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Unbeatable Invincible Strategy
04:43:34 Dec 10th 19 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):


This Guide Will Change The Game Forever.

The Unbeatable Invincible Strategy is Invincible and Unbeatable.

ZeTa asked me not to post this strategy guide. 
He said it was too powerful.
I didn't listen.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Without further ado, I present to you: 
The Ultimate Unbeatable Invincible Strategy.

Press this button sometimes: 
Press this button a lot:
Know what youre doing if you press this button when in danger: 

Avoid pressing the 'build' button for more than 2k of these: 

Get levels in the science that has this icon next to it: 

Watch out for this stuff  you'll have to click sword guy  and train a few of the 4th unit down if you want to avoid Satanism

This Strategy Has Never Been Beaten.
Feel free to thank me in the comments below.

04:47:34 Dec 10th 19 - Emperor Caligula:

I beat you all the time.

04:48:54 Dec 10th 19 - Mr. Bane:

you bored?

05:27:58 Dec 10th 19 - Matthew (Mr. Olog):

19:47:34 Dec 9th 19 - Emperor Caligula:

I beat you all the time.

False, unless youre my older sister Carol in which case f*** you Carol -_-
I've never been beaten in the game.

19:48:54 Dec 9th 19 - Mr. Bane:

you bored?

Yes, and generous.
Mostly the latter.

05:33:23 Dec 10th 19 - Matthew (Mr. Olog):

Here are some reviews from previous graduates of my program and proud users of my Unbeatable Invincible Strategy

 "Matthew's guide was the sole reason I was successful in my short career" -Alex

 "I simply hadn't considered these things before- Matthew is a genius without equal" -Mr. Chan

 "I was wrong. I was actually only the 4th greatest general" -Mexican Elephant Guy

 "If I'd read this earlier there would only be one Korea" -Boomer

 "The Unbeatable Invincible Strategy is my favorite book" -Aladdin 

 "I read this back in 1170" -Successful Mongoloid

 "I didnt finish reading this back in 1777" -Jean-Luc Picard

 "I owe my entire fortune and business success to The Ultimate Unbeatable Invincible Strategy Guide" -21st century nobleman

Please feel free to share your experiences/successes with this strategy guide in the comments below.

05:46:44 Dec 10th 19 - Stormy (Lord Herman Webster Mudgett):

Lol your descriptions of the pictures made me laugh hard enough I snorted...Mexican elephant guy....😂😂😂

11:12:20 Dec 10th 19 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

Thank you.

I will release more of the Secret Unbeatable Invincible Strategy when I feel the world is ready.

It probably never will be.

00:13:28 Dec 12th 19 - Mr. Dwagon Kill Yoo:

**We are ready oh great Messias**
Pray indulge us with your wisdom

15:06:06 Aug 31st 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Did you nuubs know if you build homes:mines/farms at a 1:1 ratio after your productivity and home% meet their real values its better than a 1:5 ratio because all your power as a kingdom is based on total peasant population?

Just a thought.

Better Than Binh 2020 Strategy.

This one is for you and all 99 of your characters DWAGON but I will not drop the best strategy until one of you solves my best riddle

-Ian 'Barny' Ramazani

17:15:17 Sep 1st 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

"This strategy is better than my facebook strategy" -mr deepfake suckerburger guy

19:49:01 Sep 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

please delete my self-DOX 2 posts about this one, ty!

id hate to reveal myself or any actual unbeatable strategies, that would be game-ruining.

05:58:27 Sep 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

bump for humor

07:29:29 Apr 22nd 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Thanks for the bump. This is top quality.

11:49:16 Apr 22nd 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable The Returned):


Thanks for the bump. This is top quality.

Lol his bump was in September of 2022 my guy

14:57:43 Apr 26th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

What's weird is that it showed at the top as if it had been recently bumped. The forums are on some shit lol

02:50:30 Aug 26th 23 - Ms. Arthurvra:

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