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Help With Experienced Advents
05:00:03 Nov 7th 12 - Mr. Twister:

What is better to do, add advents to an experienced army or keep the high experience?

Anyone wanna share about merging into experienced armies. i merged 2 armies both had 1 exp, after it had none. i assumed it would have stayed 1.

and what about a small army? i have 2500 advents with 6 experience. do i merge it with my larger one or keep it seperate?


05:25:44 Nov 7th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

2500 advents with 6 exp? I say make them walk around :/

05:31:01 Nov 7th 12 - Sir Moonshine:

Larger the advent army, more you find, but as well, they will find experience thru fighting and adventuring.

07:10:55 Nov 7th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu God of Evil Spam):

adding units to an army. or merging lowers the Exp of the army.

10:29:24 Nov 7th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

Keep the 2500 advents, the only benefit more advents will bring is more gold (when you find it). As far as sciences go, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 200k advents.

12:01:00 Nov 7th 12 - Princess Aisha:

I think 2500 advents with 6 exp should walk around, if there is nobody with higher exp than you, you might be able to find stuff...
If you add more, exp will go down, I am pretty sure its something like this:
2500 adv with 6 exp, if you add 2500 more adv the exp with be lowered to 3
My suggestion is to simply send your army somewhere in the open. Does not have to walk, its enough to be somewhere outside a city.

13:45:46 Nov 7th 12 - Mr. Twister:

06:01:00 Nov 7th 12 - Princess Aisha:

I think 2500 advents with 6 exp should walk around, if there is nobody with higher exp than you, you might be able to find stuff...


so i have an army with 18K advents with 16 exp too. is this going to affect my 2500 with 6 exp?

14:27:25 Nov 7th 12 - Zond (General of Legend):

ANY advent army on the map will effect your army. Moving armies finding,less that one army will find.. on my way to work will write more later. chow

14:57:10 Nov 7th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

I'm pretty sure he meant: what if he added the 18k with 16 exp to the 2500 with 6 exp

17:34:13 Nov 7th 12 - Zond (General of Legend):

Ok im back.

There is a formula for adding armies with exp. I dont have it handy atm. Nor remember it. 

But what i was saying earlier is; The more people (armies) doing adventures, there will be less for each to find. Both armies being yours it will be fine. 

17:35:48 Nov 7th 12 - al (Mr. Flexible):

what if he added the 18k with 16 exp to the 2500 with 6 exp

= 20,500 advents with 14 exp

21:43:19 Nov 7th 12 - Ms. Hard And Rough Baby:

you'll lose 1 exp now no matter what.

it's floor((current troop count * exp) / (exp - .49))

12:06:31 Nov 8th 12 - Mr. Timur:

I have 20k advents with 40+ experience and have been experimenting to see if factors other than movement affect rewards.   I have only the one era as a data source, but the following might be possibilities...there is some indication they might be a factor:

It seems like I get more rewards if I am in the LoS of another kingdom.

There have been three times when I got multiple mining techs in a short period of time.  Each of these have been when I am traveling closely along a  mountain chain that is intermixed with cities of another kingdom or player.

Early on I was getting five rewards per day and that rate has steadily declined, despite my army getting more experience from finds.  I wonder if the recentness of combat affects the rate of rewards.

The find type seems heavily weighted against magic and military tech and heavily weighted toward farming tech. The type of find seems to be adjusted by current tech costs or by the intitial halfling tech multipliers.

Anyone else have observations that contradict or confirm the above hypothesis?

13:13:36 Nov 8th 12 - Princess Aisha:

I doubt it, it is just random.
I remember one era Binh was Halfer and he was down to only one town, a 90k town surrounded by enemies, and he moved his Advents army around in circles in the boundaries of his 90k town. So logic should not be taken into consideration, its just random, he was walking around his own town and kept finding sciences and treasures, meaning its just random. Before you had to move, now its possible to just sit somewhere in corner of the map and you will get events. You do not get more if you run around enemy cores.

15:46:30 Nov 8th 12 - Mr. Timion:

On Valhalla server, leading armies by other players defeated the main armies of our main opponents, and my advent/pony army followed a little behind the front doing mop up.  I did not do this on purpose...I was just a little slow, but it worked out real well.

