 2787.10 // 11612.90 // 14400
25600 // 4954.84 // 20645.16 // 25600
40000 // 7741.94 // 32258.06 // 40000
57600 // 11148.39 // 46451.61 // 57600
78400 // 15174.19 // 63225.81 // 78400
90000 // 17419.35 // 72580.65 // 90000

07:29:48 Sep 18th 08 - Commander Baldwin:

def ratios(town_size):
    multiplier = 25/6.0
    homes = town_size / (multiplier + 1)
    mines = homes * multiplier
    print '%i // %.2f // %.2f // %i' % (town_size, homes, mines, homes+mines)

There's the Python code for that print above. It might be hard to build 0.35 homes etc, but those are correct values. I'd probably round down the numbers and build extra mines to fill up the missing slots.

18:58:44 Mar 2nd 09 - Mr. Coops I:

just doratio 1 house to 4 mines then have1 caver per mine... whats rong with this? lol

20:57:50 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Moderator:

Mr. Coops I


3/2/2009 6:58:44 PM
just doratio 1 house to 4 mines then have1 caver per mine... whats rong with this? lol

Whats right with it?

21:26:21 Mar 3rd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

lern 2 inglish pl0x

22:30:40 Mar 3rd 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

I agree with that supposedly unknown moderator.

I prefer the other ratios. Thats if I understoof the question right, it did seem a little leet to me.


02:45:24 Jan 3rd 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

Here's a questions.

How much gold do cavers produce? 1 gold each per tick?

04:50:01 Jan 3rd 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

its a % boost to production based off the % of cavers to mines

05:41:32 Jan 3rd 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

so more cavers produce even more per unit (caver)?

06:13:16 Jan 3rd 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

you have a ratio of cavers:mines... that goes up to a max of 100% (1:1) and no bonus return for more cavers passed 100%

that ratio is a factor in determining the output per mine

ie somegthing like... mine output = base rate * (caver ratio * X + C) * (1 + 0.1 * mining science) + ....etc

keep in mind the base rate is based on your total land count and mine count and X and B are 'unknown' numbers

another way to think of it (and i like putting these ideas in terms on 'real people) is that each cavers get a special office at the mine and 5 peasants to overview. the caver is good at directing those 5 peasants at being more efficient when working down in the mine - and will pick up a pickaxe and do some mining himself!

16:02:58 Jan 3rd 15 - Mr. Soccerguy:

but, we don't know B and they could technically be so low that mine output increases by such a low amount that having a peasant and an extra mine might actually produce more?

or we just assume cavers produce more? do we have hard evidence of that?

17:40:20 Jan 3rd 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

i dont remember where it is in these forums, but essentially cavers are worth it if you can invest in them early enough to reach their BEP (break-even point)

at the BEP the extra gold mined by cavers exceed the cost to train the caver + the opportunity cost of having used that gold elsewhere.

its more than 5, but less than 15 RL days that those cavers have to be in a mine producing to justify the cost if i remember correctly - it will vary somewhat too based on the base production rate in your mines at the time

23:21:41 Jan 3rd 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

so if there are 20 or more RL days in the era, its worth having cavers?

23:27:54 Jan 3rd 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

I usually recommend cavers for any dwarf build, but I wouldn't train too many past day 20 of an Era 

03:36:54 Jan 4th 15 - Mr. Barney:

Cavemasters are REALLY GOOD in ANY Dwarf build assuming your era doesn't end at day 10-13 or when the average land count is under 120k~, in which case the race itself isn't that good anyways.

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