Forums / In game politics / AWARDS!!!! *cough* for mantrax

AWARDS!!!! *cough* for mantrax
06:14:01 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Well it seems someone has taken up the mantle of handling the original "Era Of" awards and I'm happy to concede it to him (though I forget who that is =p). But like any good award show, it needs a cheap Canadian knockoff that no one REALLY cares about....and I'm just the right cheap Canadian to do the job. With that I welcome you to the Mannies Mantrax Awards of Ultimate Achievement on the Server of Almost-Importance!!!! *RAH RAHHHHHH!!!!* For those of you unfamiliar with these award ceremonies, the awards are broken up into kingdom and individual awards. A ballot is provided and before the beginning of the next era the tally will be taken. I'll announce winners and dispense awesome prizes! Please form all flaming in the form of a ballot! Now on to the awards!!!! *RAHHHH*

First up is the kingdom circuit. No one likes a farmer, and what's worse is when a whole pile of them get together to form a kd! With that in mind I submit:
The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award).

Now farmers are bad enough, but what about the kd who comes straight to your doorstep with the stink of their treachery? Multying, exploiting, hacking and barbaro-heathan human sacrifice should all make you think of one kd or another, and so I submit:
The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity

Of course despite the farmers and cheaters, some people just plain succeed whether through luck, skill or both. I suspect witchcraft in some cases but it's difficult to prove. Given that, all we can do is submit:
The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions

Of course we all know that those who succeed in the end are not always the ones who leave the biggest impression on the psyches of their fallen foes (though some times they are). From time to time a kd plagues the map with tactics so brutal and destructive that we lose a few good players to stress-leave and existential crisis. These sick bastards deserve something too, other than the satisfaction of making their foes soil themselves when they log on first thing in the morning, and so for them I submit:
The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics

Whether winning or losing, a group of individuals can always maintain honour. Unfortunately this is something that is often hard to notice without looking. That is why we will all consider fully before voting on the submitted:
"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You

Lastly, let us not forget that this game isn't all about winning and soiling one's self. It is also about making friends, having fun and...some....third hippy-sounding thing I suppose. For those all-to-likeable kd's I submit:
The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose

With the Kd awards out of the way, we've still got to give credit where credit is due to individuals. Truly even within the kd's who did not make this list there should be men and ladies who upheld utmost honour, cunning, or soiled themselves repeatedly. So then, off to round two.

The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map

And that, ladies, gentlemen, and whatever the Hell Might God of Cows is, is our awards ballot. A summarized ballot will follow, copy it with the names you want to nominate in maybe another font or colour or something. Remember to vote for the people you think should win so they receive the credit and AWESOME PRIZES they deserve. Also, don't forget that I accept cheques and enjoy a good bottle of Vodka or beers are good as like....bribe me and stuff. With that thought we are done, PLACE YOUR VOTES YOU BARBARIANS.

06:15:48 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:


The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award).

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map

15:59:40 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Whats the point of this?

16:16:14 Jan 31st 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

The "Holy hell these awards take forever to read, but are moderately funny in their own right" award goes to: Bayushi Clamps.

16:22:08 Jan 31st 08 - Sir Revenge:


16:38:31 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Might you never saw the awards before? Oh well I did it like tons of eras ago and it actually caught on so there are awards each era for various things like that. I wasn't on fant this era though so I did it for mant instead. I forget who it is but some other player took over the awards so I assume he'll be putting up the thread for fant within a day or two (I hope, cuz I don't want to think of another dozen award names =p). Anyway, for anyone who doesn't understand you just copy the ballot (post #2) and add the names of the people/kd's you vote for and at the end someone gets AWESOME PRIZES!!!

16:54:08 Jan 31st 08 - Lord Seloc:

The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award).: Agents

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity: Trio

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions: Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics: Trio

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You: Eternity

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose: Eternity


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters: Erica!

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness: Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes: Neon/Nova

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics: Neon

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p: remaining members of agents.

The "Just took my city? O well your still my best friend!" Award for Friendliest Player on the Map: ME! I'm very friendly!

17:02:32 Jan 31st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Id like too put some new awards up
" Blame Canada " for the kingdom/player who got blamed for most   =]
" Smell my fear " for the most chicken player
" I swear it wasnt me " for the biggest stirrer
" They dont call me Mr.Bunny for nothing " for the most jumping player

18:20:12 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award). Agents until they fell apart :P or holy :P

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity - no one deserves this this era

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions :D trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics :D trio ?

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You - trio ? lol

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose - Eternity ?


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters - Erica...

