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Science Strategies
11:00:42 Dec 26th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


Basic Fighting Sciences.

Phase one

Mining 5-6

Phase two

Military 7-8

Phase two

Magic 3-5

Phase three

Mining 6-7

Phase four

Farming 5-6

Phase five

Lumber 5-6

Phase 6 



Elite Fighting Sciences.

Phase one

Mining 3

Phase two

Magic 6

Phase two

Military 6

Phase three

Mining 6

Phase four

Farming 6

Phase five

Lumber 6

Phas six



Elf attack sciences

Phase one

Mining 3

Phase two

Magic 8

Phase two

Military 5-6

Phase three

Mining 5-6

Phase four

Farming 5-6

Phase five

Lumber 5-6

Phase 6 



Elf Mage Sciences.

Phase one

Magic 9

Phase two

Mining 5-6

Phase three

Military 5-6

Phase four

Farming 5-6

Phase five

Lumber 5-6

Phase 6 


16:10:45 Dec 26th 21 - Percy (Sir Percy The Workshop Elf):

I personally always do medical sciences before any econ science except mining. They give a boost to Pez Growth each level as well as increase injury heal rate, which is useful for any attacker, any battlemage with MUs, and any mage casting from army (StG self casts, short range AotD, etc). And the boost to PG is essential for any role, as it means extra pez in armory on its own, but also allows you to siphon from econ cities more often, increasing total troop output.

I also would never pay the high prices for farming 5-6 (unless Halfer) or lumber 5-6 after all those other sciences, but that’s just me :)

17:42:50 Dec 28th 21 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Few things bite quite as hard as going level 9 magic as Human first.

It is, if I recall, more achievable dye to income boost and building discounts as a dwarf. But you are limited to Battlemage as a dwarf due to how difficult casting on your own troops are.

Human level 9 cost

Magic Level

Current level 8

Upgrading will cost 394,312,500 gold, 35,050,000 stone, 35,050,000 tree and 35,050,000 food.

17:59:47 Dec 28th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Issue with Dwarf mage is the “inherent magic protection” also impacts casts your do on others. So if I’m a dwarf casting on a human, it’s no different than human casting on dwarf. Never be a dwarf mage, there is 0 benefit but MANY negatives. Even with human magic 9 costs, they’re more viable than dwarf magic 9

01:05:50 Dec 30th 21 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Has anyone gone to 10 and noted any perceivable success increase in upper level spells?

Magic Level
Current level 9

Upgrading will cost 1,461,465,000 gold, 129,908,000 stone, 129,908,000 tree and 129,908,000 food.

01:17:33 Dec 30th 21 - Endless (Ms. Quite Contrary):

Binh would be the one to ask that

03:34:45 Dec 30th 21 - Percy (Sir Percy The Feeble Tester):

I wouldn't expect an increase in success chances themselves, but I would anticipate the same 0.2 casting power per MU (0.3 for max MT bonus) increase, which would in no way be worth the cost on its own.

If this is a legit question though, I'll be going Magic 9 on Fant to test things, so I could easily go to 10 just to see whats what.

03:45:05 Dec 30th 21 - Endless (Ms. Envy):

I think Binh was a halfer when he had over 10? could have been military or both, fuzzy memories… just remember he was in monster mode that era :)

20:31:13 Dec 30th 21 - Mr. Tok:

I had lvl 10 magic as an elf eras ago on talents. I don't recall seeing a benefit as the cost outweighed the benefits even long term. I also recall trying to cast arma and failing over 10 times then asking zeta to end the era.

15:08:15 Aug 31st 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Do one for Troll

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