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Code of Honor
16:09:24 Jan 2nd 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Kid Friendly):

something i'm workign on for the wiki

The Code of Honor.

It is important to understand the age of VU and the premise on which the original player base was formed. VU was spawned in a much younger internet that was not as heavily populated by the common public yet. VU pre-dates Facebook. In the early 2000s VU started with a bunch to players that could easily have been table-top D&D players had they lived in another era. Maybe up to half of the player base was playing both table-top and VU. Much of the growth in the first few years was due to a popular and similar game Utopia Online mentioning VU in their forums.

What you have at the core of this group on players in a serious commitment to playing the game as if the kingdoms were real. A modern equivalent could be guilds or clans in MMOs. Serious effort was put into maintaining the political leadership of the kingdom, the interactions between the kingdoms, and maintaining this mindset that, again, the kingdoms are real and meant something. Over 1000 active players at times spread over multiple worlds – at a time when only one character was allowed.

Now let us belabor that last point. Every player was allowed one character.

One character and if you died you were done for the world you were on. You were no use to your kingdom. Everyone was striving for the OPPORTUNITY to play on Fantasia. And you earned it. What this is alluding to is a system where if you did well you moved ‘up’ worlds and if you did not you moved ‘down’. Fantasia was the top world and frankly some would say the only world that mattered. If you won Fantasia your kingdom’s flag was displayed on the homepage and the top player had the next round named after him or her. To win was an honor.

Interactions between kingdoms was very formal. Agreements between kingdoms were always written out specifically with rules. Some were multiple pages long. There was also a level of conduct that players held each other accountable to and the rest of this text will concentrate on that point. There are standard rules of engagement that have been eroding over time, but enough players still adhere to. It is important to maintain these rules because without them VU will cease to exist, both physically and in spirit.

I.                    Leadership Structure

II.                  Communicating

a.       Forums

b.      With Freindlies

c.       With Enemies

III.                Troops

IV.                Border cities

V.                  Magic

22:15:33 Jan 2nd 15 - Mr. Soccerguy:

I was actually planning on messaging you barney

Do you have a sample NAP agreement from the high days? I know Arzun had a perfect one for NAP and MAP agreements.....

I would like it for when I start my kd next era

03:32:13 Jan 4th 15 - Mr. Barney:

Link will be put up when I need help filling in blanks, which will probably be very soon as I am actually unaware of the EXACT science costs for some races and the wiki will have a sciences section (Race pages may contain 1-2 sentences about each races sciences in general)

13:15:33 Jan 2nd 15 - Mr. Soccerguy:

I was actually planning on messaging you barney

Do you have a sample NAP agreement from the high days? I know Arzun had a perfect one for NAP and MAP agreements.....

I would like it for when I start my kd next era

I don't have a sample/generic NAP, maybe someone else does? Now that I think about it I actually haven't sent an NAP as a leader of a Kingdom... ever perhaps.

I almost completely forgot about Arzun and The Illuminati Empire. Holy crap that was so long ago, that was one of the first kingdoms I was ever a part of. Now I completely remember you Soccerguy, welcome back to VU! It's been a long time!

01:47:37 Jan 5th 15 - Lord Water Bender:


xxx - xxx

~ General Terms ~
1. This NAP has the duration of the entire era of Fred on Fantasia.
1.1 If either side wishes to cancel the NAP, a message has to be send to the monarch stating this 72 hours prior to the breaking.
1.2 Any violators will be kicked out of the kingdom and killed if he/she does not comply to the punishment agreed on by both kings.
1.3  If a single player from either kingdom shall break the Nap, then that player shall be kicked from the kingdom and attacked by both sides until dead unless both leaders agree upon fair punishment and compensation for the offense.
1.4 All 'important' messages are to be replied within a 24 hour period.

~ Blocker Terms ~
2. All blockers are to be closed
2.1 Blockers shall not be opened to any enemy of the NAP-partner.
2.2 Blockers won't be opened to third party kingdoms unless agreed by both kingdoms.
2.3 Unprotected or Abandonned blockers that cause enemies to pass are considered to be "Opened blockers", hence all blockers have to be guarded.
2.3.1 If a blocker is left open and undefended, the other KD is responsible for any damage done by that action.
2.4 If a blocker is under attack and there is (even) a (small) risk that the enemy will break through, the other kingdom will be informed.

~ Combat Terms ~
3. There will be no hostile actions against eachother
3.1 No prepping/attacks on eachothter's cities/armies
3.1.1 In case of an army prepping, a warning is send. If the other fails to comply within 12 hours, it is allowed to kill the scout/army.
3.1.2 If both sides agree, or in case the person owning the city/army asks for it to be attacked, a copy of that request has to be send to the vices.

~ Magics Terms ~
4 No casting of magics on eachother.
4.1 You cannot ask another kingdom to cast a spell for you on your NAP partner.

~ War Terms ~
5 This Nap does not protect new members that left their kingdoms that your NAP parther is at war with.
5.1 It is the right of the kingdom to demand the right to kill that player. He or She will be handed over without resistance.

~ Building Terms ~
6 No building in eachother's territories, unless agreed upon by the vices/monarchs of both kingdoms.
6.1 Respect eachothers territory
6.2 No building walls to block your NAP partner from attacking an enemy.

02:01:59 Jan 5th 15 - Lord Water Bender:

@ horus -
probably the closest possible example of a wiki for VU.


21:06:50 Jan 5th 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

thanks water! Can you really bend it without a river bed?

18:42:03 Dec 30th 15 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

One character and if you died you were done for the world you were on. You were no use to your kingdom. Everyone was striving for the OPPORTUNITY to play on Fantasia. And you earned it. What this is alluding to is a system where if you did well you moved ‘up’ worlds and if you did not you moved ‘down’. Fantasia was the top world and frankly some would say the only world that mattered. If you won Fantasia your kingdom’s flag was displayed on the homepage and the top player had the next round named after him or her. To win was an honor.

I agree whole heartedly, With this and the rest of your post. I miss VU :(

16:14:31 Jan 20th 16 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Ancient):

The good old days, I discontinued being active when the player base dropped out around 2 years ago. I hope VU gets a jump start one day and we can return to this

04:54:26 Mar 19th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Was this wikia made?

03:57:11 Apr 22nd 16 - Erica (Lady Kamunagi of Chains):

It's because these code of honor exist only within the players and not by the system gives it a more "humane" feel and somewhat romantic I guess. All the cloak and dagger, betrayal, dispute on what is fair, gloating, commendation for an era well played and the never ending flame wars from the beginning of the era up until the end.

01:37:31 Oct 30th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):

hey! More discussion of a WikI!

Where did that end up? I'm still trying to get Zeta to host one for us at

01:51:15 Oct 30th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Pannnnnnnnnnic):

I have so much knowledge i can dump... but i can't do the formatting of a wiki... soemone give me the templates/website and i'll ad content

03:47:39 Oct 30th 18 - Mr. Bane:

I'll stick one up tomorrow. You shits better keep it spam free.

04:36:19 Jul 19th 21 - RyuXilong (Mr. Lucas Dalton):

i remember the good ole days, played way back around when the game first came out.... but left quickly due to when i started and was just learning the game 1 player surrounded my cities and started to attack them one by one, not letting me time to even learn the proper, soon as i restarted on another world it happened again.... like 5 times back to back so i eventually just gave up

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