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LandDropping Explained
06:13:49 Dec 30th 14 - Mr. Barney:

This is the least 'wall of text' way I can make this, let me know what you guys think!

11:28:03 Nov 15th 24 - Mr. Corwin The Third:

wut? can somebody explain this in plain english?

11:55:39 Nov 15th 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

It's cheaper to 'land drop' which just means building as little land as possible to keep building prices down, and then dropping it all at once. 

Since you can build twice as many buildings in a city, a 90k city would be built to 30k and then resources saved up to build the remaining 60k all at once. 

Also prior to the 30k buildings, you'd build a city to 6399 (keeping your city at size 2, costing far less stone and tree) and same story save resources til you can build all the way to 30k over the next several ticks 

There are guides on discord.

12:38:58 Nov 15th 24 - Mr. Bogdan:

Basically the building cost goes up faster than your income so you can build more buildings / hour when you have less buildings.

17:27:29 Nov 16th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

but i want 500k and

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