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About Relations
20:02:50 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Argyle:

What do people of vu generally thinks about kd1 and kd2 in nap, attacking kd3, then kd2 takes dying members from kd3, and now kd2 has to make decision of either killing the old members from kd3 in the new kd, or let them be because I don't know why. Is this a fair "tactic" or is it just beeing a pain in the rear end?

Share your thoughts (this exact situation can be found mutlible times between more then 5 kingdoms in mantrax atm, but we are not gonna talk about that, just peoples opinions).

If I didn't make myself understandable, sorry I might have gotten to many glasses of rum...

20:05:39 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

if your talking bout refugees from wars i say kill the lot of em, if they aint gonna stick with their kd throughout then they shouldt be let into the atkin one

20:07:59 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

ues, kill them. this shows disloyaly to their kingdom, they should NOT be rewarded for this. they should be sought out and destroyed.

 end of discussion

20:09:15 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

I think Kds that die should be dead, shoudnt be given refuge....
I agree with the statement "beeing a pain in the rear end"


20:40:03 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

This seems to be becoming quite common.  personally, I don't know why a KD would want to take in a jumper like that - if they do it once, can you be sure they'll stick with you if they come under attack again?

On the other hand, if kd2 feels that it needs the refugees to boost its ratings and kd3 is no longer a threat, then maybe the best thing would be for kd1 to give notice on the NAP (which is now redundant if kd3 is falling apart) before kd2 makes itself even stronger and cancels the NAP themselves.  Then they could attack the jumping players without a problem.  This would be good because it would (a) show the refugees that jumping doesn't keep you safe and (b) show Kds who accept refugees that it may not be the best way to get stronger ;-)

Btw, Sir R, for a minute I wondered why you'd posted as you've just moved KDs yourself but then I remembered that you did it to make life harder for yourself rather than easier, so fair comment ;-)

21:30:37 Jan 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

It should be a part in your NAP terms, if it wasn't stated in the NAP terms, you are technically not allowed to kill them

22:06:36 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Now what if the member that was under attack didnt like its Kd's decision and they swited Kd's during the war.

Example: If Bob belongs to KD1, and KD1 declares war on KD2 and KD3 which have an NAP even though KD1 knows that they will lose. If Bob doesnt like that then he switches to either KD2 or KD3...

22:09:34 Jan 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

people who jump kds mid era should die pure and simple

22:13:13 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

What if they just got into a Kd to finish out the era? They dont even like the KD they are in. Like my situation, I came into the era long over half way through. I joined a KD and found out that it was unorganized and dying fast. this is the first time I have been with the Kd and I have only been in it for a few days. I told the Kd that Im currently in that I am going to leave soon so I can settle into the next KD that I will join. I do this to understand the plans for next era.

22:16:48 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

You certainly don't learn anything by bailing.

22:18:02 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

How do I learn from a KD that im better than? I was in it for not even a day when they promoted me to vice. I have played longer than you expect Bayushi.

22:19:39 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

if you give notice when you first join that you wont be staying for the full era or w/e its ok, if its because the kd is in trouble and you might get killed then you should be attacked and killed bcuz o jumping ship, you made the decision to join that kd so you cant blame the kd itself.

22:25:23 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Exactly. In my application I told them that I was only staying for the remainder of the era. I also mentioned me leaving before we went to war.

23:06:33 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Maybe you should leave and kill your kd if your stronger than them, that way it's an act of newb slaying rather than treason.

23:14:52 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

lol, I was seriously thinking that. But there are others that are attacking me and I have to worry about. Also there as some people in the KD that I like.

23:23:20 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

..........potato if you said you wer stayin for rest of era but now ur switchin cuz ur kds dyin......thats jumping

00:20:40 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Clone V:


ask something like well how can i improve my relation with my children or fammily or work or friends or anything.
Kingdoms omg Newwb

00:27:38 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Mr. Potato

1/19/2008 5:25:23 AM
Exactly. In my application I told them that I was only staying for the remainder of the era. I also mentioned me leaving before we went to war.

Read better Kassius...

00:41:44 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

so you were going to stay the whole era......but you were also gonna leave before the war.............write better Potato

00:46:44 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

I decided to leave after I found out that the KD was unorganized and wanted tp get into a bigger. better one.

