Forums / In game politics / !Next era warning!

!Next era warning!
14:53:50 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Next era I hope there wont be those big alliances, becouse anyone who is allied to LGC will be targeted by the ever-efficient penor-bash tactics used by me.

For more info please watch this video.

15:09:43 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

AND, the cruelest punishment of all, Jester will laugh at you! so, dont make big alliances! HAHA!

15:21:27 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

What this jester?hmmm a new kingdom hmm? get ready

17:54:51 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

jester's are exactly what there name implies. tall men wearing pink and red with bell on them to stupid to be a anything often slaves to everyone and prefere to laugh than fight.

19:29:43 Jun 11th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

Legacy V All:  The new Good V. Evil

Lol nah

20:07:47 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Cros:

LGCLegacy16Mr. Roxbury3854
DBDark Blood19Mr. Draiken2804
HavocCarnage23Sir Vencrow2330
MMirror18Duke Azaruc1857
PHIPhi Empire19Mr. Mavich The Cloner1794
SMITEHeavens Vengeance6Lady Erica Brahmins541
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste19Mr. Dovydas212
godguardians of destiny20Mr. Thunder Guardian72
AbydosAbydos19Lord Oogalybooogalyboo33

This is funny. First 5 are at alliance. 6th has twice less score.

20:14:39 Jun 11th 07 - Lord Argyle:

That's a lie. And Im not supposed to talk about my kd relations.

/Argyle of Mirror

20:19:13 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


Kingdoms in Zetamania
Preds Predators 32 Mr. Howells 100

Kingdoms in Fantasia
LGC Legacy 16 Mr. Roxbury 242

Kingdoms in Mantrax
WB Wild Boys 17 Mr. Hilario 86

whats this my beady little eye see's

a kd in zeta wiping a kd in mant and even falling short of the mighty lgc

surly not!!!

20:27:48 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. William II:

why can't they be better then the mantrax one?

20:36:37 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Ooog Splat:

umm... probably because the kd in Zetamania does not have the competition of the one in Mantrax?

20:43:07 Jun 11th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Sir Ironpick II


6/11/2007 1:29:43 PM

Legacy V All:  The new Good V. Evil

Lol nah


That's been done several times and it's getting kinda old. ;-)

21:09:10 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. William II:

Mr. Ooog Splat


6/11/2007 8:36:37 PMumm... probably because the kd in Zetamania does not have the competition of the one in Mantrax?

i meant... why should tehy be cheaters... they are just whoring good Ö

21:28:19 Jun 11th 07 - The Wise Yarlin:

Mmm, Carnage is at war with Phi, not alliance, so your a bit off on that Cros. I'll give you a C- for trying though. =P

21:41:29 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Cros:

OK then. 1st 4 kds when we've been punished to other world was in alliance 100%. 1 more 1 less it's still one of biggest alliance ever.

22:02:11 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

NG DAVE THE STRONG (with the help of the kengdom of dave) WILL DEFETE MESSIAH CARREY

hu will jon me??????????

****if u will sign on this line*****

i, ---------- join kengdom of dave and am now king dave the strongs buttboy and will kill evry1 else


22:14:00 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Honor:

I agreed need create all kingdoms MAP against Lgc Carnage Db Mirrios and Phi Empire

22:15:51 Jun 11th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Ah what the heck, why not........

i, Scientist join kengdom of dave and am now king dave the strongs buttboy and will kill evry1 else

23:13:07 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Messiah:


This link shows me and Mcikan dancing on a ZEON-party. I'm the black dude in the back, and dont diss me, I'm kind of drunk.

23:13:58 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

And please ban Honor for being serious in my thread. BAD MANNERS!

23:46:02 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Love:

Dam where we drunk at the Zeon party this weekend.

Some of the guys caught on tape during/after the party.

00:21:47 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Roronoah Zoro:

huge guild who are forming big alliance are just gimps. thats all.

why do you need to zerg on a free game lol?

00:44:20 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

i, Soccerjester join kengdom of dave and am now king dave the strongs buttboy and will kill evry1 else.


only for u swifty!

01:38:24 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

actually the top 5 KDs are not all NaPed Carnage and Phi are fighting eachother

01:48:27 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

and since carnage and mirror have an MAP, im guessing mirror will fight phi after LDK, if theres enough time left

04:31:37 Jun 12th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

Hm I can just a imagine a big bunch of second-era *beep*s creating a 100+ member kid called AntiLegacy and all trying to rush them at the start.  And failing and ending up giving Legacy it's best era so far.

