Forums / In game politics / G O D L I K E

15:19:25 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Lord V:

The kingdom of Godlike is accepting app's for the new era. We are planning to either land on Mantrax or Zeta but will stay away from Fantasia until the kingdom grows and becomes a formidable challenge-

We have been bottom dweller's for many ages now and that is simply because we are faced with the over-bloated oversized win by numbers type kingdoms...but there is always a chance...

10 is our number, and the number is 10...not 9 and definitely not 11, but 10...yes, that is the number. Well maybe we would  except 12 or even 15 but no more....actually 50 is our drop dead final amount ! Thats It! I will not go beyond 50!!! ok, Im willing to settle....



15:24:08 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:


I suggest Zeta
Re-cruit some more
Mantrax is gona be one tough cookie next era ^_^

Im not saying your a bad kingdom, but when you ten players is facing twenty
Youll feel pretty stretched out  xD

Oh, and Good luck on what ever decidson you may choose ^_^

17:29:18 May 4th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

I suggest we return to Mantrax.that is were we came from mantrax was our original home and i suggest we return to mantrax to teach FF how much stronger we are then last era.and music too.

18:01:56 May 4th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

good...we're stronger as well...I reckon this is a pre-era decleration of war btw?! ;)

23:09:27 May 4th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

It is

23:18:19 May 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:


01:42:26 May 5th 08 - Mr. Zakira:

yall gonna fall just like the other new kingdom

08:17:30 May 5th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

G O D L I K E arent new!!

they have been around a while

17:25:14 May 5th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

yall gonna fall just like the other new kingdom

new.we arent new.i have played godlike for 3 eras and godlike had been around for at least 3/4 eras before i joined so i assure you we are far from a new era.

I suggest we return to Mantrax.

this in itself should so you we have played at least 2 in starta were we are currently recruiting and one in mantrax.hence the word RETURN.

17:53:06 May 5th 08 - Mr. Ron Jeremy of The Anal Crusaid:

HELLG O D L I K E27Mr. Lord V4629
GGAUL8Mr. Zek20
DOGDogMen4Mr. Heiro1

Accepting apps???? watabunchanewbs

19:22:55 May 5th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

well I can vouch for Godlike being not new at all...they just had the misfortune of a low FF had the past era's...and I have no doubt that they'll manage themselves quite nicely...looking forward to next era...IF we don't go Fantasia... ;)

09:57:10 May 6th 08 - Mr. Thingol:

Mr. Ron Jeremy, this is an old thread ;) We're lookin forward to next era too, it'll be nice to see Shezmu et al again :P

11:17:48 May 6th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

lol ron jeremy just wanst thinking

17:49:31 May 6th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

even though i didnt actually have a single battle with
one of demonic shezzmus armies last time i look forward to fighting him this

19:53:46 May 6th 08 - Mr. Mendicant Bias:

size really does matter, eh ron?

22:22:14 May 6th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

HELLG O D L I K E27Mr. Lord V4629
GGAUL8Mr. Zek20
DOGDogMen4Mr. Heiro1

also i know this looks like we are picking on smaller kd's but we arent.we were ecvenly matched till they stared fleeing.and seriously are we still recruiting,

23:10:30 May 6th 08 - Mr. Thingol:

No. we are not Kathandarion. Except for exceptional applicants.

23:29:51 May 7th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

ok good to no.also *BUMP* goes the topic

19:15:28 May 13th 08 - Mr. Aries The Loyal:



09:32:56 May 14th 08 - Mr. Thingol:

hah, Aries who the hell are you?

10:12:11 May 14th 08 - Sir Slade:

LoL a tool that was in Zeon last era with me

11:41:05 May 14th 08 - Sir Slade:

Mr. Lord Kathandrion Rules

WooT!!!!! WooT!!!!!

11:41:20 May 14th 08 - Prince Melow:

lol ... said slade ...

12:01:06 May 14th 08 - Sir Slade:

yeah i said that wats your point

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