Dang Kassius, stop making me repeat myself...go back and read before you post.

Mr. Potato

1/19/2008 5:13:13 AM
What if they just got into a Kd to finish out the era? They dont even like the KD they are in. Like my situation, I came into the era long over half way through. I joined a KD and found out that it was unorganized and dying fast. this is the first time I have been with the Kd and I have only been in it for a few days. I told the Kd that Im currently in that I am going to leave soon so I can settle into the next KD that I will join. I do this to understand the plans for next era.

02:37:06 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

that post still makes u a jumper dude, you left because the kd was going down and youwanted to save yourself rather than help it out

05:08:21 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Your going to make me explain this all over again arn't you...

Why do you insist on making me repeat myself man, are you not all there?

Maybe you should understand my situation before you call me a jumper.

When I applied for the KD I thought I was going to stay for the whole era...untill I found out that they were unorganized and didnt like to listen to their Vices...This all happend BEFORE......BEFORE the war. I was promoted to vice the second day I got in. I started to make plans for the better of the kingdom, do you know what I got as replies? The sound of crickets in the background. This alone irritated me, I tried again and again to take command in organizing the KD...half of it didnt even visit the forums. By this time I finally had enouph...I posted in the forums that I was leaving so I can settle into my new KD and see what it's plans were for the next era. THEN CAME THE WAR. When the war started, my KD already knew that I was leaving. Now I am in the process of defending the Kd that Im still in and when my troops are dead. I will resign and join the new KD.

You see. I thought I was going to stay for the era but better plan*beep* me when I found out the true mess of a KD that I got myself into.

06:14:57 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Soc:

you are still leaving your kingdom in its time of need. frowned upon

06:34:20 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

agreed.  KD hoppers, or people who don't stand for their KD during war, should be ZAPPED.

08:01:49 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

ok guys. Whatever.

10:50:21 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

techinically u cannot touch the kd hopers if in the agreement between u and them and it says nothing about kd hopers

22:43:48 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

  The other kingdom shouldnt stop you from doing it since those members were in the enemy kingdom you were fightin and are considered enemy to you so they accepted them knowin those members could come under attack even though they jumped to allied kingdom.

oh and those terms should only apply to members that were in the kingdom when you created the NAP not kingdom jumpers who werent in it they should be excluded from the terms you set up in my opinion. But its up to the kingdom their from to leave them be or attack them it just depends on what they want to do.

So killl them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22:51:15 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

dam edit didnt work(ran out of time lol) take out the words their from in bottom paragraph when you read it near the end

23:26:40 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

potato i got the point that you told them you wer leavin before the war started when i said that you left ur kd when it was going down i was reffering to the fact that you didnt even help out trying to stabalise it, even more than that you were a viceroy - no matter if it was only 2 days after you were joined - and a vice is meant to help the leader keep the kd stable...anyway the fact that you said you were stayin full era makes you a jumper regardless of the other implications

23:32:34 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Seriously though, I tried to get that KD more organized, Like I said, they didnt listen. I fought battles for the Kd during the war still also to help out. I got no acknowlagment from ANY of the member other than one person, And both me and him left the KD. We decided that it wasnt even worth trying to stabalize it when non of the members was way past useless and a waste of my time.

23:34:50 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

i symathize that it would have been bloomin annoyin by i stand by the previous post

23:35:00 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

Sir Dead Oralive


1/19/2008 10:43:48 PM

  The other kingdom shouldnt stop you from doing it since those members were in the enemy kingdom you were fightin and are considered enemy to you so they accepted them knowin those members could come under attack even though they jumped to allied kingdom.

oh and those terms should only apply to members that were in the kingdom when you created the NAP not kingdom jumpers who werent in it they should be excluded from the terms you set up in my opinion. But its up to the kingdom their from to leave them be or attack them it just depends on what they want to do.

So killl them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i think that bit shud be in the nap agreements otherwise ur known as a nap breaker

23:41:42 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Potato:

I agree with you Justainius.

And yes Kassius...It was long past annoying.

01:31:21 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Dark Lord Finwe


1/19/2008 12:09:34 AM
people who jump kds mid era should die pure and simple

I agree with the Abydonian scum.

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