04:37:07 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

i can see that too! *although jester isnt a second-era kingdom, nor will join an anti-legacy alliance. that is just dumb!*

06:23:58 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Ironpick! I take my thesis back!
That kind of kd would be very good, coz then we could feed off them really good! They would send their armies vs LGC and we would take their colonies =)

I already made their banner:

06:38:50 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

we really need an official anti lgc kd around lol

07:40:04 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

one question, WHY DOES EVERYBODY THINK WE ARE IN AN ALLIANCE WITH LGC,DB, CARNAGE and MIRROR? can you please check the MAP???? people here are nothing but *beep*. talking without knowing facts.

07:51:28 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

because no1 sees you fight :), that's because every1 is allready death ;).
We know Phi is waring Carnage.... but it doesn't change the fact that you are not fighting those who killed them ;)

12:52:27 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker:

you're asking why were not fighting them? were not stupid enough to fight everyone. we decided that we were gonna fight them but other kds decided to fight us. so we have no choice but not to fight them.

16:57:23 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Wiseguy:

Yeah! Who's gonna join the Anti Legacy kingdom? Messiah, I'm in!

17:20:48 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Cros:

Wise, we are not anti-legacy team. All anti-legacy teams failed.

17:23:58 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Jetleeomg:

I'm in too. GYAR

(like this hasnt been tried before, by better players)

18:04:20 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

imo, the anti messiah carrey kingdom is a better idea.

all agree? good. then it is done

18:19:53 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

i dont agree!! i would join anti lgc but im in abydos atm which already sort of is a anti lgc kingdom ;p

18:28:58 Jun 12th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Correct, but we can help out anyone to trash on Legacy :}

18:30:22 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

i shall help but i am already loyal to a kd

18:39:24 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Gnadentod:

well I will fight them as well, not that I want, but I think they want to fight me =D

18:46:19 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

"we shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills"

18:55:00 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

whats a Abyodos ATM? they have thier own banks? funny, i knew they had to pay for thier rainbows some how :)

19:00:29 Jun 12th 07 - Lord Oogalybooogalyboo:

Abydos isnt a Anti-LGC kingdom....just thought i'd state it

19:04:31 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Becouse then I will have to bash that kd as well for creating too big of an alliance.

Diversity ffs. Diversity!

19:12:02 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

Wow lgc only a kingdom full of pro there only need of another kingdom full of pro to beat them

20:04:42 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:


Be inventive.

When LGC was created (the original kd, that is), it wasn't the top kingdom, nor was it for some time actually. It wasn't anti-this, or anti-that. It was pro-LGC. We improved our game, and got where we were today through improving the skill of our own players, by improving communication and by setting up an advanced recruitment/teaching system. Not by being infatuated with, or humping the leg of any other kingdom.

But this talk is sounding gaey now. Far too serious for my liking.


JOEIN KENGDOM OF DAVE!!!!!!!1!1 fite tryaney and evile :()))))) pls

21:55:25 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Fra Gusti:

Wait a second,

Only gaes people are the ones that have behind a KD full of pros and they still think they are good at this game:). You want to demonstrate some balls? Then leave Legacy and found your own KD so that we understand if you are really good.

Congrats to Legacy for the victory again.

However, not everybody has the same amount of time to spend in organzing such a formidable have been winning many eras and KDs that beated you up in the few occasions did not last as much for the simple reason that people cannot play so muchhhhh...:)

So the topic for next era is: Should we have an anti-trust in VU?...and healthy tribunal that breaks down major powers (and there is just one of them)? Given the fact the anti-Legacy alliance does not make sense for many reasons (it would be just a GvsE re-edition with some unfortunate diplomatic relations that otehr KDs will need to have)......I think it is definitively a good idea....

...or better....just have world parallel to Fanatsia with random assignment of KDs and a ranking linked to the KD in which poor idealists like myself can still play a pure fight without having to fight always the same ennemy over and over. 

Fantasia will still see the usual Legacy dominance or the occasional anti-Legacy win.........but at least folks like me (i guess the minority...but thats not the point) could still have some fun.

I hope Zeta will make some improvements on this no later than 2 eras from now, when I hope to be back from my loooong vacation:).

P.s.: Let the bash begin now:).

P.s.: Zerocool, I am comforted to see that, among all options, you decided to Nap Legacy:) showed you are a leader that likes very big challenges.

22:35:27 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Supercalifragilistic:

"So the topic for next era is: Should we have an anti-trust in VU?...and healthy tribunal that breaks down major powers (and there is just one of them)? Given the fact the anti-Legacy alliance does not make sense for many reasons (it would be just a GvsE re-edition with some unfortunate diplomatic relations that otehr KDs will need to have)......I think it is definitively a good idea...."

