Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 8

Mantrax Age 8
03:58:18 May 24th 11 - Mr. Zombiekiller:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Guild Of The Fallen12Lord Chade2575
RED16Princess Binh The Noooob2550
Forgotten Warriors15Lady Jade433
Music24Judge Kobuskan158
Army of Anubis18Prince Anonymous100
Royal Order of Claidmore6Prince Kevdwayne42

19:29:46 May 25th 11 - Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer:

gl all

00:28:13 May 26th 11 - Mr. Fever:

Sounds like fun ;D! Let my era of Farming begin ;)

00:31:35 May 26th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

lol, watch slade come into this right away.

01:00:34 May 26th 11 - Mr. Arthur Loves Skinny:

Damn Music is on this map...

01:07:24 May 26th 11 - Mr. Fever:

Slade = Nub, He hasn't answered my Messages yet :'(

01:43:23 May 26th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

Nahh they got their but kiked last era and he wouldnt get over the fact that they lost.

01:44:25 May 26th 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

Arthur! Why you dont love me anymore?

02:11:51 May 26th 11 - Mr. Fever:

It has finally has started! :D Gl everyone.

02:11:55 May 26th 11 - Mr. Arthur Loves Skinny:

I love you!  But I didn't realise you guys were on this map ;)  If ya were I would have joined you.  But too late! I've already started and got my hands full :P  If I die then I'll restart in your kd.

03:51:38 May 26th 11 - Princess Sladen:

lol zombie the only person still complaining about it is you, im over it, yeah we lost, yeah AoA broke us. But dont care, You proved to me what i already Knew, AoA have no decent tactics, if it wasnt for the good players few they maybe(they know who that are) AoA would be nothing :)


03:59:01 May 26th 11 - Mr. Fever:

Most Powerful Rulers


Mr. Fever
Member of: Army of Anubis.

Princess Sladen
Member of: RED.

Mr. Luis Pocho
Member of: Army of Anubis.

I am Legend
Member of: Music.

Mr. Swaggatron
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Mr. Hannibal The General
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Mr. Mcikan
Member of: Music.

Mr. Darvius Willing Bum
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Mr. Voidagain
Member of: Music.

Mr. Rajaratnam
Member of: Not a member of a group.

 Hehe, :D Um ye AoA got their Starplayer back, no need to worry now ;) and slade you look good, underneath me(In the non-sexual way) ^.>

05:00:48 May 26th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

Lol slade im over it too, i admitt that we were alive because of two players.

10:31:25 May 26th 11 - I am Legend:

stop hugging me slade...

14:02:42 May 26th 11 - Mr. Pure:

Mr. Upyours
Member of: RED.

Princess Sladen
Member of: RED.

Lady Jade
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Mr. Pussylover
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Ms. Bambi Woods
Member of: RED.

Mr. Ares The Dark Reaper
Member of: Army of Anubis.

Mr. Mantroxo
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Rajaratnam
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Darvius Willing Bum
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Mr. Binh The Pillager
Member of: Forgotten Warriors.

Awkward for fever now isn't it? :L

14:07:59 May 26th 11 - Princess Sladen:

lol Legend i was hugging JLT

LMFAO <3 Pure

14:21:10 May 26th 11 - I am Legend:

WHAT!! JLT why?? All those things I did for ya and now hugging JLT fu.

20:44:16 May 26th 11 - Mr. Fever:

lol you guys got the advantage, while I was at school.. >.>

01:56:01 May 27th 11 - Mr. Soulkiller:

Everyone feel free to ignore me (especially AoA) I just want to farm away quietly, so dont mind me...

02:11:59 May 27th 11 - Mr. Fever:



This era should be fun because we have 4 big KDs competing :) A era of full pack action :D

03:01:43 May 27th 11 - Princess Sladen:

Im Sorry Legend :( Still love mah?

04:19:31 May 27th 11 - Mr. Hugh Hefner The Pimpshizzle:

anyone wanna come to my playboy mansion??

05:05:22 May 27th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

Nahh because your gonna be in it.

06:20:49 May 27th 11 - Princess Sladen:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors15Lady Jade107
RED20Princess Sladen100
Army of Anubis25Prince Anonymous70
Music23Judge Kobuskan68
Royal Order of Claidmore6Prince Kevdwayne5

06:50:14 May 27th 11 - I am Legend:

Hugh can you invite me and Slade? Slade has to make it up for me.