05:51:26 Nov 9th 12 - Mr. Twister:

06:06:31 Nov 8th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Early on I was getting five rewards per day and that rate has steadily declined, despite my army getting more experience from finds. I wonder if the recentness of combat affects the rate of rewards.


Timur, someone mentioned that finds are based on all experienced advents in the world you are in. im in your world(Valhalla right?), with my 18K army which got 16 exp, but got reduced to 13 by merging, and has slowly climbed to 21. seems the finds are being redistributed, ive found 4 today. at 13 experience i was lucky to find one a day. 

06:02:03 Nov 9th 12 - Mr. Twister:

oh  yeah and the path my army is taking is doing circles around a big city in my core and ive had a variety of finds, mostly science and experience. only got gold twice. ive gotten at least 2 mil, farm, forest, mining, and magic. no medicine. alot of farming and forest. i have my doubts about having better odds of certain finds in certain areas.

18:52:04 Nov 11th 12 - Wilberforce (Princess Christians Polish Girlfriend):

09:29:24 Nov 7th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):
Keep the 2500 advents, the only benefit more advents will bring is more gold (when you find it). As far as sciences go, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 200k advents.

Incorrect. Amount of advents effects sciences too.

03:13:46 Nov 10th 12 - Mr. Yukan:

19:00:17 - Our adventurers found a very unusual crop! It increased our farming science.

... I had 877 advents with 9 exp camping on a city... so it can't be them. That leaves only my 20k advents that are moving... with 0 exp... what?

Camping in the field is counted as adventuring too. Your army doesn't have to be moving to find something, it just has to be outside the city.

In regards to finds: They're random. However, in every case I've ever seen, some sciences have a higher chance to found. E.g. Farming, etc. Amount of advents does effect sciences found too. If you have a low amount of advents, you'll stop finding mil/magic sciences. If you want to be able to adventure your way to getting magic 9, you're gonna have a get yourself a decent amount with a decent amount of exp.

(Not only am I saying that, the evidence Binh saw when he played adventuring Halfer, coincided with it.)

05:00:30 Nov 18th 12 - Mr. Twister:

so i was trying to see if i walked my advents over my magic city if i would get magic science, didnt work, in fact i didnt find anything for 2 days, then i changed my path and was finding 4 a day again, so im just guessing, but the experienced advents should be kept away from your own cities, even if they are moving

01:30:04 Nov 19th 12 - Wilberforce (Princess George Michael):

Well as someone stated earlier, the more armies out adventuring, the less you find. Best to have 1 big (the larger the better, but keeping a good amount of exp) advent army.

Adventuring over a magic city will not increase likelihood of finding magic scis. Also, as I mentioned earlier (just to reiterate), the lower the amount of advents, the more likely it is after a certain point, you'll only find exp, gold, farming or lumber scis.

Picture a graph with a curved line in it. You'd start of with some finds, but eventually you wouldn't find any if you didn't add more advents into the army, or they'll become increasingly rare. It is mostly noticeable when you get to above magic 10 though.

(Rough graph, cba to make a proper one and upload it)

The same goes for Military Sciences, however I'm not too sure about which is tougher to gain at higher levels (again, 10+), but it seems magic scis are more difficult to obtain.

21:06:54 Sep 27th 13 - Polydeuces (Mr. Tranquility):

04:29:24 Nov 7th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

Keep the 2500 advents, the only benefit more advents will bring is more gold (when you find it). As far as sciences go, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 200k advents.

Untrue, the more Avents in the army the more often they will find things, unless they have much lower experience than an army with around the same number of Advents.. My mother and I were both adventuring one era on starta.. My advent army had 20 less experience than hers but over 150k more advents... I was finding around 4-7 things per day, where she would be lucky to find one.

21:07:31 Sep 27th 13 - Polydeuces (Mr. Tranquility):

Alith, I've found things with armies that had 2 experience.  Seldom as it is, and usually it's experience still have found a few things.

04:07:41 Sep 28th 13 - Ms. Killuminatti:

 (Army_A_Size * Army_A_Exp + Army_B_Size*Army_B_Exp) / (Army_A_Size + Army_B_Size) = Final Exp

Is the formula.

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