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness - Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes - Nova

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics - Neon

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p dont have a clue ^^

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map - me ? :D

20:41:09 Jan 31st 08 - Lord Verll:

The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award). - LDK

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions - Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics - Trio

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You - Trio ^^

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose - Eternity


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters - Erica

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness - Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes- Neon/Nova

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics- Neon

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map - Hanky ^^ Very nice fellow ^_^

22:44:54 Jan 31st 08 - Lord Loren Soth:


The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award).- Agents

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity- N/A

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions- Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics- Holy

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You- Eternity

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose- Dark Riders


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters- hehe poor Erica ;)

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness- Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes- Salamon

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tacticsp- Neon

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p Agent Johnson/Agent Skinner

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map- Bloodlust

00:58:14 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award). Dunno much

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity   Trio

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions  Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics   Trio

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You   Rogue Pheonix

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose

Rogue Pheonix

The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters   Erica incarnate

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness  Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes
Dont know

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour =p  Gildorn, Fire lord Nova

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map

Also, awards to all those In my kd that proved to be loyal and stay till the end

01:36:55 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map- Bloodlust

.. what the hell

.. yea whats your military power exactly anyways.. soren.. im pretty sure id own you, .. if you have a problem with someone then tell them.. you pussy prick

02:37:48 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:


02:42:26 Feb 1st 08 - Lord Loren Soth:

lol Bloodlust it was not suppose to be a jeer at your expense.. you are probably right i am sure your OP is greater than mine.. i merely thought you deserved an award for being friendly and having something to say in every discussion and this was the only award semi suited for that. If I offended you then I am sorry. Just stop being so damn friendly ;)

02:50:41 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

its the mom joke. thing.. its highly offensive.. if you didnt mean it in a harmful way then i take back what i said.. i must have overreacted...

03:11:13 Feb 1st 08 - Lord Loren Soth:

hmm sounds like Mr. Bayushi Clamps might have some answering to do for creating offensive awards ;) tho to be honest.. I thought it would be nice to be nominated for any award.. sort of like a testament to the remembrance in the annals of VU history :)

05:23:03 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

The idea here was to poke good-natured fun at certain players and kd's since the era is at an end and people can get out their last laughs then get ready to make a whole new set of friends and enemies next era. That and to expose the goths around here =p Maybe I can get the "Cobra" Award for Most Inflamatory Forum Posts lol....*waits for cobra to pop out of the woodworks and tear into him*... =p

06:37:31 Feb 1st 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Sore losers... lol

13:34:03 Feb 1st 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol all you guys do is praise your own kingdoms and leaders ... :p bunch of suck ups

And poor erica :)

15:11:22 Feb 1st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Poor me  =[
Everyone says I have this award

 The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness :

15:49:33 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

That's alright Revenge, it just means you're sure to finish with a prize!

15:58:08 Feb 1st 08 - Sir Revenge:

I guess  x]

15:59:48 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award) - N/A

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity - Agents

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions - Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics - Trio

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You - Eternity

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose - Eternity and (Some of) Agents


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters -Reve....(Oh cavemasters...) Erica.

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness - Revenge

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes - Neon

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics - Nova

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour - Ognirg

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map - Tnega Htims (Nice guy not cos you're a pussy ;)

16:35:04 Feb 1st 08 - Sir Ognirg:

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour - Ognirg

Dishonour on what  base? You guys fighting 1 person or what? :)

17:36:01 Feb 1st 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

The "Oh Canada" Award for Massive Land Holdings and Zero Military Power (or the worst farming kd award) - DR - well, not much mil power any more ;-)

The "Oh Look, Lucky me, FIVE ACES...." Award for Outstanding Treachery, Poor Sportsmanship, and Utter Lack of Humanity - Agents

The "Dominant Dominators" Award for Dominion of Dynamic Dimensions - Trio

The "I Hope You Like Anthrax" Award for Mind-Bending Brutality and MA21 Tactics - Trio

"Bushido" Award for Integrity and Honour in the Face of Mueling, Bragging, Infuriating Infants Who Might Play VU Better Than You - Flip between Trio and Holy.  Both have Diplomatic Corps to be proud of!

The "Wow, You're Pretty Cool....For a Goth." Award for Good P.R., Nice-Guy Attitudes, and Some Third Hippy-Sounding Thing I Suppose - ARRSE.  I know where they come from, and they really are Goths! :P


The "It's Safe Here in my Cave" Award for Most Shameful Farming, Whoring, and Perhaps Sp@mming of Cavemasters -Reve....(Oh cavemasters...) Erica.

The "I'm Trying to Tell You, My BROTHER is the One With the Other Account" Award for "Alleged" Misdeeds and General Rottenness - Agent Phillips, by his own admission.

The "Are You John Conner?" Award for Player Most Like Arnold Swarzenegger in The Terminator When he Totally Goes to Those Bikers and Like, Says "Geef me your clothes" and They're Like "No way" and He's Like POW SMASH and Like Totally Takes Their Clothes...Man Thawazawesomes - In our bits of the war, Sir Dead Oralive without doubt

The "Hey Poland, it Seems your Borders Weren't Well Defended, I know That Because I Just Marched Through Them" Award for Most Devastating and Possible Geneva-Convention Breaking Tactics - Trio

The "Fantastic....Now My Religion Says I Must Commit Sepuku..... Be a Samurai Dad Said... See the World he Said..." Award for Honour in the Face of...Well...Dishonour - Deadordying.  Not so much in the face of dishonour, but walking away from a siege that would've killed me early (cos of the now-fixed siege bug) was the best honour I've seen for a long time on here!

The "Had Sex With my Mom? Oh Well, All's Fair in Love and War" Award for Biggest pussOH NO I MEAN Friendliest Player on the Map - Gotta be Squiddy, same note about nice guy.

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