Forums / In game politics / 300

19:29:17 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Hemmer:

I've just watched that movie, and I got a cool idea. Let's make a kingdom filled with 300 strong skilled veterans! I mean, we could totally own the Persians if they'd come. I think.
And I mean, we'd be Spartans so we could build walls from the armies we kill. Hax, you know!

Sign up here with a proper application!

19:31:20 Apr 22nd 08 - Dark Slow:


20:33:09 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Ambrose:

are you high?

20:50:32 Apr 22nd 08 - Duke Argyle:

with ~200 players online at the same time on regular basis... I don't think there is 300 veterans, not even 100 :( let's bring this suggestion back in 5 years.

21:14:03 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

lol 300 poeple KD XD only about 100 every world:p

21:23:09 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Hemmer:

This is not the kind of behaviour I expect from Spartans! You must be Persians!
And ok, the 300 best players on VU.. Pff, :'(
300 Stong guys! We do not accept women in our army!

21:45:02 Apr 22nd 08 - Ms. Zulikha Bouchtati:

This idea... is.....AWESOME!!
nope, just kidding

23:30:56 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Air:

can i be the retard?

23:44:50 Apr 22nd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Air


4/22/2008 5:30:56 PMcan i be the retard?

"May you live forever."

00:36:49 Apr 23rd 08 - Duke Epymon The Reincarnate:

Mr. Hemmer


4/22/2008 4:23:09 PMThis is not the kind of behaviour I expect from Spartans! You must be Persians!
And ok, the 300 best players on VU.. Pff, :'(
300 Stong guys! We do not accept women in our army!

Well there goes my chance to apply.... :(

02:29:40 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Mr. Hemmer


4/22/2008 4:23:09 PM
This is not the kind of behaviour I expect from Spartans! You must be Persians!
And ok, the 300 best players on VU.. Pff, :'(
300 Stong guys! We do not accept women in our army!
He doesnt like women >_> They dont suit his fancy

03:07:19 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Atsuma:

300 vets... haha

What do you class as vets. 25+ eras of play?

03:23:34 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Castor:

<Pushes Button>

10:00:05 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

To keep the ratios right you'd have to have about 100 nubbits as Persians against just 3 vet Spartans. :)

10:30:02 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

You only have to arrogant to be a vet, skill isn,t important just a big mouth will do.

10:46:45 Apr 23rd 08 - Prince Mielo:


10:59:02 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Air:

hello my future girlfriend, this is what i sound like

15:46:46 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Hemmer:

300 Spartans vs 100 nublets?
That circumstance would be perfect!

17:14:30 Apr 23rd 08 - Lord Seloc:

YES BRILLIANT! I'll play the part of those 100 nublets!

17:29:15 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

ahw!! seloc can i join you plz? ill say i have no exp:D

01:40:19 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yes, my multi. I see your plan.....good job Multi Seloc.

01:46:56 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Mr. Kobuskan


4/23/2008 5:30:02 AM
You only have to arrogant to be a vet, skill isn,t important just a big mouth will do.
Prince Mielo


4/23/2008 5:46:45 AM
That wouldnt work >_> for specific reasons......if you really want to know just ask again....but be careful of the consequences

01:57:37 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

What reasons?

04:04:29 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:

Soo woot
i'll b the guy that comes armound collecting all ur mines after you all die =)

06:02:43 Apr 24th 08 - The Architect:

Freakin A, no women?  I'm outta here.

06:04:39 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:


06:13:10 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

The Architect


4/24/2008 1:02:43 AM
Freakin A, no women?  I'm outta here.
Looks like someone saw this coming!

06:22:28 Apr 24th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

...that's my picture...


05:21:23 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

oh septim baby your sexy

05:31:03 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

the spartan thing would have to be.. like 3 players against 100 to make it any way like 300 if you have 300 people then they would be more like the persians...

07:58:52 Apr 26th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. 3 players in a kd reminds me of The three musketeers of Hankypanky's first kd..

10:16:08 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

why did i read this?

go bords!

02:04:05 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Headstrong:

no lol juganitorii make up the spartans, there like 3 - 5 people

05:04:50 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

if i could form my old kingdom Sparta that ruled a few eras back with some members of FA that fought us, we would completly dominate everyone

05:48:37 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Prince Gorris Septim


4/24/2008 1:22:28 AM

...that's my picture...


