Forums / In game politics / Agent Smith Kicked?

Agent Smith Kicked?
01:53:59 Mar 27th 09 - General Ezatious:

Agent Smith
Member of: Not a member of a group.

wut wut wut

01:55:59 Mar 27th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:

I heard hes going to eat all of Ret to get the highest score ever.

* @Arzun slaps lewatha around a bit with a large trout

Is this true!!?

01:58:59 Mar 27th 09 - General Ezatious:

yes maybe he left and wants the world to his own :D

01:59:47 Mar 27th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:

Mhm I thinks so.

02:11:13 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Chockmongrel:

[01:08] <@Arzun> I have mono

02:12:10 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Love it...Smith...send me your application....rofl

02:15:49 Mar 27th 09 - General Ezatious:

He deserves it to be fair


02:17:45 Mar 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Just WoW.......

The same rule should apply about "can not join a Kingdom during the last 10 days of the era" should also be "you can not leave your Kingdom during the last 10 days of the era".

02:38:05 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Jet:


02:40:34 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Ivan The Archangel:

Smith's a *beep*.

02:49:11 Mar 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I concur.


Lewatha you can take my land if you want too =)

03:12:00 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

No Comment....

03:25:11 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

*eagerly waits for an explanation from Agent Smith or Ret*

03:34:44 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

hahaha i wana explain but its not my place guys.......dnt worry news will spread soon :)

03:44:09 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Acerf:

lol a missclick :)

03:53:28 Mar 27th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:


03:54:30 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

early April Fools?? :o

03:56:18 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Dalak Blackhawk:

lol.. whats the big secret? He would have been kicked so that Lew can get the win.. :)

07:48:01 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

   Lewatha specifically told everyone that she would not kick him to maintain her (and Ret's) honor.  Of course one of the vices ignored this because of the @sshole move that Smith pulled to take away Era of Lewatha, the sexiest era ever  :O

07:52:50 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Okay, I'll explain this, people will not believe me, but I'll try anyways.

Yesterday, I saw Andersen (best friend of Smith and currently in FATE) taking all land from smith. I guess this was because he could have low training costs and make a crapload of advents. When I came back on, I saw smith taking all his land back + the land of andersen too.

I was pissed off, I swore a lot, told everyone I could. But refused to kick him because it'd hurt my honor and make me look desperate. I decided that IF smith won, I'd just quit VU entirely, after a long and stressful day (and telling half vu that smith was fed) I went to bed.

this morning, I woke up to see smith without a kingdom. a mass-message from a vice was in my inbox, he kicked smith, even though he knew I didn't want that.

07:55:17 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Slave:

It's just that we don't want Smith to win (:

07:58:41 Mar 27th 09 - Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness:

Why not Slave

It was fun watching Smith and Lew fight for the farm award

07:59:24 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 wdf is up with the next tick not rolling over?

07:59:47 Mar 27th 09 - Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness:

it is annoying isnt it

08:00:52 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

ya, if we get robbed of the last 15 ticks of the era I'm gonna be pissed 0_o

08:12:31 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:


08:19:05 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:


08:36:33 Mar 27th 09 - Endless Delight:

LMAO... go get him Lew!

Agent Smith

Kingdom Banner

Name: Agent Smith
Members: 2
Tag: Smith
Created: 3/27/2009 8:20:21 AM
Leader: Agent Smith



08:40:28 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

that looks so ugly on the map...

08:43:29 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Theseus of Athens:

Smith was a multi in the film... Maybe Zeta should check him out?

08:44:37 Mar 27th 09 - Endless Delight:

it doesn't translate very good in the micro version

08:50:17 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

About time, Lew should have era win.

08:57:22 Mar 27th 09 - Endless Delight:

Too bad it wasn't the "Agent Smith in the Rain" avatar.. that would have been hilarious to see.. not sure if it would work in the micro either (these icons are way too small)

10:14:04 Mar 27th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

who cares, we all know who the real winner is and it's not the smith nublars...

11:40:26 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

this morning, I woke up to see smith without a kingdom. a mass-message from a vice was in my inbox, he kicked smith, even though he knew I didn't want that.

What Vice... :) Bran

11:52:05 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

nope griffith it was me bran killstone and bogdan =)

11:53:36 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Griffith:


Unless you clicked the kick button at the exact second as each other


12:14:21 Mar 27th 09 - Agent Smith:

At the beginning of the era, Coxy accidently left Retribution by clicking the leave kingdom button. Then he created a new account(female) and told everyone to leave the old kingdomless account alone as he was going to take the land with his new account. He even admitted to it in a pm I got from him. Should we demand that coxy get deleted for obvious multiing?


Message From Ms. Coxy Reborn

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Ms. Coxy Reborn [RET] (3/26/2009 7:07:26 PM) GOOD BAD
i kicked you for feeding. lew didnt ask me to i did it out of my own intentions
You (3/27/2009 1:39:43 AM)
oh really? was it not feeding when you took over your male counterpart coxy reborn?
Ms. Coxy Reborn [RET] (3/27/2009 7:10:31 AM) GOOD BAD
yeah kinda but it was small time, didnt effect much and i was still ruined oop

12:25:25 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

well it was a bug that made me leave the kd, i didnt do it on purpose, i just wanted the city back that id spent ages building. id rather not have had to make a second account cos my oop war was ruined :(

12:36:16 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Jade:

That's ok I already took his warehouse city. Going after the others now :)

12:57:08 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Penguin:


13:40:38 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Anal Smith:

ima dirty cheatzoring whore :D

16:05:24 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Chockmongrel:

You'd of thought he'd of done something more imaginative than this to try win the era. Everytime Smith pulls a stunt like this, it's the same method: feeding. Doesn't require much brain-power. Same old, same old.

16:35:22 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

i hope smith dosnt win *beep* all....her farmed all era and all the troops he produced was for score and whoring not a team player and i was pushing for the kick button to be pressed over a week ago....lew fought long and hard at the beggingin of the era...smith didnt fight at all....and was hugly fed by someone who was on and off the top 10......thats a big feed nothing like what happened to brans

17:01:24 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Prised:

so now its between 2 farmers for the win? LMAO, at least smith was fighting on zeta when he got here. either way it is kind of funny.

17:12:22 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Slave:

Prised,  haha! riight... "at least"

17:34:37 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Penguin:

just @nus. OMG and lew didnt farm all era and made troops for hoh?

17:44:03 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I've killed 600K+ troops I think..

and at least I didn't feed.

18:04:51 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

smith didnt just feed he super is nothing compared to what brans done and had a very acceptable reason for doing so...unlike smith whos only reason would be the era win....lew created top fant armies and was in all the major fights that needed to be fought...smith farmed in fant didnt produce *beep* all...i repeat *beep* all for helping the kingdom.....and im glad this era dosnt finish with him wearing the ret tag 

18:09:01 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Chockmongrel:

Just Anuus for top spot! WARRIOR KING amhmuf ABDILMALIK!

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