Who the *beep* gives you the right to decide who should play with who? Are we going around and telling other kingdoms what to do? NO, we don't so we expect you stay the *beep* out of our stuff.


...or better....just have world parallel to Fanatsia with random assignment of KDs and a ranking linked to the KD in which poor idealists like myself can still play a pure fight without having to fight always the same ennemy over and over. 

Fantasia will still see the usual Legacy dominance or the occasional anti-Legacy win.........but at least folks like me (i guess the minority...but thats not the point) could still have some fun."

Get your sorry ass to Mantrax or Zetamania or Starta, maybe there people are more your skill level.

22:48:34 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

LMAO. The hilarity of it all.

We started out as noubs in the game some time ago. Proper noubs, i.e we had our asses spanked very often ourselves, like you do now on a regular basis. We sucked it up, we learnt from it. We built a kingdom, as you would, and bonded together. We had a mutual friendship and interests, we grew into a tight knit groupand and progressed from there, to become the dominant kd eventually. Dominance isn't something that comes instantaneously, you need to work at it. You can't have everything handed to you on a siver platter -- if you want to become the best, work at it.

In any case, as I said, we built our kingdom from nothing, and it blossomed into what it is today. Now you're trying to say, that to prove we're "good at the game", we need to leave this one and found another? Well, blow me down, isn't that exactly what we did with LGC initially? We have already proven (not that we need to prove anything) that we can build a kingdom from scratch, as new playerss. Your point is moot.

A lot the complaints towards us, especially from half-wits like Fra, simply strikes me as jealousy, tinted with the usual anti-LGC rhetoric. "people cannot play so muchhhhh". No, I wouldn't say we play an awful lot. We lose quite a number of people each round, and we replace them. The fact is, we don't lampoon around the forums announcing we're in need of recruits, or inform everybody on a regular basis, that isn't our style. Maybe that's what distinguishes from kingdoms like your own? Perhaps Fra, you need us to teach you how to be a good leader? I wouldn't be all that impressed by your bawling and lack-lustre leadership if I were in BACCUS.

No, we aren't constantly playing. While the kingdom, in terms of the foundations and name is old, the players are relatively new. We don't have the time to sit around 24/7 as you would like to imagine we do, all of us are either in fulltime employment or at university. Not kids, twiddling with their thumbs. That might explain our relatively high intelligence in comparison to individuals, such as yourself, Fra. We don't take stupid people in. We're selective in our recruitment, so much as we'll take trainable people, noubs and the like. But not stupid people, like yourself.

What's amusing is, you make such bold assertions about our kingdom, while knowing nothing of it. You don't know our roster, you don't know our leaders, you don't know anything of us. You're ignorant to our goings on, and our composition, but still have the balls to make wild assertions about our make up.I'll give you a hand. Take for example, our previous kingdom, before the transition into the "modern" LGC. I'll run you off a roster from then, which wasn't all that long ago, and list those who are playing as of this minute from that team. Green = playing, red = not.

Valar, Ez, Banehallow, Raistlin, Jan, Nimic, Roxbury, LordPaul, kimjim, kc, Juul, KFT, Rambo, Haa*beep*re, Surfer, JP-Deluxe, Akanke, Tazz, Swifty, Cataclysm, Mogwai, Getsome, Draiken, Eystia, Sulphuric, Devilbunny, Amp, Bumbo and Polgara.

Do you get the picture? Paul, kc and Valar only came back recently themselves, and often our players drop in and out for eras at a time. So what's the issue, we have good social networking? Good tacticians and communication?  I think you have a lot of issues, actually. Give it a rest.

Improve your own style before you criticise ours. When LGC started out, we weren't so noubish to criticise the top kds of the time. We just improved our game, and eventually beat them. I haven't seen any giant leap in your own KD's innovativeness or play, certainly not enough for you to throw in the towel and cry like a baby. Hell, I don't even think your kingdom has any form of wider-communication, do you? At least kingdoms such as Abydos make the effort to get their kingdom involved, and try to improve. BACCUS? Yet to be seen. You're a primitive kingdom, but instead of being willing to put in the effort yourself to build something equally as commendable as ours, you act lazy and sit back eating chicken, slobbering all over the keyboard at every opportunity, typing away furiously with greasey fingers about how "bad" LGC is.

You know what?  You're going to give yourself a heart attack. You're becoming, if you aren't already, borderline-obsessive with LGC. Calm down, dearest.

23:21:45 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Reznor:

Heeeeeeey is that a *beep* reference????And theres something in your eye btw.

I like swine dammit=

23:59:50 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

Something in my eye? Is that some sort of gaey innuendo/chat up line? ;)

If you have feelings for me, come out and say them.

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