07:38:04 May 27th 11 - Princess Sladen:

LMFAO! <3 i will give you some orcish loving! Harstyle! :P

08:12:27 May 27th 11 - Mr. Pure:

In all respect compared to AoA we wouldn't even be a big kingdom more a middle kingdom. Number wise.

08:29:03 May 27th 11 - Princess Sladen:

You have the most member.......

11:41:45 May 27th 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

Umm we have 15...

11:54:04 May 27th 11 - Mr. Heyzeus:


11:54:49 May 27th 11 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Thx for the Hugs Slade, just what i needed. Well actually,  would have preferred if you'd let me settle my city a bit earlier, but hugs from a transvestite, how can i say no?

12:12:08 May 27th 11 - Princess Sladen:

lol sorry purew, i thought you said you were in AoA my bad i misred!

05:57:30 May 28th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

well um if any one out there is kdless and reads this damn thing roc could use a few players lol and if  no one wants to join oh well i'll still kick some ass with omni and me in our little hole

06:06:11 May 28th 11 - Mr. Arthur Loves Skinny:

Well Jack I'm KD-less and I spawned inside AoA.  So when they kill me and if they don't want me I think I could join you, a little late but hey ;)

06:07:52 May 28th 11 - Mr. Zombie:

Lol arthur u will die, no way u will stay alive. NOT WITH ME BESIDE YOU!!!!!

06:29:10 May 28th 11 - Mr. Arthur Loves Skinny:

Then what if I run away from you? :P

06:35:49 May 28th 11 - Mr. Soulkiller:

haha yes Arthur, i know how that feels, first person i saw was Ares... and it could be time to go back to RoC...
(yes i did spawn the wrong character on mant, so dont ask)

06:49:36 May 28th 11 - Ms. Maam:

considering a return to roc as well.... maybe we can reform under a diff name? dont wanna fly under kev's flag

06:53:28 May 28th 11 - Princess Sladen:

16:07:52 May 28th 11 - Mr. Zombie:
Lol arthur u will die, no way u will stay alive. NOT WITH ME BESIDE YOU!!!!!

LOL im sure even that noob Fever could surivie against you :P

Jokes Fever! :P

06:55:32 May 28th 11 - Princess Sladen:

RED18Princess Sladen100
Forgotten Warriors15Lady Jade87
Music22Judge Kobuskan71
Army of Anubis26Prince Anonymous63
Royal Order of Claidmore4Prince Kevdwayne8

08:06:44 May 28th 11 - Mr. Fever:

Hmm.. the day I find you am cutting the hair of your barbie dolls. You've been a bad Little Princess Slade, and it would serve you good getting spanked with this wooden stick which I grabbed out of your ass! ;D

Anyways Arthur you spawned in a Bad location mate, and now that you joined the Princess you suffering shall increase 10 folds mwhaha ;) 

Edit: Slade #2 Powerfulest army on Highscores ;) Watch out am coming for ya.

09:00:11 May 28th 11 - Princess Sladen:

hehe Ok Fever.. remember.. i was the guy you showed you this game, Which mes i am still your god! :P

18:11:56 May 28th 11 - Mr. Fever:

Correction, You were the first person who was in charge of the KD I joined =p


18:15:55 May 28th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

nice to know i still got friends out there lol any help would be appreciated and yeah i think we could do that panic this is kev's flag and this'll be the last era i fly it without him

@ozy would be great to have you back man

@arthur lol were you been man havent seen you in ages hurry up and die so you can help me kick some ass

18:53:51 May 28th 11 - Mr. Arthur Loves Skinny:

@Jack: Sorry man, I joined RED already.  But if you have another character I have a free one ;)  Yeah I've been gone for a while, this year was busy.  But it's slowing down :P

And Fever: Bring it ;)

21:24:41 May 28th 11 - Mr. Binh The Pillager:

It look to me like RED already nap music lol. And I thought I would be in the middle of an epic battle between two big kd enjoying the show :( Now I'm dissappointed :'(

23:27:08 May 28th 11 - Mr. Lokken:

Surely were not that scary. Half of Mantrax NAP'ed lol. Spose it's nothing new.

23:28:27 May 28th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

Yea im suprised Music actually napped RED.

03:14:42 May 29th 11 - Mr. Turtle:

So 1/2 of Mantrax is NAP'd again? Pretty lame stuff right there. It could have been two of the top four kds fighting one another, with the two smallest kingdoms of the top four off to the sides.

Now it will be "1/2 of Mantrax NAP up in the corner and roll over the 2 smaller kingdoms".

04:47:51 May 29th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

lol not if we roll a fat one and down a bottle first then we'll be the ones rolling over them while were passed out

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