Sorry Septim ill ask for permission before using any 300 pictures =(  It just had to be done though =p

06:10:40 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Heldeofol:

LMAO, absolutely horrible idea, but if this were to be done the ratio would need to be much larger anyway. The exact numbers are not known but a conservative estimate puts the persian to spartan/greek ratio at 100:1.

01:19:58 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

r u stupid wat kind of maths is that!!!.......the freakin spartans were maki walls out of bodies!..........remeb the persian dude said "the armies of a 1000 nations descend upon u"!


there for i wud say a modest estimate wud put the persian at 500k troops divided by 300 it wud b a ratio of


300/ 500k


ROUGHLY I WUD SAY --------1/1666

01:52:48 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Charley II:


These are the estimated numbers that fought against the 40,000 (yes about that many....there werent even that number in the entire Persian army combined......and back then the battles werent THAT big)

300 Spartans, 700 Thespian volunteers, 400 Thebans that had been pressed into service, and 900 Helots(serfs/slaves of the land) So it wasnt just 300 was a mix of other forces too.  2,300 vs 40,000...that averages out about 17 Persian soldiers for every 1 Spartan, Thespian, Theban, or Helot.  (17.39 if you really are gonna complain about it)

02:18:10 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

These are the estimated numbers that fought against the 40,000 (yes about that many....there werent even that number in the entire Persian army combined......and back then the battles werent THAT big)

Your kidding right? Iread about that battle in history last year. 1,000,000 (approx) might have been 2 mil but deffiniatly not 40k persian soldiers (2-3 mil if you want to count the people carrying food and and stuff i think it was). The whole greek army was about 5,600 (300 being spartans) that makes the persian to greek ratio to 178.5 persians to every greek

the persian to spartan ratio would be 3333.33 persians to every spartan

04:07:39 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Wait my bad....I meant that only 40,000 Persians went up against that force of Spartans (and others)in the pass they were holding.  It was a secret way that the Persians found out from men they captured.  They were going to slip behind the Athenian army that had destroyed all assaults from the front so they were going to go through a way around.  Thats where the Spartans come in.  They decided to hold that secret way until everyone had fallen back and regrouped.

05:11:31 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

yes that sounds better. sorry for jumping down your throught because of your msitake :)

06:11:16 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Well I had to read all about the war, the battle and got confused when it was talking about the Athenian army completely defeating the first three Persian attacks and it kept mentioning numbers but the highest I saw was 40k.  I also havnt seen the movie 300 so I wouldnt know how accurate it is....from the commercials it sounds like they took on the entire Persian army....not a branch that was trying to flank the main army.(it had Persian Immortals in it so it wasnt any army to be laughed at)

14:05:14 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Heldeofol:

haha the movie 300 (dont get me wrong cuz it is also one of my most favorate movies) is not very historically accurate. Exact numbers are still not known of the entire persian force, all that ppl can do is speculate from the few different sources where the numbers have been passed down through stories and recorded (therefore leaving alot of room for exaggeration and errors in the true number).

@ Orcinus "the armies of a 1000 nations descend upon u"-- no where does that give a number of the size of the persian force!

"there for i wud say a modest estimate wud put the persian at 500k troops divided by 300 it wud b a ratio of "-- LMAO just because you have seen the movie, in no way does it justify you to be able to put an estimate an the numbers of a battle that happened (I am not saying that your estimate is wrong but becareful of your wording =P).

Thanks for proving my point on this Charley and Killstone! As I said, the numbers I used are CONSERVATIVE numbers of what were used in the battle at Thermopylae.  Yes the persians only used about 40,000 of their troops at this battle but the point is that they had the entire persian force to use, but they only ended up needing the 40k to win it. Because of that fact, a conservative estimate of the persians to Greek/Spartans is 100:1. There is no denying that Spartans were the best warriors and they do deserve the glory of leading the stand to the death at Thermopylae, but dont think for a second that they would have lasted as long as they did without the 5000+ other Greek volunteers who stayed behind to fight alongside them. DONT BELIEVE EVERTHING YOU SEE IN MOVIES!

00:13:52 May 4th 08 - Mr. Slave:

Meet the Spartans is a way better movie!

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