Forums / Guides and Articles / Spawning in wrong world

Spawning in wrong world
01:41:05 Jul 16th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Sometimes you will not spawn where you expected ... In the wrong world.

Member who already has a another character there

The most common reason for this is that  some one in your kingdom already have a character (in another kingdom) in the world you want to spawn on.  

To find out who, will require some detective work ...

Open the chat and write /whois members name

Where members name is the name of someone in your kingdom. It will show a list of all his/her characters and in what world.

Now do this for all your kingdom members. And when you find the one, you have to kick her from the kingdom.

Member already spawned in another world

This is the second most common reason. Simply go to the kingdom list and see who has already spawned and in what world. Then kick her from the kingdom.

Other reasons

Most likely a combination of the ones above. If you have checked both and still land in the wrong world. The easiest solution would be to create another character, spawn in the world you want to go to (remember to uncheck auto join kingdom). And re-create the kingdom.
Then have everyone join the new kingdom before they re-spawn.

This is often needed if you want to move a whole kingdom from one world to another.

12:19:21 Jul 16th 14 - Duke Chade The Father:

thanks zeta, we finally have some sort of solution to the very common problem!

00:24:22 Jul 17th 14 - Sir Isaac:


00:51:48 Jul 19th 14 - Mr. Ufrisbee:

I ran into a problem before where I wanted to play on a specific world, but hadn't joined a kingdom there.  I tried choosing a world and joining a kingdom that "Accepts new members" but each time I was moved to another world to join a kingdom.  Is there any way around this other than landing on a world and seeing who is nearby?

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