Forums / In game politics / ASM Embassy

ASM Embassy
01:15:14 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

New KD, on Mantrax, recruiting now.

Nuff said, any questions ask and we might answer.

01:15:53 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

good luck hope to see you on fant someday!

01:19:35 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Isn't that the really hard world?  Might make it one day if we can get enough members to survive.  Hope to see you there soon!

01:22:52 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

yes it is considered the ahrdest world because that is where all the better KDs go and try to win the era

hopefully you will get good members and they will earn well and teach other members things and make your KD great. i like challanges =D

01:45:26 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

How does they best player in Fantasia and a lot of the better players forming a kingdom and going to Mantrax still make it a lesser world? I think they are relatively equal in terms of better players. Fantasia does have the best kingdoms though, except for Trio of course.

01:46:17 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

if you were to have a war and have all the KDs on fant and all the KDs on mant fight eachotehr with no bug abuse fant would pwn there ya go thats how its determined

01:51:15 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Well, we've got 3 members now, so anyone else without a flag flying is welcome to apply.  We won't be letting in absolutely anyone but we won't be demanding 100s of eras to your name either :-)

01:54:32 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Even with bug abuse, the better kd's do it better than the crap ones lol so either way mant would lose bigtime.

01:58:59 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

thats true very true! specially phi we are the best at abusing =D next to legacy of coruse they are the gods at bug abuse ;)

02:00:19 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

This is all very educational but could you big players discuss who's best somewhere else please? 

We'd really just like to find new members here so that we can get good too and join in your debate one day.

Thanks :-)

02:03:44 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

oh sorry people tend to spam a lot =P me included and its keeping teh trhead on the top

again i wish you the best of luck!

02:03:59 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Sorry, btw I suck and am on mantrax =p

02:07:11 Dec 13th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

That's a coincidence....... so am I

02:35:40 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

No problem with the *beep*.  It looks like Lady TS is starting it herself.  I thought I told her to get on with the ploughing in the new farms but guess that's Ladies for you!

02:36:31 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

And why can't I say spam when Mr Killstone can?

02:38:02 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might walks in and sits down on a chair.*

02:39:26 Dec 13th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Evening Mr Might, and how are you this fine evening?  Have a SNOG they're going cheap

02:39:27 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

i bold one eltter to escape teh filter =D

02:41:08 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might drinks some milk and eats some grass.*


02:41:16 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Lady TS, I thought we agreed - no SNOGS outside the bar area!  Ahh, well.

*** looks around and sees a midget by the door ***

You, shortarrse! Go fetch your mistress and tell her there's a SNOG waiting as soon as she's free!

02:43:12 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Thanks Mr Killstone :-)

Mr Might, isn't a cow drinking milk almost cannibalism?  Or at very least something that shouldn't be shown before 9PM?

02:45:01 Dec 13th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Now Sir TH.... you started this, i offer a drink to visitor who wants milk and grass to aid our diplomacy and you try and pull the mythical midget kidnapper.  Now behave you or you'll be on short rations only

**Lady TS points at the line of short hairy midgets by the door**

02:46:56 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

***Looks where Lady TS is pointing***

Do I at least get a razor with that?

02:48:50 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


04:51:37 Dec 13th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:


The Council

In game politics (0 new)
Discuss in-game politics, wars, NAP:s, alliances and un-honorable play.

05:42:26 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Soc:

go go go u clever players!

lady, nice talking to you again! hope u guys stick around and come to fant!

15:37:28 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Come one, come all!  Come join us under the sexiest banner on Mantrax* as we follow our secret quest.  Our destiny is ours to choose, not to be handed us in some parody of free will. 

If you can answer the secret question then you are fit to join us.  If you can't then you should pray that we like you.  There are only three ways - us, our friends, and dead.

*not sexy as in "that's a sexy photo**" way  but sexy in a "look at the way it blends, almost ethereally, into the landscape and becomes part of it" way.

** let's face it, who could possibly find that face sexy?  They'd have to be blind

23:45:50 Dec 13th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye

Want to come play in the kd with the coolest banner join us.  (ignore him above he's just jealous he's not on it),  New and old players welcome, no long lists of questions you just need to want to have fun.

See you in the tavern later ;)

23:51:08 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Lady TS is giving free SNOGS in the Tavern for all new recruits!  Hurry while stocks last!!!!!

23:52:10 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

What is your kingdom's name?

23:54:47 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Soc:

anti smiths

23:55:10 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:


23:56:45 Dec 13th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Hello there Sir X sit yourself down and have a SNOG, how is the weather in your part of the universe?

23:57:43 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Is that the sound of temptation, Mr Xiax?  Are you sitting there thinking "Ooooh..... That sounds cool"?  Well, are you?

If not, maybe you should be ;-)

00:29:29 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

ASM as in Anal Sado-Masochism?

00:38:29 Dec 14th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Erm... nope I don't do that ;)

00:41:37 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

She's right, it doesn't.

And she doesn't :(

00:42:53 Dec 14th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Arrsehole :P

00:44:12 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

No thanks - I saw the Elephant clip on telly last night :S

So, back on thread, any recruits?

00:44:34 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Once it stood for assembler...

...known only to the seriously hardcore geeks.

00:48:29 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Good old ASM - gave that up after my ZX81 packed up about, ohhhh, lots of years ago.  For really really hardcore on that you had to enter MC direct as hex data in a REM then POKE it to memory.  No PEEKing though :P

01:59:20 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Donut & Galadriel... you're turning me on :p

02:19:07 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Never knew you byting bits so exciting Lord W :-)

06:12:27 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Mr. Trogdor


12/12/2007 6:45:26 PM
How does they best player in Fantasia and a lot of the better players forming a kingdom and going to Mantrax still make it a lesser world? I think they are relatively equal in terms of better players. Fantasia does have the best kingdoms though, except for Trio of course.


So true... Trio is "that" cool...


06:17:53 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Allan:


08:33:59 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

The pic makes him look ghey. Just like one of those minimal retards.

20:00:41 Dec 14th 07 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:

Lady TS wonders into the embassy
**Where did i put Sir TH, i can't remember which package i put him in**

Sees two feet sticking out from under a crate of SNOGs.......

**Oh thats it, he asked for one too many SNOGs off the maidens, so i gave him a crate of his own**

Lady TS wanders back out into the green fields of Mantrax

00:48:18 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Sorry, Lady Tnega, I was off recruiting our latest member.  Any more wanna come join the party? :-)

01:57:05 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Seems I messed up posting the KD info.  I have corrected that now, after beating myself soundly with a haddock previously owned by a Minister of Doughnuts.

For anyone who'd bothered to look, and been heartwrenchingly disappointed by the lack of info, here is what you've been waiting for....


We are the Anti-Smiths.

We embody all that is honourable and trustworthy, and we play for fun. We don"t care if you don"t get a ranking, but we do care if you find that the game"s getting like hard work. It"s a GAME!!!

Experience not needed, but willingness to talk is. We may (or may not) have more collective time in-game than we"re admitting to, or we may have less.

All we will say is that IF our leaders had been around for, say, 12 eras or so, then they would all have been on Fantasia and we wouldn"t have died or re-started in ANY of them.

That wouldn"t mean we would have scored well, but it would mean that - if that was the case - we knew how to survive on the toughest map in VU.

So, if you"re looking for a friendly KD that will help you when you need and not get upset if you make mistakes then click to join now.

Ruler names starting with Tnega are especially welcome.

One warning - if you join us you WILL play with honour. If not, we WILL kick you out and kill you off :-)

Tnega H

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