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Need Elf guide
15:29:57 Jul 26th 18 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Hello everyone.

 Not necc. A new player but def a bad one. I have decided to give elf a try in earnest and seem to be struggling getting up and running in the same time as my counter parts. I have read a few things here or there but I am reaching out to my betters for a more in depth guide. 

 I understand the basics such as land drop..actually that's it. So if anyone would be so kind. It will also be a nice reference to new players.

 Side ? For everyone: I was debating building a very simple app that links to mobile for vu since I have a developers account. It would be 100% free. No money collected from me at all (Zeta donate page is on the proto though). If I did this (if I can get perms from zeta first) would this even be some thing you all would be interested in? Was thinking of maybe an avenue to drive new players but at the same time without a proper tutorial I feel it may be a waste. In the proto I do have the starter guide+hanky leaving present but not sure.

Anyway thanks for your help. I look forward to joining the mage class en proper.

04:27:44 Jul 28th 18 - errorwick (Mr. Erithoth):

As someone who primarily plays on mobile I would definitely play on a more user friendly app. I also think a tutorial included would be big for getting new players to stick around.

05:30:55 Jul 28th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Pan Fried Placenta):

OK, I will start a google doc... who wants to contribute?

14:33:04 Jul 30th 18 - The Real Josh (Archangel of The Damned):

Best advice i can someone wanting to play elf.. Dont!

But if your heart is set on it i would chip in on the onfo lol

As for the app id suck yo diiiiiiick for an app so i didnt ha e to use moble web cancer!

07:19:35 Aug 3rd 18 - Urgog (Mr. Travadixxen):

Great idea! I support this. As to elf guide, I’m in the same boat as you my friend.

16:05:29 Aug 3rd 18 - Teirdel (Saint Brurran):

Alright. Well I am going to start working on the app some more then. I really do need a clean and easy to understand guide for brand new players. I want new players to come in and be able to easily read and understa d land drop etc. Personally I was a huge fan of hanky and barnies guides. Truth be told though I haven't heard anything from zeta either so we will see. ( can't release app on stores w.o his okay). I could release private all but defeats purpose to being in new players.

14:28:17 Nov 1st 19 - Dakarta (Duke Dekarta):

Any update on the app? Obviously I know you can't release an app without Zeta's approval, but why would he say no if one is at his feet?

18:43:17 Nov 1st 19 - Mr. Ignatius Aldur:

You could Always Bring back THE old training ground for new players.  Wherethey get to try different racers against cp. But without Zeta it Will be Hard....

21:22:52 Nov 1st 19 - Exalted Huskarl Salamon:

what old training grounds? the new player world with hundreds of bts?

yes please i want to test things lol

22:05:11 Nov 1st 19 - Mr. Ignatius Aldur:

Yes that one. Also you could make a pay feature for old players to use world for testing new ideas and such or simply fast using it as a farm world. Like 500- 1000 tick cost certain amount of dollar like 10-20 or something.  Something easily affordable. For first timers is free and old timers just pay up. You could also add limits to the world like 1 month long but can be longer if you got money:).....

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