Forums / In game politics / A New kingdom on Mantrax

A New kingdom on Mantrax
21:09:58 Jul 30th 08 - General Zondervan:

I am looking for people to help me start a kingdom. New players are welcome.

If no one wants to make a kingdom with me, i will go solo. This is because i am tired of taking orders. I would like to give them beside a few other people. If i am by myself I can do as I please.

21:11:10 Jul 30th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

wanting to give orders is not a good thing to post if your trying to get members

21:20:29 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

i like giving orders :D

21:22:59 Jul 30th 08 - General Zondervan:

i'm pretty sure everyone knows the kingdom leader and vices give orders. it is part of being in a kingdom.

21:24:28 Jul 30th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

yes but joining a kd where the leader only wants to be leader to give orders is a bit retarded

21:26:36 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

if u cant follow orders why should others follow yours?

21:32:17 Jul 30th 08 - General Zondervan:

i said i want to give orders beside other people, that means more than just me giving orders. everyone can't give orders or it will be chaos. i can follow orders, i said i am tired of following them and want to give them beside someone.

22:41:00 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Just let the guy start his KD and leave him alone lol.

22:50:13 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

I thought only Ez has the custom title of General, looks like its a bit "too used" heh.
And besides, its inspiration not fear that makes a good leader, so he does not need to be able to take orders to give them, its simple stuff ^-^

23:05:44 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Earth:

In our kd everybody just shouts at eachother and does what it likes. No orders :P The only rule is to obey the NAP we have.

No chaos, just loads of fun!

01:37:19 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Its a tough call. I know many KD leaders and vices who would quite happily step down from their roles, just to focus on fighting and get back to basics. Some thrive in the role, others collapse under the sheer commitment that step takes. Lot more to running a KD than giving orders. You got to take responsibility too. When you loose, be it your fault or anothers, the burden of responsibility lies at your feet.

Good luck though. I hope it doesnt destroy your enjoyment of the game.

03:30:07 Jul 31st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Earth


7/30/2008 6:05:44 PM
In our kd everybody just shouts at eachother and does what it likes. No orders :P The only rule is to obey the NAP we have.

No chaos, just loads of fun!

There would probably be like one order

04:30:04 Jul 31st 08 - General Zondervan:

i know bling, but in my kingdom everyone will have a say in what goes on and who we are naped with.

06:27:30 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:

GOOOOOOOOO zondervan. btw, what will your kd be called next round? hope we can see u :)

14:46:24 Jul 31st 08 - General Zondervan:

The Vikings, also i still need someone to make one with me. if i don't get anyone, then i will go solo.

15:02:43 Jul 31st 08 - General Zondervan:

this might wait until the following era.

16:43:40 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Earth:

Its best to recruit at the end of an era. Or you could also try to PM your friends in your current/former KD!

Good luck!

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