Forums / In game politics / A Shameful Display Zeta 79
A Shameful Display Zeta 79 | ||||
17:25:05 Jul 23rd 20 - Konstant (Mr. Trinity):
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17:27:23 Jul 23rd 20 - Konspyre (Captain Margherita): Are they actually playing with 4 people, or is one dead or something? | ||||
17:28:38 Jul 23rd 20 - Konstant (Mr. Trinity): It's 4 people. | ||||
17:37:01 Jul 23rd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God): May their ore veins disappear, their farms get scorched, and their lumbermills fail! May their soldiers fall through illness and their peasants become barren! May Zeta have mercy upon their souls for the curse will not show any. | ||||
17:59:32 Jul 23rd 20 - Konspyre (Captain Margherita): Good luck boys | ||||
19:05:52 Jul 23rd 20 - Mr. Testicles: Does this mean we unify and destroy them? | ||||
19:12:05 Jul 23rd 20 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac): That’s what it means | ||||
19:28:58 Jul 23rd 20 - Ms. Pixie: Ow no they didn’t! Burn them and leave non of them alive! | ||||
13:52:23 Jul 24th 20 - Woody (Mr. Spank): I'll be honest here, dropped into zeta as a returning player as that was the world with the newest age. Didn't know anything about a kd cap on zeta? | ||||
14:22:57 Jul 24th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Margherita): Welcome back! | ||||
15:16:59 Jul 24th 20 - Percy (Sir Percy The Paladin): Glad to see you’ve returned Woody! Zetamania is the only world with a honor-based KD cap, as it is a mostly dead world, but maintains army merges and GWs. Valhalla has a ZeTa-restricted KD cap of 10, but the other worlds (Fant and Mantrax) have no restrictions in KD cap. | ||||
15:51:54 Jul 24th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Curse of God): Also Woody, you're definitely not one to be blamed for this. | ||||
16:01:40 Jul 24th 20 - Woody (Mr. Spank): Ah I see, I've posted link in the kd forum, I've got no quams leaving the kd to make it back to 3. It's good to be back haha, just waiting for val arma tick down there till I can join, and waiting for fant to end 👍 | ||||
16:03:55 Jul 24th 20 - Konstant (Mr. Trinity): Looking forward to it. Welcome back to VU (from a newb, but still...welcome back!) | ||||
16:20:41 Jul 24th 20 - Percy (Sir Percy The Reborn): Ironically (if I’m not mistaken) I last played with Woody in Hillbilly Mafia here the era we won, back before merges, GWs, and KD caps were a thing. Back when the worlds were freshly separated but still full of life (even the currently dead/retired worlds). Zeta 5 I believe it was. You would remember me as Inception from back then, Woody! | ||||
17:27:24 Jul 24th 20 - Woody (Mr. Spank): Cheers trinity, I've been missing vu, decided to come again, must of rejoined the game about a dozen times haha. I do remeber, I remeber me being half active and just filling blockers as a halfer, just checked the highscores and I finished 4th, just behind you as a pure farmer haha! | ||||
17:35:14 Jul 24th 20 - Percy (Sir Percy The Reborn): Lol checks out! Halfers have always scored highly despite being weak overall. Case in point, I/m Halfer on Val and own similar or less land than many others, yet am scored as #5 HoH. And thats after I released 180k Ponies, 150k MUs, and over 300k Advents as well as an econ city just to appease HnS. Its crazy how Halfers have always been scored lol Those were the glory days, we had a quite the KD back then. | ||||
01:24:58 Jul 25th 20 - Penguin (Clown Saint Josaphat Kuntsevych): morning wood, who are you? why did you come back? | ||||
04:09:11 Jul 25th 20 - Konstant (Mr. Trinity): Their cities lie empty. Their farms are left barren. Their mines ring with silence. Their forests charred with ash. For today, the Ancient Curse has struck Amaroq the disgraceful and Mad Hatter the shameful. Tonight, sleep has descended upon the Sleepless. Soon, the rest will follow. | ||||
13:54:14 Jul 25th 20 - Woody (Mr. Spank): Why would you release troops to appease another kd? Hey peng, glad you've not lost your epic sense of humour | ||||
15:22:42 Jul 25th 20 - Percy (Sir Percy The Brute): Long story short(ish), 3 KDs on the map and we were losing an OOP fight against one of them, not long after the farmed third KD came for all of us. Struck a CF with KD2 with a condition of it ends when KD3 is at 30% either of our power (mind you, we’re effectively dead already). Fast forward a few weeks and lots of miscommunication (amid lack of communication due to inactivity of KD2’s leader) and KD2 is pissed we have 3 HOH players despite not helping. Two of those players are Halfer, who ALWAYS score higher than other races just for being competitive. They threatened to prolong the era indefinitely if we didn’t drop of HOH. We don’t care about the era, just want it over ASAP, so we obliged. It was a fun drama-filled couple days, but we made it through lol | ||||
23:17:48 Jul 25th 20 - Konstant (Mr. Trinity): The curse of Zeta has finished its job. From the 2nd strongest KD on Zetamania yesterday, to nothing today.
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00:47:02 Jul 26th 20 - Emperor (Emperor Nazgul): Hope you die woody, you deserve it | ||||
01:44:12 Jul 26th 20 - Mr. Amaroq: I honestly didn't know. I came back middle of last era after over 8 years away from the game. I thought someone said something about the 3 person, but i couldn't find it in forums anywhere. My bad, I haven't been active the last couple days anyways and sign in to find myself dead. It is what it is... | ||||
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